I save things I think I'll need in the future, but then I never use them!

United States
June 19, 2010 1:49pm CST
I save a lot of things, especially paperwork. I was going through my file cabinet today and found math worksheets with formulas I thought I'd need in the future. I never used them. Ever. I actually forgot I had them. Do you save a lot of things? If so, what do you save? Do you use what you save in the future or do you forget that you saved them until you come across them when you're cleaning?
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43 responses
19 Jun 10
This is the most expensive(time/space) and useless work we use to do, we always thing someday i will use this and than that someday never comes. For me it came 2-3 times but that is history. I dont feel it is a good idea to save for long time, yes but you can do it for small time for which u really think it is going to be used. In more appropriate word will be used by someone whom u know or in near future u have a need of this else forget it, things can be arranged anytime. (!not everything)
2 people like this
• Mexico
19 Jun 10
Hi raj puts hil: I agree with you, when we keep with us something to use in an undeterminated future we don't really use it because we forget that we have this object with us. I think that we do this for emotional reasons, we hesitate to throw out something that were with us because we have a kind of affection to these objects. It sounds stupid but we create these strange relationships even with objects. Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day. ALVARO
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
19 Jun 10
I have decades of stuff that I have saved I jot down things when I am talking on the phone, numbers and inmportant details , and then these notes all pile up but I never throw them away because 'one day' I might need them. Thank goodness that I have a photographic memory and can visualise the situation and the colour of thge paper that I used to write down a certain thing. This makes it easier when I am searching for something. I also save any plastic containers, shoe boxes and plastic and paper bags. I hoard them I find a use for them later on but I never run out as I save them ALL. Now I have a new item that I am collecting - the cardboard that is inside kitchen and loo rolls. I am convinced that one day in a few years they will be a cheap treat for my grandson. We can colour them, build with them, use them as tunnels for the cars that he will have then and....
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
19 Jun 10
lol @ being blessed I am so far behind but I am going through all the notifiers and, as I saw your comment on the other discussion, I guessed I had better get here quick! He is only (almost) 4 months old so I have a couple of years at least to keep collecting them
• United States
19 Jun 10
Wh-hoo! I'm blessed (because you responded to my discussion!) My mother saves plastic containers and boxes of all kinds. She thinks we'll reuse them, which in fact, we do. But we have SO MANY. Oooh. He better have fun with those coils! I would be in heaven if I was him! So many things to do!
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• United States
19 Jun 10
You didn't need to rush! LOL But thanks for stopping by! I really am happy you dropped by to respond! Aw. 4 months old? How cute! I can picture you carrying over about 100 of those coils in a few years.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
20 Jun 10
A lot of things that I saved over the years were never used. They were just taking up space. So when I moved last year, I started giving a lot of things away. I am now continuing that trend. If I don't need it,then I will give it away. I'm trying to stay lean and clean.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
22 Jun 10
Yes, that has happened. But we can't win them all.
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• United States
21 Jun 10
Good for you! The hard part is determining what you'll need. Sometimes, I throw something out, then curse myself because I need it a few days later. It stinks when that happens.
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@juicekodai (1119)
• Philippines
19 Jun 10
same here... i keep a lot of stuff i thought i would be needing in the future but then forget about it.. i even still have some of my notes back in college.. some even in high school.. hahaha... my dad had to burn them.. hahaha well, after so many years, i learn to let go of them... lol
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• United States
19 Jun 10
That's a good idea! Maybe I should burn all those papers form high school. I save them because I think I need them, but I never use them. Yay for giant bonfires!
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• Philippines
19 Jun 10
yeah, i keep those notes too thinking i might need those informations in the future.. well, we can now use the internet if we need infos... have to say goodbye to those mess...
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• Singapore
20 Jun 10
Hi Steph, I have been doing that all the while but then like you I find that I forgot about them and went out to buy new ones whenever I need them. The only thing I mostly recycled is paper. I used to store plastic containers, wrapping papers and boxes thinking I might need to use them for storing gifts. But then they never did come to use and I threw a lot away during one of my de-cluttering sessions. I would still keep things I think I might need but I want to be more organized about it and keeping only a minimum.
• United States
21 Jun 10
I bet saving containers is the most common form of clutter. I mean, my mother does the same thing. She collects lots of containers, thinking we'll reuse them. We actually do use most of them, but we have so many now, we just throw out any more we get!
• Singapore
28 Jun 10
You should throw out the old ones, first in, first out.
• United States
20 Jun 10
I save things I think I'm going to need for future, and I use them. For example, I save fabric paint, books, and material. I end up using the paint to make designs on clothing. When I save books I normally sell them on Amazon or I give them to a friend who is in need. I save material and use it in some type of craft. My husband told me a long time ago that one mans throw away is another a mans treasure. So I learnt not to throw away things quickly.
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• United States
20 Jun 10
You're one of a kind. I tend to keep things for the future, but not use them. I mean, I think I will and when I come across them, I do use them, but until then, I forget they are even there. It's upsetting to find something you wanted to use bt it was worn out because you kept it so long and forgot about it. How sad.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
20 Jun 10
Since I like to do crafts, I save just about anything and everything..I got milk cartons,buttons,beads,construction paper,ribbons, dried flowers...etc...but I haven't had the urge to make anything in a long time, probably because we have less room than we did a few years ago and I have these items boxed up..
• United States
20 Jun 10
I got rid of some sticker mostly because I use them for my kids and they were the girly stickers I used for my daughter..I doubt my son would appreciate flowery stickers..LOL
• United States
20 Jun 10
My mother does the same thing! She has boxes of craft supplies. Colored sand, pom-poms, fabric paint, pipe-cleaners, stickers, you name it! They do come in handy a lot of the time, but they eat up so much room!I am thankful for it when I have to do a school project though!
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• United States
21 Jun 10
I love stickers. Oh! And temporary tattoos! They're just os much fun1 I wouldn't get a permanent tattoo though. I'm afraid I'll hate it when I get older.
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@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
26 Jun 10
I save notes and stuff from when I am reading books, and anything I think I may be able to use again, brown packing paper, cardboard boxes and all sorts of other junk. I sometimes use it, and I sometimes forget it, and a lot of times I will remember I have and forgotten where I put it. It is all a matter of the situation and the item. Sincerely and With Appreciation.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
27 Jun 10
Even when you place them in an organized binder and label the binder, when you think you need them later, I always think, I would have put it under Cars, when really it needed to go under things with wheels...
• United States
27 Jun 10
I mostly save notes too. And books. I just love books. I love reading. I hate when I'm looking for some note that I need and can't find it though. It's like, I think I put it where I can find it at a later time, but I never can!
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@slovenc1 (2089)
• Slovenia
19 Jun 10
I do the same thing. Somehow i managed to save some primary school notebooks as well. But recently i carried most of school stuff including formulas to recycle paper bin. I almost finished with school and won't need it anymore and if i do i'll get formulas on internet. I do the same thing with movies. I have 1tera usb and like 500 giga movies on it that i saved if i want to watch them again. And i could download them in about one to two hours. Ah well what can we do some ideas are stronger than us.
@slovenc1 (2089)
• Slovenia
20 Jun 10
I also like to tidy everything and throw useless old things out but i don't live alone so i have to live with many things most people wouldn't stand. Nice reputation by the way, keep it up
• United States
20 Jun 10
I still should keep some of my school books. I have a few more years of college to go. I bet I'll throw most of the schoolwork away once I graduate. I tend to not keep things around too long, unless I have a need for them (or think I have need for them.)
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• United States
20 Jun 10
Thanks for the compliment! I try my best to be friendly and helpful around here. I try to create good discussion questions and responses as well. I tidy things up, but rarely go through them. I straighten them up so they look nice and organize, but keep the clutter.
@rexrevol (328)
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
I do save a lot of things as well. But like you, I thought I could still use them in the future. Now is the future and it seems they are of no use to me. But my hopes are still high...If I cannot use them today or tomorrow, maybe when I get married someday, my children will, or my children's children. Ahehe
@rexrevol (328)
• Philippines
27 Jun 10
LOL!!! If I try to save everything...I can't imagine what my house would look like someday. Ahahaha. Here comes my saying: "enough is enough, too much is too much". Doesn't make sense? Hmm...It does.
• United States
21 Jun 10
Or maybe your great grandchildren will use it. LOL You never know what the future holds. So, why not save everything!
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
20 Jun 10
I still do it. I have so much junk that it makes me sick! I had some Basic and Fortran language program sheets that I saved for when I was going to practice programming. But I never had time to do them and they are now in storage. One reason I'm glad I save bills though is because some businesses (forget or lie) and send me bills saying I owe this and that. Or they say I owe this amount that I don't owe. When I look at my bills, they show that I paid in full or that I don't owe that much. Lately I've been fighting my unemployment case and the company didn't plan for me to have my records. It's sad that my ex coworker friends threw away their contracts and evidence that would have helped them in their fight for their unemployment benefits. You never know these days what someone might try to bring against you. I am also fighting my landlords who don't seem to know their math too well. Though I hate it, I'm glad I save my records.
• United States
22 Jun 10
I had quite a few chances. Around 1970 while I was going to school in Pittsburgh and not knowing what I wanted to do with my life except not go to Vietnam, I saw these computer repair schools opening up. Since I always listened to my uncle's advice, I didn't go into that field. Fast forward to 1981. My cousin/uncle was going to Eastern Michigan U and working for his uncle who was the second highest Black computer specialist in the world. He kept bugging me to go into computer science since I'm so good in math. I had wanted to be a social worker, so when I graduated from college I started teaching adult education mathematics. But I needed a teaching certificate so I went back to school and took this required Basics class. It was pretty easy. I was teaching in the math lab at Washtenaw Community College and I showed this coworker my Basics program and he was impressed. So I thought, maybe. I then went to Eastern Michigan to get my teaching certificate with computer science still the last thing on my mind. I took Fortran and blew the instructor's mind. But still didn't think about going into computer science. When the millenium scare wafted about I decided it was time. I was too late. My cousin/uncle had a computer business and he enlisted the help of my uncle who was an engineer. They made loads of money. Spurred by the millenium scare, I went back to Eastern to get a degree in teaching computer science. I applied for a loan. Then things went bad. I couldn't get the full loan which I would have used to get a computer. It used to be there was a computer lab until Midnight back in the 1980's. But now most people had their own computers. And the computer lab closed at 5. I really had entered school late in 2000 so I took C++ and was a month late but still got an A. I did good in Assembly Language as well. But the finances were not there so I had to drop out with even more debts on me now. So now I know I'll never see what I could have done. I still help people get rid of viruses on their computer and other things. And I taught myself DOS which comes in handy sometimes. And now since I now have computers, I know I could blow some folks minds if I took another computer language course including C++.
• United States
21 Jun 10
I wanted to learn programming too. I learned a little bit of Basic, but when it got tougher, I became confused. I realized that going into the computer field was not my specialty. Even though I love computers, I wouldn't want to program them. How come you didn't go through with it?
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
19 Jun 10
I'm just like you. I keep old posters, postcards, magazines and comics. Not as a hobby or a collection but rather for something inside I thought I would need in the future too. I'm beginning to throw lots of them away especially now that they are taking up space.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
21 Jun 10
Agree. Old habits in me die hard. More thrown out making space for a few more to come in. Haha...
• United States
20 Jun 10
Once it starts to take over your house, it's time for sorting out. I rarely go through the stuff I save unless I need to. I never actually realize how much stuff I have until it takes over.
@maikeruk (405)
• Germany
20 Jun 10
ha i know that felling, is kind of funny after reviewing how much crap we can keep storage. what I decided since i move of country is to have a simple rule, everything that i consider that I wont use in the next 2 week i dispose of it. you have no idea how easy the life become after that.
@maikeruk (405)
• Germany
21 Jun 10
indeed might sound a bit crazy but believe me 2 weeks is enough but you can be conservative, that wonk take anything :-)
• United States
21 Jun 10
I like your idea. I don't know if two weeks would be enough time for me though. Maybe I'll change it to a month. Then, I think I'd feel ready to give the stuff away since I haven't used it for a month.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
19 Jun 10
I used to be bad for this. But, now I try to live a minimalistic lifestyle, and so I usually toss out what I don't need. I find the more things you have, the more worries you have, because you have to spend time cleaning, sorting, and worrying about where they are. And if it is documents and stuff of that sort that you worry you may forget over time, just upload them into your computer, takes up way less space, and when you want to find it, you can just search for it by typing in the keywords.
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• United States
19 Jun 10
I understand what you mean. As of now, I'm still in college, so I think that I'll need the notes in the future, it's just that I forget I have them. I think that not having a lot of clutter is a good thing too. I worry a lot, so maybe it is a good idea to have less stuff. Thanks for the tips!
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@derek_a (10873)
20 Jun 10
... I was only realizing this myself this morning as I was looking through some old hard drives that I took out of my old computer. There were so many files and documents that I had forgotten I had created. I then started looking through my computer CD programs, and loads of program I have bought over the years that I no longer have interest in. It's strange because I still feel resistant to throwing this stuff away" _Derek
• United States
21 Jun 10
It's hard to throw away computer parts. Especially me, because I love computers. I think my old Compaq Presario running Windows 1998 is somewhere. I hope my father didn't throw it out!
@shaggin (74023)
• United States
20 Jun 10
When I was little I was a pack rat. I had the weirdest collections and even the things that werent weird I just couldnt part with. I would save everything. I'm not sure how old I was when that changed and I started hauling stuff out. I hate clutter. I cant stand seeing people hoard things. I read an article in a magazine on how to stop the build up of clutter and it said to go through your stuff and anything you havent used in years take a look at it and say could I buy this again for around $1. If thats the case they said to just toss it. I dont really like going by that though because just because its only $1 to buy a new one it doesnt mean that I want to waste $1 buying something that I could have just saved and had for when I needed it. I tend to just know if I will ever use something again or that I am sick of having it and stick it in my yard sale. I really have very little clutter because I sort things and get of things so often that it doesnt build up. If it does I get so stressed and have to take care of it or I feel like I'll have a nervous breakdown.
• United States
21 Jun 10
I'm not sure if I like that article much. I mean, even if it's something cheap, it doesn't mean you won't use it. I guess it depends on the item. I don't save as much stuff as I used to. I can throw things away without having a panic attack.
• India
20 Jun 10
I was like you earlier. What you are doing is called cluttering. Do clean up every now and then and then this problem will disappear. I have decided to clean up my desk every alternate day and that has been a big positive. Now a days I do not save these things. The only thing I save is MONEY!!!!!!
• United States
21 Jun 10
Money is good to save! Save lots of it! I try to clean up all the clutter I have as much as I can. But it still accumulates. It's like a never ending task!
@de_toya (2429)
• Indonesia
21 Jun 10
Yes I do. I save many things that I thought I will need them in the future. Mostly, I save files or copy of files. I use most of them. Indeed, I can't remember what kind files that I have save but when I need a copy of files, I will check it first whether I have a copy. If I thought I don't need those things in the future, I won't save them. I would throw them away at the first chance.
• United States
21 Jun 10
I save a lot of files too. Mostly paper files though. I feel like I'll need them in the future. I throw things away that I don't think I'll need, but that's rare.
@sagar21 (1579)
• India
20 Jun 10
ha..ha...I too have this habit... saved many...until they got...worn out/useless... except one thing....money... I save a part of my income ,I don't like to waste it for unnecessary purposes... thanks for sharing.... have a great day/night..........
• United States
20 Jun 10
I agree, sagar. Money is the one thing that you can save forever and it won't become useless. (but with the economy, who knows?) I remember when we were younger, she used to save her Halloween candy until it got stale because she didn't want to eat it all at once. I usually just save papers that I think I;ll need in the ftture.
• India
20 Jun 10
i always save such work but as u said i forget about them later. I think i might get a chance to use them later but that never happens... i have the memory of an elephant. So i use sticky notes sometimes like in the bathroom i have one for which i use to switch off the geyser. i have some of them in my class desk also...
• United States
21 Jun 10
I love sticky notes! I had them covering my whole closet door once. Just because it looked cool. I rarely use sticky notes though. I mean, they're neat ways to remind yourself, but I rarely use them.