The Most-Hated American
@whiteheather39 (24403)
United States
June 26, 2010 7:39am CST
Glenn Beck is #1
As we have watched the ongoing fight in America over the direction of the country, the actions of the Obama administration and Democratic Congress, and the efforts of the tea party movement, the Townhall editorial team has noticed a disturbing pattern: the American Left is trashing everyone who dares to stand against them.
Glenn Beck has been doing his thing for years. … It wasn’t until the last couple of years that the rabid hatred of Beck went mainstream. What happened?
it wasn’t just Beck’s joining the Democrats’ most-hated network that has driven liberals to hysteria and resulted in some sort of mental condition that causes them to go into conniption fits at the mere mention of his name in even casual conversation. … No, it’s more than Beck becoming one of Roger Ailes’ minions—much more. …
Beck’s real sin is that he has successfully combined his concern for the direction of this country—a direction currently being dominated by progressives who hate what America has been—with a powerful defense of American exceptionalism and a passion for the Founding Fathers and the system of government and nation they created to produce a show that both educates and entertains. …
Americans—Democrats and Republicans, young and old, those who’ve been political for ages and those who are just beginning to get engaged—now truly sense the threat to the American way of life that the radical Left’s agenda poses. They hadn’t realized it before—both because they had never seen such an extremely progressive, uber-liberal, revolution-loving president and because they had either forgotten or never learned the real history of the United States.
Thanks to Beck, Americans are waking up to what our government is up to and are hungering for the real story of their nation—the one that the progressive movement, using the schools and universities, has tried to keep from them.
We are falling in love with our country again.[/u]
That is why the Left hates him.
Are you falling in love with your country again???
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9 responses
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
26 Jun 10
White, it is Beck that has changed. I listened to Beck when he first came on the air, and a good portion of this program was entertainment, and a smaller portion was right wing hate radio. Today it is a very large part right wing hate radio, and an extremely small part is entertainment. He was very funny when he first started, now you laugh at him because you are afraid that he is seriously CRAZY. Last night he was on O'Reilly talking crazy again about The President of the United States saying that he could talk to animals. I remember being called UNAMERICAN when I made comments like this from people that agree with Beck's political views.
So, why isn't Beck UNAMERICAN now??????

@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
26 Jun 10
Thank you rodney850. I do not watch Beck because I seldom watch many political TV shows. But I do read all all his political rhetoric. It has come to a point where any and all unorthadox methods seem to be the only way to waken all the besotten sheeple who still cannot see the dangerous future Obama is leading this country into.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
26 Jun 10
What is really funny(weird, not ha ha)and sad is that you can't see truth and facts when they are slamming you right in the face! This man, Obama not Beck, along with his minions is doing everything in his power to bring down the democracy this country was founded upon. Sure Beck uses some unorthadox methods but sometime that is what it takes to wake people up! The eliteist ultraleft know what power he wields and are determined to bring him down or die trying. They know their success or failure lies with this task, to bring down Beck and the other popular hosts who bring the TRUTH daily about Obama and his cohorts.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
26 Jun 10
Rodney, so do you believe that Obama can talk to animals like your Glenn Beck????? Is this the TRUTH you are talking about????? I have NEVER said that Beck, or Limbaugh, or even Hannity should be removed from the airwaves. I just think that they should be held to the same standards that they hold everyone else. And, they should be held accountable for their actions, and their comments, and not hide behind the "I am just and entertainer" excuse.
Have you thought about the "truth" of want these right wing hate radio host are trying to push on you? Look at what the ultra conservatives, and tea party people want, and show me where these host were railing against the Bush administration when they were doing worst than Obama. From what I have seen, and heard for these guys the only thing they are supporting is their own pocket books. The constitution didn't mater after 9/11, and these guys attacked anyone that tried to defend it. Now the constitution does matter again, and they are attacking anyone that does attack it.
Rodney what you DON'T see is that the democracy that this country was founded on was destroyed after 9/11, and the eight years of the Bush administration. Our country wasn't founded on buying a $100,000 SUV, that you don't need, for a tax write off. It wasn't founded on using your mortgages as an ATM so that you can buy a new TV, or pool. It wasn't founded on people destroying the entire economy just so they could make more money than the CEO next door. That is what happened during the Bush years, and that was NOT good for our country at all. If you think that this is the kind of democracy that founded this country, than you are crazy. I agree that things need to change in this country, but you have to fix the huge problem at hand before you can start to turn the country around.
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@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
26 Jun 10

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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
26 Jun 10
Good luck with that one Rob, right wingers don't remember calling people UNAMERICAN. Funny how their memory is so short when it comes to what THEY did.
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@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
26 Jun 10
Yeah the greatdebater. They have unamericnesia. It's the severest case of amnesia a human can get.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Jun 10
NEver felll out of love with this country.
I had seen for years things that I didnt like but really didnt know how to work to turn the tide.
I read some of BEcks writting or what ever on his pages that I get thru the mail.
I do beleive if every one listens and listens deep we just might get out of this mess that the country is in.
I hated it when our factories went to other countries.
I hated it when I found out we were selling our techknoledge to otehr countries I thought we should have kept it all to ourselves ,yup I am selfish in that point of veiw.
We were so in advance of other countries they hate us for it and thats not right .
now I got to read the URL
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
26 Jun 10
I know as they really dont know what to do or we cant understand each other for the think accents or our accents or words dont get thu to them
I worked 3 weeks to get a new puter fix then finally I got someone here in the states that found out my processor went out only had teh puter a week!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
26 Jun 10
This past few days I have been so frustrated trying to deal with customer service of an American company which has been outsourced to India...GRRR!!!
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
26 Jun 10
I believe that Glen Beck brings up some great questions. The problem, where he gets accused of conspiracy theories is his over dramatic rhetoric. Dont get me wrong, I listen to him sometimes, but just give me the facts! I have always loved my country. I learned a lot of the History of my country at an early age. I learned what it was to be patriotic. It actually bothers me quite a bit t disagree so vehemently with our President. The man is shady. I dont like shady characters. I am NOT saying no other politicians are not shady, but he is particularly slimy....
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
26 Jun 10
It is a hard feeling when we have to distrust our leader so much. We do not have to trust him to pray for him, however.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
26 Jun 10
I do not like shady characters and the shadiest of the lot is our current president. He is leading this great nation by the nose to a socialistic and (God forbid) communistic future.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
26 Jun 10
What this country needs are about ten thousand more just like Glen Beck to scream these truths from the street corners and any other venue possible. Obama is agenda driven and will not stop until he is either defeated in the second term election or America says ENOUGH! The only way for America to say this is through their voice in November. All of the information brought against Obama and his socialistic form of government between now and then is essential to at least cutting some of his power by taking away his majority in congress.
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
26 Jun 10
I am just afraid that Obama is going so fast in his way of leading our country down the path to socialism and ultimately to communism that he will have already damaged us so badly there will not be enough time to stop him!
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
26 Jun 10
Rodney, you can blame Obama all you want, but what you are calling for is far beyond Obama. You make it sound like we never had spending before Obama came into office. Yet, when republicans had a mandate, and controlled the entire government, they spent like drunken sailors. So by just just kicking out the democrats isn't going to help the country at all. The problem is the system in which our politicians are elected, and what WE THE PEOPLE expect from them. How many times have you heard a politician say that they brought back X millions back to their state in federal money? Take one guess where that money came from? One of the things that I wish those "town hall meetings" would have been about was not the spending in Washington, but the spending by OUR representatives. It has to start somewhere, and it is much easier to start the change at home, than miles away. The American people need to change the way that our elected officials are elected. We need REAL campaign finance reform that isn't written by ANY elected official.
You can call Obama all the names you want, but the only way to change the spending in Washington is to change the way WE want our representatives to spend our money.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
27 Jun 10
Bravo, debater, I've been saying this for years. REAL campaign finance reform is what we really need and it's what I doubt we'll ever get. Some people also need to decide whether they're against ALL "pork" spending or just all pork that isn't THEIR pork, if you know what I mean.
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@TTCCWW (579)
• United States
26 Jun 10
It is not recent, the man has gone farther off the deep end the last few years.
He did not used to pander as hard as he does these days.
I am not liberal and cannot stand the man because I think we have plenty of things to discuss in this country and much of it needs real debate not the hate speach of Beck. If he wants to have a discussion then he should start off with the real facts and argue his point. No one would be complaining if he did truth and argument.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
3 Oct 10
Very well stated. Glenn Beck speaks fact, and he does so out of concern for the country. He makes every effort to not focus on the issues from a political party perspective, so there should be plenty of democrats who like him as well.
Your post makes a very valid point, for when you declare that you love this country, both what it has been and what you want it to be, then you are on the opposite side of obama hussein.
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
26 Jun 10
I have never stopped loving my country. I enjoy history so much more away from the way it is taught in schools. See the sites of the founding fathers and learn about real people and real struggles and successes.
I do not watch or listen to too many political shows, but I am hearing and seeing on many websites the hatred you talk about. I would say that pointing fingers at Beck and yelling and screaming is just an attempt to remove our focus from the issues and the deceit that has been perpetrated on us, the American people. It is a very wide spread example of a Red Herring, if I remember my metaphors correctly. It makes me want to look into the motives of the screamers that much more deeply.
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
26 Jun 10
It appears to me that the country I learned to love so much when I was studying for my citizenship has changed so much and so fast since Obama and his brand of change is set on destroying this country.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
26 Jun 10
Talk about misleading! This "list" was compiled by a right-wing blog claiming to know who the left hates the most. Darn, and here I was feeling!
The truth is, Beck's ratings have been in free-fall in recent months and it seems he's known mostly for being NUTS. To answer your question, I've always loved my country but I haven't always loved everything everyone in it says or does. One thing I definitely don't love and don't agree with is the idea of our country being "taken back" instead of taken FORWARD!
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