Been here on MyLot for about a day. Does everyone use the little plus signs?

mylot - blurry mylot
@Jstewart (167)
United States
June 24, 2010 8:43am CST
As I have been reading through articles I have been using the + button and read about them in FAQ's. one was using them or the just was just wondering if everyone was using them or just reading and moving on. I mean their has been a few I did'nt do anything with because they were so off track? I figure that's what I should be doing rather then the minus in case there friends and there responding in some inside joke way? and I know I won't see anything untill I hit a hundred posts. just making sure I should be mashing the plus sign.
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8 responses
@oldchem1 (8132)
24 Jun 10
Hi Yes I always use the plus sign, this helps fellow members get their reputation. Obviously if the discussions are too bad I don't but the guidelines do say that we should use them. Welcome to Ciao, it's good to see a 'newbie' who has actually read the FAQ's!! I hope that you enjoy your time here and I look forward to joining in discussions with you
4 people like this
• Philippines
25 Jun 10
Hello welcome to mylot The plus (+) or minus (-) signs are the ways to rate your post (either discussions,responses or comments) by the other users, and determine if the post shows positive or negative impact on them. how ever, you can't negative rate on a post simply because you disagree with it. You will get a star (mylot rating, i think) when you reached you're one hundred post (100th). there you will know if the users had given you positive or negative on your post. good luck, don't piss on every one. have a great day
• India
25 Jun 10
The '+' signs are a great way to control how other users respond to your discussions or any other discussion in general. If all the people use those rate buttons correctly, then the quality of the responses of all the people on myLot will surely go up as they would be more careful on what they say. I have noticed a lot of people continue to do their stupid silly business of spamming the discussion even though they are not really worried about others. It's a great way to control others and they will be self conscious that other users are rating them and they will be under scrutiny by many myLot users. bourne
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@jennyze (7028)
• Indonesia
25 Jun 10
Yes, I give + to a discussion or a response which I think good and on the track. I never use - though. For me, all the discussion and responses reflect someone's mind. So what if they wrote something off track, it's entirely their own decisions. By the way, welcome. You are going to learn a lot, here.
3 people like this
• United States
24 Jun 10
I use the plus sign when I can remember which is horrible I wish that their were footers so I could remind myself to leave a positive response thing... but yeah. Welcome to mylot! It's always great to see new people on here just willing to post away haha! -Wickedspies
• United States
22 Aug 10
hi jstewart, i mostly use the + signs for every discussion. i figure it can't hurt to give another poster a good rating if they made the effort to post an answer. so far i have never had to use the - sign. i think we are only supposed to use the - sign if the post is racist, obscene, etc. even if the post is short i don't think it is enough of a reason to give the poster a - sign.
@bardgirl (362)
• United States
28 Jun 10
Oops I never even noticed the thing. I signed up a while ago and only recently tried coming on here.
• United States
25 Jun 10
Yes, I use the plus sign. I also use the minus sign, but only when it's called for. If a post is good and of appropriate length then I'll hit the plus sign. I try to plus everything that I respond to and all the good discussion responses that come before me as well. I'll hit the minus sign when I think a post is off topic or absurdly short. It's okay to hit the minus sign as long as it's deserved and not just because you don't like the person or something.