Have you ever wanted to get old?

June 26, 2010 5:12am CST
I think nobody wants to get old, right? But we all want to get old when we are children. I wanted to get old when I was 5 years old. I think the life between 15 years and 25 years is perhaps the best period of life. That was the golden period for me at least. I lived every moment of it so happily. I was confident, very funny, very healthy and very brave. I thought the Earth was created for me by God. But when you get old things change a lot. You run out of your confidence, enthusiasm, courage and health. Life becomes dull and insecure at old ages whatever happy family you have. What do you think?
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33 responses
@eshaan (6188)
• India
26 Jun 10
I honestly never wanted to remain in same age...every time i was anxious for...what's next? ...but i never regretted being older...the only thing i feel now..that if i become young again...i will be more naughty...i will enjoy more with my college and school friends....but yes...now too i am trying to get my responsibilities to be carried out very well...i don't want my life to be longer...i want it to be happier in any stage..
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
26 Jun 10
next??? my children becoming successful...achieving great heights in their career...me having grandchildren etc etc
• India
26 Jun 10
that shows you are intelligent. Intelligent people get bored of staying in a situation and want to know what is next. So what's next waiting for you dear eshaan?
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• India
26 Jun 10
eshaan, that's very nice, my heart wishes for you to become a lovely grandma very soon.
@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
26 Jun 10
Yes what you say is true. I too think the same. Upto 30 years i lived a princess life then slowly responsibilities started occupying me and i started to fulfill them taking less interest about me and my needs. Now i lost interest about me and my needs as the old age is approaching me slowly with some health problems along with it
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• India
26 Jun 10
hi ex.princess, don't let age change you. I wish you remain a princess for ever.
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• India
26 Jun 10
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@skaterx (530)
• Finland
26 Jun 10
Don't think I ever have. I think the only thing good about being really old is being able to look back on the good times in your life. So live like you're young, have an adventure, do things you like, spend time with all the people you enjoy. Because it fades really quickly. I'm only 26 and I feel like time moves really fast!
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
26 Jun 10
Yes, I wanted to get older when I was younger so that I could do what I wanted and have more freedom and be respected more. When I got to 30, I did not want my body to age anymore. Now at 60, I'm glad that my mind still works pretty well, except for my memory. My body is not in too bad a shape, except for a few things. Still able to do much more than many younger people. I'm waiting for God's new world where my mind will get even better and I'll be given a healthy body of 30 again. Life will be so sweet then!
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• India
26 Jun 10
wow, you are 60? good, very good hopefulman. Yes health is main welath for any one to live happy life.
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@Porcospino (31365)
• Denmark
26 Jun 10
When I was a child I always wanted to get older, and I wanted people to treat me like an adult instead of a child. I wanted to be able to do the things that my older friends did, and I was looking forward to my 18th birtday, because in my country people are considered adults when they turn 18. Now I am 33 and like the life that I have today. I have problems and responsibilities that I didn't have when I was a child, but I like being an adult and I don't miss my childhood or my youth.
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@abj163 (1036)
• India
26 Jun 10
yes i wanted that in my childhood days....because i was sick of school and homeworks i just wanted to grow up and go to college......because there is no stress in collge life (according to me at that time)....also i was so naughty so my mom used to beat me for my mistakes so i was seek of that also but that were my mistakes at that time because i was so naughty.......but now i want to get back to school...and i want all my school days back and all my naughtiness also.....but it cant happen
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• India
26 Jun 10
hi, abj that's part and parcel of life. We long for getting old when we are children and when we become old we want to be children again.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
26 Jun 10
Very true.We would like to look very adult when we are children. I did like to look a stylish college going person[ or for that matter a Saroja Devi when I was in school].My father had got me a new chudidhar set and fancy earrings [those worn by Actress Saroja Devi in 'Periya Idathu Penn ' song 'andru vandhadhum adhe nila' and I still remember how thrilled I was when I wore this to a film 'pudhiya paravai'] The thrill I got when I could wear a new saree and a single braid and walk like a film heroine later when I was in 10th standard is still firmly etched in my memory. But after that , once I became an adult, got married and became a mother , all these thoughts just vanished.I just lived life for the moment and did not think of my age at all.Now I am middle aged but I am still very youthful at heart.I may get old but I do not like to feel old at all.I wish and pray that I should never feel old.God help me. Life may become insecure and old but this also depends on what kind of health one is blessed with.Another important thing is the welfare of children and spouse.As long as these are good and health is good , one need not feel old till the end.
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• Philippines
26 Jun 10
Good day., Life and age unfortunately go hand in hand. No one has a good reason to get old but everyone has one point or another has a good reason to live on. I guess we have to embrace both., live each day and respect age as it comes along.
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@srganesh (6339)
• India
26 Jun 10
Yes! The age 15 to 25 is celebrated well as we are in top in everything as you told. We have self confidence despite any failures and we have the guts to work even when we have to rest. But when growing old, we have less confidence even there are victories and we like to rest for simple reasons. Life seems to be a great struggle with all the responsibilities lying before. Yet, we can do well, if we have a happy home and supporting friends.
• India
26 Jun 10
hello srganesh, nice to note you found the age between 15 and 25 interesting. It's true we will have more responsibilities when we go beyond 25. But we can enjoy life even at 80 if we have that mindset, thanks
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@srganesh (6339)
• India
26 Jun 10
If we can make it up to the age of 80, then every dawn will be a boon for us and we can enjoy it in that sense. There will be less responsibilities and you will be the center of attraction in any family functions. People will be eagerly waiting for your blessings. But you must be healthy enough to manage your own activities. If by chance you are unable to move or do anything without others support, then you will see hell, here itself.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
26 Jun 10
Hi Viji. Well, no one really wants to get old, but as they say that is life. We cannot run from it. As for the confidence, health, enthusiasm and all that goes with it. Just believe in yourself, then no age will get you down. Hell, i'm 300 and still freaking going. See, wonders never seize to exist. TATA.
• India
26 Jun 10
Yes, you are freaking right saphy. Don't be proud for existing at your 300. I ' m looking forward to my 5th century soon. And I tell you I'm going damn strong.
• India
26 Jun 10
will you be strong enough to accompany me till 20th? Saphy do you know our (Indian)ancient saints were able to live up to 1500 years(now they have found out that we can correct our genes and live up to 1500 years. So who knows if some one develops a cheap tablet that can help correcting genes and live beyond 20th century? Wild imagination?
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
26 Jun 10
5th century, my butt. I think you are near the 10th. Strong, uum no. Wait another 20.
• Philippines
26 Jun 10
Yap, when we get old, things got complicated especially when we are financially off. The problems are harder to understand. I'm just anxious what will happen if I'll get old. But because I'm a hyperactive person, I just brush off my anxiety and instead of worrying I keep on holding my faith to Him.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
26 Jun 10
Every phase of life from infancy, teens, youth has a wonderful trait to be associated with. And that's the beauty of life. It gives you something else in return for what it takes. I don't think I should be scared to face old age. I just need to enjoy it. It's the wisdom of old age that should not be compared with anything.
• India
26 Jun 10
hi, tomitomi, our mind plays a vital role in being happy. If you can have a mindset to enjoy life at 80 nothing can stop you. In general people fail to enjoy life when they get old.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
26 Jun 10
Agree with you! Guess why people fail perhaps because they fail to see. Hope ours would be just as wonderful when our time comes. And that's for our friends too who believe as well.
@rosie230 (1700)
26 Jun 10
For me, when I was younger and at school I wished that I was older, so I could be independent get a good job and have money, but now I am 30 and actually I wish I was young again, because I realise now that they were the best years of my life, I had no worries and I was looked after... now we all worry about money, our family and everything and being old is not that great, but I try not to think about getting old, I just try to enjoy my life as best I can. But, I do tell my eldest to make the most of enjoying school, because when he gets older he will wish he was back at school again.
• India
26 Jun 10
hahaha, you are right rosie, when we are children we want to be bigger. When we are in 30's we want to be children with no worries and responsibilities. that's life.It's good let the children enjoy their life freely.
• China
26 Jun 10
whatever, enjoy this monent is most important.
@sagar21 (1579)
• India
26 Jun 10
yep,I wanted to get matured fast..when I was 8/9 yrs old... but now I'm and I don't feel good... as we pass through different ages, we have to do our duties which are applied... I'm trying to cope now...I have success and failures.... thanks for sharing...... have a great day/night.......
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
28 Jun 10
Sure, I used to wish I was older too when I was a kid. I must say that I think I have improved with age! By that I mean that I am not as impulsive as I was a few years ago. I believe that I have more confidence now than I ever did. I certainly do not wish I was older now, quite the opposite in fact!
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
28 Jun 10
Sorry, no idea why we have a double post!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
28 Jun 10
Sure, I used to wish I was older too when I was a kid. I must say that I think I have improved with age! By that I mean that I am not as impulsive as I was a few years ago. I believe that I have more confidence now than I ever did. I certainly do not wish I was older now, quite the opposite in fact!
• United States
30 Jun 10
I think I want a little bit of both old and young depending on the day I guess I am only 28 yet there are many days when I fell 88 and on those days I want to be a young kid again but then on the days that I am feeling 28 I want to grow old that way I can relax a bit with my husband without worrying about the rush as much we have to in the present day but I wouldn't want to grow old too fast because I want to enjoy my life with my family as long as I can
@picjim (3002)
• India
26 Jun 10
I think you are absolutely right.That is an age where there is innocence coupled with optimism.When you are younger life is enjoyable but things aren't in your control.As one ages one gains experience but also a bit of pessimism.
• India
26 Jun 10
hi, picjim you have said it so beautifully and thanks for the participation.
@allknowing (142115)
• India
26 Jun 10
One who has planned one's life looks forward to old age as there is so much happening at that age too which one can see with someone who has an organised life. At every stage there is excitement provided as I said one knows what one can do and one cannot when one gets old. Expecting to climb trees and then getting disappointed is definitely not the best way to look forward to getting old!
• India
26 Jun 10
Very well said allknowing. A well planned life will have minimum disappointments in life. It will suit getting old as well as you rightly pointed out, thanks.
@apresto (127)
• Bulgaria
28 Jun 10
Feeling old and being old are two different things and they can occur in different times of your life. Sometimes I've felt like a grandpa of my unborn grandsons but it gets you all wisdomy and smart and pragmatic, but it kills all the good vibes you send usually. Enthusiasm should never be in maximums cause it's a bad two-sided stick, most of the times... So being old should keep that in balance:)