why people find fault for others

June 24, 2010 7:01pm CST
i really don't know why people find fault for other people. its okay to envy but that should be kept in thy self and not spread it to ruin one's reputation. this came up to me when my aunt spread something about our family that was not true. this happened when my grandmother died from a far distant place and we asked this aunt to give our money as condolence for the late grandmother. instead of having our family represented, she then spread something bad.
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6 responses
• Canada
25 Jun 10
Unfortunately some people criticize or demean others in order to make themselves feel superior. This is usually done by people who already feel inferior, so they need some way to feel better than others, to boost their self esteem. Although, it is a normal human trait to offer advice and help, this does not seem to be the case here. I despise lies and people who spread false information are just wicked.
@abj163 (1036)
• India
25 Jun 10
because these people seek for that.....this kinda people seeks for the fault of others....and they just enjoy it when they spread something bad like that....they think they are doing a royal thing.....its better to stay away from them just keep the distance.....and live your life....someone is spreading something bad about you but you and your heart knows the truth then why to take tension...and the thing is people just want foolish gossips for joy......they dont see who is gonna hurt for that they are just mean....so have to avoid that this happened with my family also...
25 Jun 10
yes absolutely right. it just made me wonder if that aunt has a heart. is she not afraid to God? my family helped them alot. there was an instance when they can't pay the electric bill she then ran to our house and borrowed money. she also met an accident and sought helped from us. why can't she be graceful to us.
• Malaysia
25 Jun 10
Oh that is not good...my condolence to your family. Most likely she has some grudge towards your family. I don't want to make accusation because just like you I am also a victim of my aunt. Well i was told by my cousin that our aunt was trying to brainwash her concerning choosing the right partner and started to talk about my past action. Yes I admit i'm not perfect but at least i am happy and never regret them...but she start to trash me which is not fair because i am not there to defend myself. This kind of people think they are doing the right thing but actually they are ruining someone life.
• India
25 Jun 10
Well its kinda human nature to always find faults in others. But some people do have this nature to a higher level. They do so because its very to make out mistakes and faults in the works of others. Also in this way they kinda try to hide their own mistakes and faults. So they just use it as a shield to protect themselves from being pointed out. But its really very disgusting to deal with.
• India
25 Jun 10
i don't think people hate you. They just like spreading all bad rumors around and as you know news travels fast. So i suggest you stay away from bad people as they cause nothing but more and more trouble..
25 Jun 10
Arguably people are critical beings, though some more than others when they aren't satisfied with their own lives or achievements. There is such thing as (positive) criticism and people who tell you that you could do better for instance, usually mean no harm but to encourage you to better yourself as they have your best interests at heart, but when someone tells you that your writing is very bad or that you are to blame for such and such...they mean harm and they say and do these things directly because they are not happy with how their own lives are, so they are bitter and resentful people who rarely have more than one friend! Your situation is awful, but the truth of the matter is that no matter what your aunt tells others, doesn't then mean that they are going to believe her wild stories as usually people are clued up enough to make their own decisions about something and can spot a gossip from a mile off. Even a court of law can work out the truth for themselves because that is what they are trained to do and your aunt would have to provide evidence to back her claims up otherwise they will be thrown out of the court room quicker than a bolt of lightening.