Have you ever dream which has no meaning?

June 18, 2010 6:14am CST
Hi mylotters, I always dream very unusual like I am running and somebody chasing me and to escape myself I am running and running and crossing the building by jumping from one building to another but I dont know who is chasing me just I know this much that somebody is chasing me.....one day I dream that everywhere in this city everybody si having some pet wild animal like loin, tiger, snakes even elephant and many more and no body is getting scared while I am the person who is getting scared with all those animals....do ever such kind of strange dreams ever seen to you?
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13 responses
@blazekk (22)
• India
18 Jun 10
u really have weird dreams lol hmm i dream rarely though i dont even remember what i dream at all haha
1 person likes this
• India
18 Jun 10
Its good that you rarely dream .It means you always had a sound sleep while I am just opposite always saw some different dreams.
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
18 Jun 10
On the contrary, it has been proven that everyone has many dreams each night, but we only remember the one we are having when we wake up. Clinical trials have proven that people who don't dream do not rest well and become sleep deprived.
• United States
18 Jun 10
I dont think I can remember the last time I had a normal dream. When I was a lil kid the worst dream I would have was that I was playing in the yard and the mailman would be at the corner of the house looking at us. I would have this dream all the time.
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• Mexico
18 Jun 10
Hi Shadow munk: That's a strange dream I have to admit. Sometimes kids are scared of people they find are strange. Were you afraid of the mailman? It must be really scary that you think about the mailman looking at you. When I was a kid, I remember that I have a strange nightmare of people screaming and that I don't understand where does these screams come from. This was really strange and scary to me. Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day. ALVARO.
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
20 Jun 10
i seldom remember my dreams,to tell you the truth. but sometimes when i do, i do have strange dreams. sometimes,i would remember some people in my dreams, although, they are all together in my dreams, they don't really know each other in reality. once i dreamt that i was running around because i lost my 2 phones, camera and ipod all at once and i was looking for it in a park where all the members of my auntie's christian service was there, then when i woke up, i was out of breath.
@med889 (5941)
18 Jun 10
I always make strange dreams and when I analyze them they are all bits and pieces of the everyday life of what I see and what I feel too, so yesterday I was dreaming of standing on the peak of a mountain just like the Buddhist stood in the movie 2012 then instead of feeling the same as he was feeling in the movie I was feeling the peace and at the same time admiring my own hair in the air as I did a thorough brushing the day before. So it is all about what I saw and what I feel also.
• India
18 Jun 10
This type of dream you saw may be because this 2012 movie left the great impact on you or you were thinking a lot of that movie, thatswhy you were feeling yourself in that same place.
@Tangeryne (412)
• India
18 Jun 10
The reverie world: I could go on and on about all these different and most of the times, recurring dreams that I get which I can't figure out what they mean! Your running away dream probably signifies something that has been bothering you which you don't wanna confront. Probably its something your unaware of and that's why you don't know who's chasing you! The wild animal dream is probably your insecurity about something. Off late I've been getting these recurring dreams and they all deal with the same topic: tsunamis!!! Though the dreams are different, the essence is the same. Wonder what they mean!!
• India
19 Jun 10
Thanks for telling me the meaning of the dreams .
@asep988 (92)
• Indonesia
18 Jun 10
Haha, it's just only a usual dream I think. I often dream the things that really unusual like yours. It's not really important and it don't have any means to me. When I wake up, sometimes I forget the whole dream when I sleep...
• India
18 Jun 10
MOstly , I also forget the dreams but some how few dreams which I could not forget are always very unusual kind of ..even I also never care , what they means but it is said that what you think is comes in your dreams while I never think in the way ...way I saw the dreams.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
18 Jun 10
I have had several dreams in my life that have left me feeling perplexed. Dreams than have no significant meaning can drive you insane. you rack your brain trying to put your own meaning to a wild and craazy dream. The stranger the dream I have, the more I want to know what it signifies.
• Mexico
18 Jun 10
Hi rastogisw: I think so. I have a lot of dreams that have no sense.. for example in some dreams I fly and I feel happy and complete because I'm on the middle of the sky, in some others I am planning a travel to a place that in some cases I don't even know where it is. In some other, and I don't like these dreams, i'm discussion with a person about a stupid subject, but I discuss like it was a very serious and important discussion that we are having. Sometimes, I have even cried while sleeping because of a discussion I'm having in my dream which have no sense. Thanks for asking us this question. Have a nice day. ALVARO.
@siliguri (4241)
• India
19 Jun 10
Most of the times the dream that comes has no meaning. Talking about your dream is really funny and weird..
@dian21 (606)
• Philippines
19 Jun 10
I always have strange dreams almost nonsense for me, because I have every night. A lot of times I don't finish one dream in just one location. It's like I'll start my dream in my house, and then I will be transferred to my relative's house and to places I don't know. Since I was a child, my sibling will tell me that I was crying, talking, shouting or laughing. Even upto now, my husband told me that also, and sometimes I will be awakened by my own shout because of my dreams. I don't know why I have so active unconscious or subconscious mind.
@saihai (128)
• India
18 Jun 10
Hello friend A hole lot of actually.I dream so many dreams that have no meaning.Many a time i wake up and realize that its hard for me to remember what i dreamed of actually ..ha ha .There are dreams which come repetitively.Means I have seen the same old dreams many times ..like I have been falling down from a hill or from a very high place ( which is indeed a very scary for me ,because i have alto phobia ...lol)or i have lost any near and dear one in crowed.There are dreams which come in pieces which is very hard to relate one to another ... After all this i have realize that dream never comes in a constructive way..:P:P
@Philip65 (91)
• Brunei Darussalam
19 Jun 10
Hi. i don't think i actually dream at all nowadays.. or is it just that i forgets that i did the moment i wake up? well but i can remember that i use to when i was young.. there was this one dream when i dreamt that alien invaded my home.. and it was after watching Mars Attack.. haha.. weird? i think im wondering why i don't usually dream anymore nowadays..
@ahinora (56)
• Bulgaria
20 Jun 10
In way you retelling you dream, it means you are afraid something. You running from the true, because, you are afraid that many people understand it anyway.Kind of animal shows tip of person which is interesting your personality