Some people like to spend their weekends reading at home.Others prefer other one

June 21, 2010 3:27am CST
Some students will choose to review the books at the weekend.Because they think the time is so important, However,I don't think the weekend is for relaxing which will keep yout body good condition,you could study more efficiently in studying days. In addition, the weekend will also pave the way for entertainment and help you reduce the physical and mental stress which is accumulated in normal times. What's more,the weekend provide the much-needed oppotunities to have some diversion from the rountine.which normally tend to become dull,dreary and monotonous. So weekends are fully dedicated for relaxation.
2 responses
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
Weekend is a time for yourself, for your family and for GOD. That is why during weekends, I see to it that I will dispatched all the worries I have in my work and spend quality time with the people I love. I give myself a good laugh and a good atmosphere to relax to a stress free environment.
@ahinora (56)
• Bulgaria
21 Jun 10
If we work the weekend is the time for resting.All another is about a weather, if it's shiny, we can go somewhere with friends, children to visit parents.But if it's cloudy we can read books, watch films-improve ourself.