Funny movie qoutes!

@Jstewart (167)
United States
June 25, 2010 5:14am CST
So yesterday between mylotting ( I read alot of articles and rated them, I just did not really have anything to say that already was'nt said) I was searching for funny movie qoutes. I was just wondering if you guys had any? the lists that I saw on the internet were good but not any I thought were really funny? I must just be really differant? anyway my two favorites have to be: 1. Dr. dolittle 2: when Archie the bear gets popped with the traquilizer dart and he's like " ow, what the nap?" 2. Little Giants : the little fat kid is like "that's it I am leaving the united states, I am moving to new mexico!" ok, i know there kids movies but it makes me smile when i think about those scenes... just so I don't feel like a real dork I'll put in one from the hangover: The guy open the door to the car and hits the hits the baby with the door and the guy holding the baby says " Are my glasses ok?"
2 responses
@oldchem1 (8132)
27 Jun 10
Well my first one isn't actually from a film but is film related, Christina Aguilera asked "So, where's the Cannes Film Festival being held this year?" I love the line from Run Fat Boy Run - "I can lose weight, but you'll always be an a@@hole!"
@Jstewart (167)
• United States
27 Jun 10
I did'nt hear about christina, that's awesome. That had me laughing when I read it. I can see her being serious asking that. so funny. That's the second time I have seen you mention that, It's on HBO I'll watch it and tell you what I think. Simon rocks so I am sure I'll like it. By the way I know your over seas and probley know this show by heart. do you like the ricky gervais show. man, that Karl gets me laughing so hard.
26 Jun 10
Well I think mine is a dependant on your humour. I really liked this one liner because it was quick and quite witty I felt. In Erin Brokovich, a stuck up layer appologises for them "getting off on the wrong foot" to which Erin replies "thats all you got lady, 2 wrong feet in f**king ugly shoes" Well my sides were splitting lol, I don't know how that actually reflects on my personality though lol x
@Jstewart (167)
• United States
26 Jun 10
ohhh yeah. I forgot. that was a great flick. thanks for the response. made me smile.