What's the maximum you would spend on a new laptop?

June 19, 2010 2:05pm CST
I bought a new laptop a few months ago and I paid around 400 Euros.But I am curious about what others spend on their new laptops...
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@Ramsesxlll (1431)
• Finland
27 Jun 10
I am going to buy a MacBook Pro 15" with 2.66GHz i7 Processor, 500GB 7200rpm and a lot of other spec crap, and it's gonna cost much above 2000€, so... I won't buy this expensive computers every day though, so this is only very special. Th reason why I pay so much for it is because I want a really good computer, so that it will still be usable after 4-6 years I think that buying a laptop for about 400€ is quite smart, but I can't use anything else than Macs because I love them so I have to pay quite a lot for them. Don't get me wrong, I still get a lot of quality stuff for my Mac, and for the same price range, most of the Windows laptops aren't even as efficient. Or maybe not most, but all that I have seen.