Do you regret?

@zenki08 (700)
June 20, 2010 9:53am CST
Did you ever regret being friends with someone? In life we meet a lot of people, but the thing is we can't really know what kind of person we are dealing with. I have had that experience recently. I just wish I did not meet that person.
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8 responses
• Philippines
20 Jun 10
Something bad must have really happened that you are regretting ever meeting that person. Luckily, I've never had to regret being friends with someone as of yet. I'm not sure about your reason but maybe you have trusted that person so much and you we're betrayed. For me, I meet a lot of people and become friends with them, but I'm always careful not to trust them all fully until I know them for sure. It's really hard to trust people these days but of course, there are still a lot of good people out there.
@zenki08 (700)
• Philippines
20 Jun 10
Sad to say yes I have met such a person that I really regret being friends with.
@jose431 (164)
• India
27 Jul 10
Yeah,I had a stranger friend which we had met in net after some month pass we made a relation,one day he has come to see me in my place,after we share our love and feeling, After 1yr I heard bad news from his friends but I can't believe,unfortunately I saw he was walking with another girl but she is not other than his wife.Lastly I really regret to being with him.
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
20 Jun 10
I felt this same way about a person who I thought was my best friend. I invested a lot of time and energy into our relationship and then she proved by her behavior that she wasn't the same kind of friend to me that I was to her. I spent a lot of time agonizing over it until I read a quote that put it all into perspective. "People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you figure out which it is, you know exactly what to do." Michelle Ventor. Try thinking about your experience with that person with this quote in mind. I think that it will give you a new perspective.
@jugsjugs (12967)
20 Jun 10
I know what you are saying as i have also felt like that about a so called friend.There are things that they were saying aswell as doing that really got my back up,so what i done is i tend to avoid that person as that way i think they would get the hint.That friend turned out to be a back stabber to me aswell as other friends of theirs aswell.I do not need friends like that.
• Philippines
20 Jun 10
No regrets because everything happens for a reason.
@aamir007 (129)
• India
20 Jun 10
I never like to regert on such kind of relationships try to learn always.
• United States
20 Jun 10
Yes, I have regretted being friends with a few people. The experience does not have to be a total loss. You can take what you learned to avoid becomeing friends with some other similarily "bad" friend. Good luck with your friends in the future.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
20 Jun 10
Oh yes, I have plenty of such B******, whom I shouldn't have met at all... Generally, I am a friendly and helpful fellow.. and many people have taken disadvantage of my good nature... My EX was the worst of them... She exploited the money out of me, just as we squeeze lemon for its juice... I HATE HER!!! If ever I meet her again, it'll be her last day of happiness...