starting a forum

@pokster (211)
June 18, 2010 5:07pm CST
Me and my friends are thinking of putting up a forum intended to cater people from our own ethnicity, meaning people that originally hailed from our place of birth or those that have native blood from our own, even if they migrated or were not born here from our place at all. We were thinking of using phpbb style because it's free. Do you think that putting up a forum requires admins to be good programmers? And how do we know we can survive paying for the domains?
1 response
@Distrx (120)
• Australia
18 Jun 10
phpBB is quite popular these days. Other nice free options include SMF and myBB. A few years back, phpBB had a problem with exploits and hackers but that is all fixed up now. My personal forum choice would be to go with SMF. I really like the clean look of their forums personally. And no - you don't need to be a good programmer. There is a multitude of php scripts that have already been written that you can simply copy and paste. Best of luck in creating your forum, I was thinking of creating one soon as well. I just need to figure what hosting plans I wish to buy.
@pokster (211)
• Philippines
24 Jun 10
I haven't tried working around smf on localhosting yet. Maybe I could download their scripts and try to compare the two. I've inquired once in gator and just hosting sites and they charge around $20-30 for a year I think. I'm not sure, sorry.