Do you think age really matters in Love and Relationship?

June 20, 2010 1:52pm CST
As per my opinion I personally believe that age does not matter in friendship or other relationship except in Love.Being young does not mean that a person is immature. In society people consider it wrong since another person is still a minor.I think age does not matter but difference between two person's age matters. If a girl's age is 20 and boy's age is 25, it will not be create any problem in relations.But if the age difference is huge like 20 or 25 years it will create problems in life. what do you think?
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24 responses
• Indonesia
20 Jun 10
hi, love is a mystery. no one will know how it come and go. people will not care about age if they fall in love. i believe if a couple really fall in love each other, every problem that they need to face is not really matter.
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@annjilena (5618)
• United States
20 Jun 10
well it matters if they are to young my mate is 9 years younger then me.i sometimes see the difference in age things iam passinate about whereas he takes it lightly sometimes i say to myself if he was older he would understand.i don,t think a person shold date a child or a young adult if they is so much older being friends would ok you could learn from each other.
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20 Jun 10
Hi Crazy The answer to your question will always depend upon the person/s involved. What works for one person may not work for another. I have been with my wonderful husband for 8 years and married 4 of those years and we have a beautiful little girl. There is so much love in our marriage and we are very happy. This is when I then say yes, we have a big age difference. One in which I would never have gone looking for though love hits and you cant ignore true love. We have a 20 year age difference with my husband being the older one of us. Many people may be shocked at this though why? Before you ask, no there was no money involved as I know many people jump to the conclusion of the man having lots of money and the woman being a money grabber. Our relationship was formed purely through love and love alone. There are problems in all relationships especially as two people get to know one another though there may also be added problems in age gap relationships what with the two people acting to different situations differently due to their different ages and life experiences - I am the first to admit that and would not reccomend age gap relationships though if two people love each other - really love each other - then an age gap should not matter to them or anyone else. I am proof of that as are many people out there.
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@rosie230 (1703)
20 Jun 10
No I do not think that any age difference is a problem in a relationship. The most important thing is love and trust, and if two people want to be together they should. I think that relationships work no different really to those who have ages closer to each other, you still have to work at your relationship the same, you still have the same arguments, you still have the same feelings and needs. I say this purely based on my own life. My ex is 20 nearly 21 years older than me. I met him when I was 17. We had a child when I was 20, and our love for each other did not change. We did split up after almost 11 years together, but it was nothing age related, it was to do with him not wanting to commit to either me or his son in our relationship. I think that if things had been different and he had been committed, then we would still be together now. I am now in a relationship with another guy, who I have been with for over 4 years now, and he is 19 years older than me (I am 30 - he is 49) we also have a child together which we had last year, and his age and my age difference has nothing to do with our relationship at all. We are just the same as any other couple. We fight and enjoy ourselves like any other couple, and our relationship is that of what anyone would have, even if there were no age differences between them. By the way - not having a go here, I am just giving my personal opinion as someone who has and is living in this kind of situation. Every body has their own opinions as you do yourself.
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@lekkipen (14)
20 Jun 10
The issue of age difference in a relationship is relative. But It is a known fact that women mature faster than men. Therefore, whether a man marries a woman much younger than himself or the other way round, where the woman marries a man much younger, it doesnt matter. The woman will still end up looking out for the man.
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@ahinora (56)
• Bulgaria
20 Jun 10
By me : there is no matter in relationship between two persons. I had a boyfriend, who were 18 years older than me and our love were very strong, beautiful , honest and for a long term.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
21 Jun 10
No! It takes two to clap. Age is just a number.
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
Well, in my opinion... before, age doesn't really matter for me when it comes to having a relationship thing.. But now...I want to marry a man who is older than me by just 2-6years..but not older than that..hehe because my mom and dad has an age gap of 13 years, and I saw the bad effect of having a husband/wife older than you...they have a possibility to die earlier than you...or, they will just go back into a mind of a child earlier than, it's really hard to adjust. but even if my father is now about to get back into a mind of a child, still... I can proudly say that the relationship of my parent is healthy..they really love each other...and I really really love them...and I'm very happy to have a parent like them. ^__^ happy mylotting ;)
• China
21 Jun 10
That is a old question.
• India
21 Jun 10
heya Age is seriously not much of a factor if you are truly in love with someone. But situations change and by chance if you fell in love with someone married or something like that then the matter is serious and it is something you must think about. Yes i know also that loving someone elder than you is still a major problem especially in India. Depending on the circumstances and the situation given listening to your conscience can help you know if your truly in love or not.
• China
21 Jun 10
I also think there is big problem that the lovers's age have difference.but in my opinion,I don't want the difference is too large,I think the difference is less than five,I think it is wife only two years younger than me.
• Pakistan
21 Jun 10
i belive tha age does not matter is only heart wich matter alot. if u have and young heart in any stage of ur age you are young.....
• India
21 Jun 10
hello crazy poster ! I have read some of your other posts too. As far as I believe, age does not matter in any relation as long as everyone involved in the relation have the Ability and the freedom do make their own decision. I mean, the elder person should not dominate, and the younger one should not be meek. hope you get me.
• India
21 Jun 10
In friendship ages does not matter but in love age matters. if boy is older than the girl then its fine there will be no problem but if it is girl is older then boy then might be problems due to age difference.
@dierdre (2207)
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
Well in my opinion if the people involved are below 20 years old then it does matter, like it doesnt feel quite right for someone who is 15 years old to have a relationship with a 12 or 11 year old, coz the other person is still in grade school and the other one is in high school already. But when they are already 20+, its quite ok already. I think even if the gap is large, if they get along quite well, which is what matters the most, then age is out of the question. Unless there is a hidden agenda behind it, but thats out of the topic.
@Ruby722 (796)
• China
21 Jun 10
I think age does not the matter in relationship at all,on the contrary i think children is more purer than adult.They are more sample ,they dont care for too much,and betwwen a couple as i conside if they turly love each age wont be a problem too.
@rexrevol (328)
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
You have a point there. I agree with you that the gap between the ages does matter. Some people bloom or get matured physically and mentally faster than the others regardless of what age they are in. But the gap between ages may affect any relationship whether they are mature or not.
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
i don't think age doesn't matter in love and relationships. never listen to what other people say, as long as you love and respect each other. everyone is being immature at times. it doesn't matter as long as you understand each other.
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
Would you believe me if I say to you that I have a 60y/o boyfriend and he is 35 years older than me? and would you believe me if I say that we love each other so much. I think I already discuss here about my boyfriend and I think you commented on it. Well, our ages is not a problem in our relationship, the problems are the people around us. They are judging us like they know how we feel.
@velika (31)
• Bulgaria
21 Jun 10
And I belive that age does not matter in Love. The people be able to in love at 100 age:-)...and above 100 age:-). I't this is wonderful!