have you ever feel like this?!?!?

June 20, 2010 8:53am CST
I don't know what terms i can use?!?! But i can say it is sleep paralyzed. the first time i experienced it, it was really scared. i am half conscious and only can see everything straight in my eyes. In other words, i can not move it around. This also happened to all parts of my body. i even can not raise my finger. So, it was like paralyzed. This usually happen 5-10 minutes before i am really conscious or wake up from my bed. had MyLotters experience this?
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6 responses
• United States
26 Jun 10
It's sleep paralysis, it's normal and it happens to a large number of medically healthy people. Even multiple times. Your brain sends signals to your body to keep it from moving during REM sleep. Sometimes when you wake up your brain is still sending those signals and you're be paralyzed. It's happened to me twice. The major symptom is waking up and finding yourself unable to move. Other symptoms are feeling like you can't breathe, like a weight is on your chest, like your heart is pounding straight out of your chest, hallucinations, and an intense feeling of dread. Not everyone experiences all the symptoms listed, but the common symptom is being unable to move. If you are concerned, then talk to a professional doctor, but chances are he'll tell you the same thing. It's darn scary, but it's normal.
• United States
26 Jun 10
The first time it happened to me I felt the same way. I was hearing this deep ominous voice and I felt like there was this massive weight pressing down on me, and I couldn't breathe. I did some research on it, and the second time it happened I was less scared. I just concentrated on trying to move my little pinky, and when I did it immediately stopped and I could move.
• Indonesia
26 Jun 10
yes, i darn scary just like you said. First time i experienced it, i felt like i am gonna die because i heard strange sounds and seeing strange shadows :(
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@zel2zel (134)
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
I also experienced that when I was 10 years old. I woke up in the middle of the night then I suddenly felt different, like my mind was 'blank', and I cannot move my body. I was like started screaming, but no voice was coming out. Scary! But it happened to me, seriously!
@zel2zel (134)
• Philippines
23 Jun 10
after reading some comments here, I decided to add information about that thing that happened to me when I read an article about sleep paralysis by the above commentors. "Some scholars believe that sleep paralysis may account for some of the old claims of attacks by witches and the most recent "reports" nocturnal abduction of aliens." -medicinenet.com When I woke up, I saw unknown creatures, I can describe them as human-like creatures, with red skin, red eyes...(waaahh.. I don't want to define anymore. I don't want to remember their weird appearance again ) "A rare fatal form of sleep paralysis may, it is thought, underlie the case of healthy teenagers, mainly in SouthEast Asia, who die in their sleep, sometimes fighting for breath" - medicinenet.com When I saw these unsightly creatures on my bed, I started screaming, but no voice was coming out. I want to get out from my bed, but I was totally paralyzed. Then it was like I can't breath anymore. Then I don't know what happened next. Luckily, I woke up shivering and still scared, I look at the mirror and asked myself, "What the hell happened to me?" and yeah... I'm from Southeast Asia by the way.
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
20 Jun 10
Sleep paralysis (or 'waking paralysis') is usually quite harmless but, nevertheless, frightening. You can read about it here: http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=9806 If you are a believer of things like 'out of the body' experiences and 'lucid dreaming', then this kind of paralysis on waking (or going to sleep) is considered very valuable: http://www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com/waking-sleep-paralysis.html The best treatment is to understand what causes it, that it isn't harmful and to know that it is only temporary, lasting just a few minutes or seconds at most. Some people wake and are alert instantly, others take several minutes to wake up properly, though they are able to move and perform routine actions before they are properly awake. Sleep paralysis is just another way in which our bodies and minds take time to become fully conscious and functional. Here is another page concerning treatment: http://www.fountia.com/sleep-disorders/sleep-paralysis-treatment
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Jun 10
hi shin I have a time sometimes opening my eyes for awhile til I am thoroughly awake and moving my arms and sitting up,its called sleep paralysis and only lasts about five to ten minutes then you come out of it and you are fine. I asked my doctor and he said its more common than one would think and not to worry at all about it.
• Indonesia
21 Jun 10
i see.. so you have consult with the doctor.. Thank you for your information. I am feeling better now Hatley :D
• Australia
13 Jul 10
I had this happen to me just last night, and it has happened before. It soo scary, isn't it? Mine last night i was having a bad dream, then I was aware that i was dreaming tried to wake completely, and couldn't move. That scared me even more. I remember trying to call out help me, but I couldn't even open my mouth. I forced and forced and finally sound came out and I finally woke right up. I remember being in that half awake, half asleep place because I could see my room, like my bed faces my window, and I could see my blinds and the foot of the cot next to my bed, and other stuff in my sight. But couldn't move. I hat e feeling like that and I wish some one could explain why this happens.
@saihai (128)
• India
20 Jun 10
OOO goshhh! I never felt like that, not even heard before ! Its a peculiar kind of thing i must say. How often you feel like this ? Did you consult with doctor ?