Online colleges

@labea17 (443)
June 18, 2010 9:21am CST
What can you say about online colleges? I plan to attend one but I am not sure which is the best. Any suggestions?
3 responses
@laratri (253)
• India
26 Jun 10
hi... I really don't know about this one. Have a good weekend and welcome to mylot... Thanks Laratri
@Philip65 (91)
• Brunei Darussalam
19 Jun 10
i've never studied for an actual degree or diploma through online before.. but i know there are a few varieties, there are some which do not require any examinations at all to receive a certificate while some will require you to take an exam, either online or at a place set by them.. i think it depends on what you want from it as well as what kind of course you are planning to do, whether it is just theoritical? or with hands-on? also it depends on the college itself.. besides studying online, there are also those of which you just have to purchase the textbook and hence you have to self-study on your own.. you only register for examination when you feel you are ready and i think it should be arranged with your country's ministry of education.
• United States
18 Jun 10
I went to a local college in town that offers online classes. I did every class online and never went to the school unless i had to fill out paperwork, but i can say i never attended a class i a school. I did all my online college classes through the internet. You do particpate in groups through email and what not but it was so much easier for me because listening to a professor can get boring and tiring after a while. Every month was a different class for me and it was easy as i didn't have to drive anywhere for a class but just wake up and get online and do my class. While i did my online classes i also worked full time so it was easier for me to do it online. Have a good day and enjoy your college classes online when you do start.