Is Beer Good Or Bad For You

United States
June 19, 2010 6:00pm CST
Is drinking beer good or bad for you i really don't know yet.They say that beer reduces the risk of having coronary artery,good for male potency, contain anti-oxidant,reduces the possibility of having blood clots, reduces the risk of developing kidney stones,softens the skin and let it glows, relaxes the muscles and helps remove fatigue,boosts mental activity, strenghtens mental activity,strengthens bones,promotes the development of hemoglobin all these things i heard and read from the net that really beers good for you,so far i did not read anything that it is bad for your health.Maybe in moderation it is good for you coz everything to much is not good for you..
1 response
• Bahrain
19 Jun 10
Of course it is bad