End of the World? Get a Grip already :D

June 21, 2010 5:10am CST
Hello there, how many times do i have to hear this, end of world 1960's,80's ,2000, and now 2012 (year of the talk-end) when are people gonna stop talking about the END of the World PLoy Get a Grip already and do something about your life I mean, come on people, we will all die some day, so why talk about it putting the end of the world when it has always been the END of civilization and not the mother earth. we have seen history but not every one in those times talks about the end of the World thingy.but they're civilization gradually am not that ignorant, before i have read about this 2012 end of world thing about Nibiru, Annunaki and aliens who once dominated earth thing. then prophecy by this and that would destroy us and everything in it.not to mention a movie was made by it. Why are we so afraid to die when were not so afraid to SIN, so not ready to repent? Ready or not, if it's your end, then face it like a Brave Humanyou don't need to whine about dying when you're not even immortal,you're gonna die some day anyways. that's why we have LIFE, to spent it wisely, at least do good deeds before you hit the dust. Live your life, be happy at least to what you have. whining,complaining, being angry, revenge, depressed is like a excess baggage that you shouldn't be carrying..in your life.
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15 responses
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
25 Jun 10
the sky is falling the sky is falling... oh wait, that's rain...
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello dawnland. My point exactly.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
28 Jun 10
lol thanks for the BR...
@hexeduser22 (7418)
• Philippines
24 Jun 10
I didn't know that the Earth was destroyed and remade many times before the 2k bug happened. I'm just glad that we were part of the transformation of the world even if we ourselves didn't notice it Amen to this discussion and I salute your efforts to make people see how easily they believe such tall tales. It's okay to believe if one wants to believe but just don't spread rumors about it and make others panic, right? I hope people focus more for the betterment of each and every community we are in and for the betterment of the world we live in
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello Hexeduser, well, I've had it too. so many civilizations ended and we came up here and still talk about the end of the world crap! earth has been reformed so many times that new civilizations starts again and again, i guess those old times that people still talk about this topic. they shouldn't panic, probably when bad things happen, we will always do something about it. lets enjoy life.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
22 Jun 10
I have been hearing prophecies about the end of the world all my life and the date keeps changing! I cannot say that there is not going to be an end to the world as it is because I have no way of knowing it and for that reason I put the question at the back of my mind and focus on living my life now. You’re right; living a good existence with integrity and compassion is the way to go. Worrying about dying and the world ending is futile and will only take life’s joy away in the present.
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello Paula, yeah, it does, doesn't it and it's tiring after the year 2000, i thought it's all over now and we can move one and then came in 2012, what's next 2023 or 2032? i don't if it's even gonna end, although we can die because of human abuse of nature but the world too? i don't think so, i believe nature has a slow ways of coming back.just enjoy life, people die happy because they enjoy life.
@jamed28 (1903)
• Philippines
22 Jun 10
Well you right above something, people do tend to predict the end of the world, but still where here. But actually we where just all victim. Victim of the film industry. As you can see, main everytime there is a craze about the end of the world, there is always a film related to that. It is because film makers are grabbing the opportunities, that their film about end of the world would be interesting to film viewer. So if you are telling the general public to take a GRIP, as you say it, you should leave alone them because they don't care. It's a hot topic for a while, but after the an apocalyptic movie was shown, I bet you it will also be gone. Go protest on the film maker if you think you are sick enough of the END OF DAYS SCARE.. But I think they won't listen to you, it is because they are earning 100 of millions from it. lol :) peace men!!
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello Jamed28, Why should I leave them alone? people are again being deceive when it's supposed to entertainment? of course, most people know it's a film but for petes sake it's been ten years since the 200 so called end phenomena. it becomes spicy when film makers choose the end of the world ploy as the best show trend to every one. i think i have right to do so, that's their choice if they don't listen, it's a crap people's imagination is harming others.
@sumit057 (227)
• India
22 Jun 10
Scientists have always come out with some sort of stats showing us that becz of water or changes in tha natural calamity the world is gona get over by 2010,but i dont think any such thing is gona happen so soon.Yes we have harmed the enviroment a lot ans have to be ready to take its toll in near future but definately not 2012,i don;t believe in it
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello sumit57, well, everything happens because of nature. and if nature is going this crazy, it's because of man made pollution. environment changes if we don't preserve it. that's our problem, and this end of the world is really a pain to most people that can't move on simply because some of stupid rumor.
• India
22 Jun 10
Is it possible that the world will be destroyed due to some power and the world will be end
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello shilpadandhis, i don't know. if i were i wouldn't let that believe sink into our precious minds, we got better things to do than think about the world will end.
@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
Very nice post. I think you are right about those end of the world scenario. Even during the biblical times there are parts that tell about armageddon and many things about the end of the world. Now even in the modern times there are things that still persist in us being human. Because we know that somehow our life would end so we always see that our world is also has its end. We should acknowledge that there will indeed be a time for that one and when that time arrives we just need to be ready facing the end.
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
21 Jun 10
LetranKnight25, I just cannot help feeling what Rae Foley once said regarding these people: “I always feel sorry for people who think more about a rainy day ahead than sunshine today.” I simply do not really care a hoot of what is being said as I feel that we already have enough to work on and care about every each day that there's no need to bother about tomorrow. If we cannot even take care of today's people and events then we can forget whatever is tomorrow or the day after next or years ahead.
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello SKysuccess, i believe what we do every day counts the most. and planning for the future is something that we do today. well, regards to rainy days, i think it's logical for them to be prepared for it today than wait for them to loose everything, home, things and basically their lives, so i guess they can be prepared than wait.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Jun 10
amen to that Letran. great discussion. Its about time someone said stop complaining and bit#hing about things. Its now time to live while we are alive instead of just existing and whining over things that were predicted e very ten years since I was born. Why not use that energy to do something positive to save our world. We could work on pollution of our air and our waterways too. Also you are so right most of us complain all the time of what we do not have,instead of being grateful for what we do have. I have met people from other countries who just gush with excitement over all the things we have like variety of food items in our US grocery stores. And here we are taking it all so forgranted and thinking everyone has the same advantages. But they do not so its up to us to be thankful and grateful for what we really do have.And we should all of us be ready to help each other.Where i grew up in south Dakota you just did not drive off and leave a person with a car that did not work stranded on the highways. we all stopped to help anyone in trouble as we expected that same help in return. for one thing in that state towns are few and far between. In the winter one could die if their car stalled on a highway during snowy weather and they did not get help. we just did not drive on by like they do here in California.
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello Hatley, People here are happy when ever an OFW from other countries like United States brings home a big box that has lots of goods in it.probably a lot of people in the first world like yours got bored with their usual life and come up with the end of the world gig.i don't have a car and i don't even know how to drive but am happy with my life.
@jeffrynov (130)
• Indonesia
21 Jun 10
I don't believe to anything or trying to conclude something only by one view if you ever heard about the end of the world before you are right there were all just a tale-talk but 2012 this is different it may not be the end of the world but the end of many lives it maybe a little sarcastic but it should be done
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello jeffry, Well, it's the end of one's life that we should all believing and probably move on about it. these tale talks give people the creeps and they'd probably just don't give a damn of what other people think just to let them express it. we will all die some day and that's a fact that we didn't really worried about except the tale of apocalypse.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
hello Letran, You have written good explanations here my dear brother. Yah,why afraid of the end,but not afraid of sinning. The word "forever" will be forever,but everything will come to an end. And living each day like it is your last day will you give you courage to live without fear of dying,or fear of the end of this humankind. No one knows when and how the world will gonna end. One thing i am sure of,it will be the time of judgement. We are given our freewill to choose between good and evil,between life eternal and hell. The long suffering of God give us the chance to repent and do good things in order to gain life eternal. Have a good day my dear brother
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello Sis, No one knows so why bother giving false informationa bout it, sure to earn money from their prophetic books. free will is gonna take us into trouble that results the end of our civilization in the first place. the end that i know is the end of our lives and if we don't do something about it then we won't be able to appreciate what we have.
@swetashah (345)
• United States
22 Jun 10
I don't know much about End of the world thingy. But we have to live up to our lifetime, and do whatever we can to be memorable and no regret during our lifetime. So, why don't we enjoy our lives a little bit before this so - called end of the world.
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello swetashah, I don't know. you tell me. have you thought about it? i don't regret much, how about you. take care.
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
21 Jun 10
when my brother or my father talks about that, my mom will tell them to stop talking about it and instead, do good things and have faith to God. there has been a lot of stories telling about the end of the world even before the latest 2012. i remember seeing on news that there is a sect of Christian here before the year 2000. there was this news that the world is going to end so they built an arch boat like in the bible that will save the members of their church. there was also a group, i don't know if this is the same as the first group. they say that there will be darkness and that only the candles that are blessed by their church will give light. for me, when that day comes, we will all die. what we should do is to face what we have right now and make a better world. mother earth has been abused so disasters show. we should restore our nature so we can still enjoy it's beauty while we are still given by God the chance to wake up and enjoy His creations.
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello Mspitot, Yeah, i remember that and then some are even claiming that it's their membership that will save them and not the rest, seriously i find it ridiculous.besides, as far as am concerned we haven't scratch the surface,No one knows so why bother giving false information bout it, sure to earn money from their prophetic books. i believe we can evolve better than what we are now, and the world isn't going to end.i agree we should enjoy life and gods'creations. the end that i know is the end of our lives and if we don't do something about it then we won't be able to appreciate what we have.
• Philippines
22 Jun 10
honestly, i don't really care about the end of the world thing. i believe that such exaggeration in stories is fiction and is not to come. the whole sudden burst of the world with aliens coming to destroy earth is nonsensical. if such is yet to come, so be it. for now, i would like to live my life to the fullest with my family and friends.. and i still believe that if we think positive, then positive outcome, it will be.. so let's just think that scenario is never going to happen as we pray and trust to our Dear God.
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello Ajawrite, I don't take a way the possibility of an Advance Civilization and possibility of attack but you know, we still don't have that so why think about it. that's right conintinue to be positive so that you would be able to fulfill and enjoy what ever it is that you do.
@rosie230 (1700)
21 Jun 10
To be honest I don't think that this kind of conversation will ever end, especially now since so many people seem to talk and worry about it. I just close my ears to it al now, I do not like to think about it, I like to think about my life as I have it at the moment with my children. I can't help but feel that to think and worry about the world ending, only makes us feel exhausted and worried and stressed out all the time, and really we should be enjoying our life. At the end of the day whatever happens will happen so what is the point in worrying about it.
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Hello Rosie, Yeah, i figured, a few days ago i found another topic that says about the end of the world.it does gives you the stress and the furstration of no going to live again with the worry of the end. enjoying life is something that people aren't aware to do so anymore, sometimes how could they ever not enjoying life when they have almost everything.