"Yo, goose! Move over!"
@StephanieAnnC (4274)
United States
June 21, 2010 2:30pm CST
Today, we were leaving Red Lobster and noticed a whole pack of geese near the pond. One of them was smack dab in the middle of the road. As we drove up to it, the goose still didn't move. So, my dad rolled down his window and shouted, "Yo! Move over!" It opened it's mouth as if about to say something, then took one step. We drove past it, laughing amongst ourselves.
Have you ever come across an animal in the middle of the street that just didn't want to move? What did you do about it?
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14 responses
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
22 Jun 10
OMG this brings back memories. This one time at band camp, No kidding. I was driving and came to an intersection when this dog. Oh my goodness he wouldn't move. I beeped my horn so loud and the dog would not move. For a split second I thought I had a Cugo moment....LOL... I nudged the car forward it wouldn't move, I nudged my car back it wouldn't move then a passerby came and threw something at it and it ran away....
This is too funny, I remember it like yesterday and it was like 10 years ago. Thanks for reminiscing. Too funny!
@StephanieAnnC (4274)
• United States
22 Jun 10
A dog? Wow. That's random. Not a wild animal. Maybe it was a stray? That's sad that someone threw something at it, but it was good that it ran away and let you pass. They can be quite the roadblock!
@StephanieAnnC (4274)
• United States
23 Jun 10
I wouldn't have taken any chances either. I would have just sat there behind my tittering wheel frozen. Especially if I had another life in the backseat. How scary! At least it wasn't a bear instead!
@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
23 Jun 10
Yeah it is funny now looking back, at the time I was scared out of my wits. The dog would not budge, and I had my baby girl in the car so I was afraid to exit my car as I wasn't sure if the dog would retaliate.
He ran off so fast as if he was being chased. God only knows what was wrong with him but one things for sure I did not want to take any chances.

@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
22 Jun 10
Hi Steph! Those geese won't move! They don't care! They think
they own the road and you have to wait for them to finish crossing!
We have so many of them in my neighborhood and they sure are
brazen! They can also be very vicious! They will attack! They
will come right up to you and bite! If there are little ones
there then especially beware! The are the bosses! We have learned
that through the years here! We don't mess with them! I have
never had a problem, but I have seen them get really angry.
My Landlord get's "rid" of them when they get too big in numbers.
I don't even want to think about it because I am an animal lover
even if it is noisy, disgusting geese!
@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
22 Jun 10
hehe...sorry to hear about your feathery problems
in the old villages in the rural areas around here, there are still some people who keep geese for those traits that you pointed out there dear..
apparently, once they're comfortable & lay claim to their surroundings, they'll be the best 'natural intruder alarm'...even better than guard dogs in some cases (according to the old folks
and when i was a kid visiting my grandparents & their relatives, my cousins & i used to play a game of trying to see who can pluck a feather from the geese's bum and get away with it! and yeah...i was never able to be one of the faster ones to get away from that darn beak 

@StephanieAnnC (4274)
• United States
22 Jun 10
LOL, Mario.
I would never try to pluck a feather from the backside of a goose. Then again, I wouldn't try to pluck a feather off any any bird. Those beaks are pointy! And they're feisty! Yikes!

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
22 Jun 10
Wow, that was a brave one. Here it's mostly squirrels or pigeons and they move out of the way pretty fast. I always slow down as I don't want to kill any creature bigger than a spider.

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
22 Jun 10
Oh deer! I wouldn't want to hit one of those beautiful creatures. Glad I never yet came across one. Happy that you didn't hit the one you came across. Happy driving!
@StephanieAnnC (4274)
• United States
22 Jun 10
You're lucky then. Deer are the worst here. I've dodged a few of them. I got really close to hitting one a while ago. How scary!

@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
22 Jun 10
waaaaay back in the day...when i was a tiny kid, and the family was back visiting the grandparents at my parents hometown. there were all sorts of little creatures coming out of the plantation & jungle near my grandparents housing area. one day when i had to cycle to the store for some stuff, i came across a monitor lizard
, basking in the sun with not a care for the world around it. it was quite a big thing (well, i was a small kid then), and it was pretty scary too. so i ended up waiting for it to move on, then only i continued cycling.. i was even a bit scared to say anything to it
aaah...the memories of those naive days always bring a smile to my face 

@mario_stevens (6964)
• Malaysia
23 Jun 10
to be carelessly lying on the road, or to be carelessly shouting at what's lying on the road?

@StephanieAnnC (4274)
• United States
22 Jun 10
I've never come across a lizard either. Most animals that end up in the middle of the road just lie there, not in any hurry. And you're like 'Move! What the heck?!" Sometimes, I wish I could be that careless, you know?

@ariyanti (205)
• Indonesia
22 Jun 10
I also have experience hindered by the animals when I want to pass. That time that blocks are a few cows. I got out of the vehicle and sent the cow away, but the cow did not want to go too. Finally, I find the owner, and asked that his cows aside. After the cows out of the way I can just move on, during the trip I said to myself, damn cows.
@StephanieAnnC (4274)
• United States
22 Jun 10
Animals are such roadblocks. And you think they'd move. But of course not. They just stare at you in bewilderment. Like 'Why are you trying to move me? I'm having fun here!"
@bluemoonpavilion (4658)
• Singapore
22 Jun 10
I suppose it's quite different in a city with heavy traffic. Here we encounter many cats and dogs on the roads. I always feel worried when I see dogs crossing roads, especially busy ones. They seem to know the danger and always quickly run across but sometimes they couldn't make it and would run back and attempt it again. My heart knots up seeing them do that. I have seen lots of birds that were knocked down on the roads because they tried to drink water from the puddles. It was a sad sight to see.

@bluemoonpavilion (4658)
• Singapore
22 Jun 10
I have seen many cats who have gone to sleep below cars because it is warm there, and they might accidently get squashed when the car starts again.
I'm glad your cat is all right, feeling non the worse besides having the worst shock of his life. I hope he will be more careful from then on.
@katykicker (231)
21 Jun 10
As I live in England it is not very common to see animals in the road that haven't been run over by something already. I did once see a deer in the middle of the road and as we were going round a corner it was fairly scary but thankfully it was scared and moved out of the way before we had to swerve to avoid hitting it. I did know someone once whose son had hit a tree swerving to avoid a deer on a similar stretch of road so I guess we were very lucky as well.
Now I think about it once I had to stop with my Mum because of a mother and her ducklings crossing the road. It seemed to cheer up everyone that we were stopped for something so lovely and it really was not an inconvenience at all as it was something wonderful and they were going on to their new home on a local pond.
@StephanieAnnC (4274)
• United States
22 Jun 10
Aw, that's sweet! Just like a fairytale! The mama duck, then the baby ducks all following suit. I'd smile if I cam across that. I don't think I'd honk the horn impatiently or anything of that sort. Then again, I'm a very passive driver. I usually let people cut me off and I barely utter a curse. to myselfIt depends on my mood though. 

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Jun 10
hi stephanieAnnC oh yes but this was much sadder. two years ago this past fall I was still in our tustin apartment . We had a huge wild fire burning
just a mile away in the Tustin hills. the wildlife were scared and when I went out to wait at the bus stop we saw these scared spitless herd of deer just runnng wildly as if the fire was still at their heels down the center of Newport boulevard the busiest street in the city. It took about three big wild life trucks and fifteen wild life people to get those crazed deer into the trucks. Most had burns on their hides and were covered in ashes and soot. The arsonists that set that one should be hung
up by their feet and whipped a few times before being put in prison. that fire caused a lot of homes to be burned to the ground and some firefighters were killed too. I had to watch the whole thing as the bus could not move until the animals were all safely moved to a different safe location.
@StephanieAnnC (4274)
• United States
22 Jun 10
Oh, no. That's so upsetting.
Poor deer. Even though they bother me when they fly past my car or stand in the middle of the road, I don't want to see them harmed. They're such beautiful creatures. I didn't realize how big they were until one was standing in front of my car. I was in awe.

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
25 Jun 10
I"m sure I have, and I would have just waited. Well maybe yelled and waited. Or honked and waited...
@jugsjugs (12967)
24 Jun 10
I am the type of person that would wait for a dove or a hedgehog to move off the road than swerving or even hitting it in a car.There has been times where as i have had to ask a friend to get out of my car as two birds would not move out of the road out of the way.Another time there was a hedgehog in the road so i held up all the traffic while i waited for it to cross.Now i can not drive, but if i could then yes i would do the same again.
@StephanieAnnC (4274)
• United States
25 Jun 10
I do the same thing. I wouldn't try to swerve around it either because I'd be afraid to kill it. I would hold up traffic too. I kind of wish we had hedgehogs in the roads over here. I think they are such adorable creatures. I might just scoop it up and take it home with me if I see it lying in the middle of the street! 

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
22 Jun 10

@rosie230 (1700)
21 Jun 10
Oh yeah I have had a time with some Deer on many occasions, and once a Stag, which actually worried me, since they are so big, and I had visions of it charging at me lol. But my problem normally happens when I go visit my parents, they kind of live in the middle of a forest, and I have to drive down a country lane to get to their housing estate. Quite often you get a lot of Deer run out in front of your car from the forests and fields either side of you, but on occasions (more so recently, because they have become less scared of cars), you do get the odd Deer just stand there in the middle of the road, and you sit there in the car, thinking that it will move, and it doesn't. I have beeped my horn, flashed my lights, revved the engine, inched closer to it, and even got out the car before, but they just don't move, unless they actually want to, which I have now noticed. I don't know why but they just seem to stand there and stare right at you, as if they are trying to work you out. I have no clue. I actually like Deer, I think they are beautiful animals, but when I faced the same dilemma with a stag, I just had to sit there like an idiot watching him, because I really did not want him charging at my window or something, eventually he did stroll off at his own lesuire, and I carried on driving, but felt slightly shocked at what I had just seen lol

@StephanieAnnC (4274)
• United States
22 Jun 10
Deer are the worst to encounter when driving. I almost hit a few of them. One basically ran past my car, missing it by an inch. How scary!
I think they are beautiful creatures too. I wonder why animals like standing in the middle of the street so much. Maybe they're doing it to annoy us. 

@123ninja (11)
• United States
22 Jun 10
This brings me back sooo far. When i was being driven in the car down my street at about 7 years, my mom was driving down the street in a hurry, and a squirell jumped in frontof the car. having too much momentum, we "ran over" the squirell. I looked back, and sure enough, it was still alive, just incredible frightened.
@StephanieAnnC (4274)
• United States
22 Jun 10
Squirrels are quite amazing at dodging moving vehicles! I bet if I was the squirrel, I might have had a heart attack! How scary! That squirrel was lucky!