What do you think about people having their money being cut
By jugsjugs
@jugsjugs (12967)
June 26, 2010 3:43pm CST
if they are on benefit and they have no excuses why they can not find a part time or a fulltime job.I think that there are alot of part time jobs that are out there,aswell as only a few full time jobs.If a person has been claiming for over a certain amount of years and still can not find a job what the benefits people are going to do is put them on training if they can not find a job,if they do not do either then they are going to cut their benefit money,so in the end they will have to get a job.I think that this is a great idea, as alot of people seem better off claiming benefit than a person that works full time job.
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18 responses
@savypat (20216)
• United States
26 Jun 10
Jobs of any kind are very hard to get here. Most have had to move away to get one.
Many homes are vacant and businesses close every week. I don't know what people will do without benefits. Our state is very poor and still not as poor as others.
I am sure there are some who abuse the system, there always are, but most of our people are very needy.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Jun 10
Where i come from there are training things that people can go on no matter how old or young they sre.Also i think that the people who have been working all their lives should not have to be filling out all those forms as they have been putting into the country for nearly right up to retirement age.I think that people that have never had a job and have always claimed off the state are the ones that they should have cut their benefits on years ago as it could have saved this country alot of money over the years.
@alaskanray (4636)
• United States
26 Jun 10
The abuse of the system is highly inflated. There are those who do, I know, but there are far more who do not. My daughter was three when they changed the welfare laws and I was no longer able to stay home with her. They have driven a sword between mothers and their children and this is only the next step in their cutting the throats of the poor while they sit in their air conditioned offices and sip their cappuccinos. It's easy to cut the budget for the poor, they don't have the resources to buy the people who make the decisions that effect their lives.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Jun 10
The people that are abusing the system that have two people able to work living on benefit and have done for a while are the one that are going to be made to do something to earn their benefit,like go on training 5 days a week just like other people have to go to work.I do not think they will be making people that are lone parents go to work as that costs the benefits people in child care costs.Our country are in a right mess as there are too many people taking money rather than earning it.If there is a reason as in health that they can not work then that is right that they should not be made to go to work, but there are others that are just lazy.
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@karen1969 (1779)
30 Jun 10
I have to stay at home as although my youngest is 14, she has ADHD and Aspergers and I need to be at home. She can't be on her own in the house and I have to be available during the day for school meetings or if she is suspended and sent home. I have applied to study a part-time degree at home though which will take 6 years, so at least at the end of it, I will be better qualified.
My husband works full-time though and always has done since he left school.
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@alaskanray (4636)
• United States
27 Jun 10
Well, I know here in the US they are forcing mothers to go back to work when their babies are just 6 weeks old and it doesn't matter if they have a husband who works and maybe doesn't make quite enough to support them or if they are single moms.
When my daughter was born I went on welfare so that I could stay home and take care of her. When she was two they started the same program you are mentioning and they were willing to pay for childcare rather than support me while I raised my daughter. If I didn't find work, then I had to spend full-time hours each week either in training or looking for work and put my daughter in childcare full time. I was lucky in that I was able to get work as a school bus driver when my daughter was three so I had more time with her than I would have had in their "program". The cost of childcare for my daughter ran around $450 per month whereas I was getting $810 per month on welfare. Still and all, my daughter was happier and more well-adjusted with me home than her friends who had no parent at home with them. Our government has been tearing the family apart for the last fifty years and they keep getting worse every year.
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@derek_a (10873)
27 Jun 10
I think this is very sad because there are many people who are in genuine need of their benefits and should be supported, but those who can't be bothered to work, should really find a job and if they are really milking the system then I am in agreement with getting them sorted out.
I have only claimed benefits once in my life (sickness) when I came out of hospital for a few months. I have always been self-employed and sometimes it has been a struggle, but I prefer to struggle than claim benefits. I just feel that I would lose respect for myself to be looked after by the state.

@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Jun 10
My husband has worked all of his life and has never claimed money from the benefits people.My husband has to work alot of hours to support me aswell as his children also to pay for our house that we are buying.I think that there are far too many people that have been sponging off the state and now that the country is in financial trouble they are right that they should cut the lazy peoples money.There are people out there that do not even bother looking for a job aswell as they are young enough to find work or at least go on FREE training that the benefits people offer everyone on benefits.
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@derek_a (10873)
28 Jun 10
Your husband has something that money cannot buy and that is self-respect and self-suffuciency. He sounds like an admirable man.
I know people that have little or no self-respect because they have constantly been milking the system, claiming as much as they can, producing a mean, "me-first" state of mind. They are not happy people. To me life is a learning process and without some sort of struggle, we just become weaker in every respect.

@katykicker (231)
26 Jun 10
I think that there are some people that genuinely need benefits to help them in times of hardship but there are other people that just want to rip off the system and then live working cash in hand or just ripping off the system in general.
I think that this is a fantastic idea and should encourage some of the more lazy people to find a job and the training will help people that really are in need to get some confidence and help in getting back out there in the working world.
I lost my job last year and I got myself a part-time job which then became full time as the business began to pick up again so I was very pleased with how it worked out for me. I did claim unemployment for almost 6 months before I managed to find a job and I found that the jobcentre really did not help me in looking for work so I began to walk around all the shops and businesses asking if they had any vacancies and then I found a job by myself and I am still there a year on.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Jun 10
Well done in finding your own job.I think that there are alot of people out there that just do not want to work no matter what age they are,where as there are other people out there that should be allowed to not work as they are the ones that have worked all their lives and have been made redundant and because of their age people do not want to employ them.I do think that it is about time that if there are two people in a house that both claim off the state at least one of them should be made to find a job and if they can not then they should put them on these training things so that they have todo something to be entitled to their money.
@doormouse (4599)
26 Jun 10
i think people who choose not to work should be made to,or people that claim disability benefit when they don't have to should have their benefit stopped,unless you are really unable to work then everyone should be made to contribute towards this country,our previous goverment left the uk in such a terrible mess that something drastic needs to be done,otherwise the uk will go bankrupt,,i'm unable to work due to medical reasons and have been told it is unlikely i'll ever return to work,but i can't can't claim any benefits,i'm too ill to work but not ill enough to get and goverment help,due to this i'll probably end up having to pay my own NI contributions,which i can't really afford but if it helps this country out of the mess we're in then i'll do it,,i think i've gone completely off topic here but i got carried away with typing,sorry
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@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Jun 10
The people that have no excuse to be working or going on FREE training are the ones that the benefits are going to be cut,which i think that is right for them todo.My husband works and has always worked since he has left school, he has to provide for me as i am unable to work due to confirmed health reasons, i do not claim off the state for my health perhaps i should, but my husband provides enough money for us.I think that if there are two people claiming from one house and they are well enough to work then they have no excuses to why one out of the two are not working or even getting FREE training to earn their benefits.There are people like my mums partner that has been made redundant ,had cancer causing his kidney to be removed aswell as being told he probably has bowl cancer that is being penalised because of people that do not want to work,he has worked all his life and no employer wants him due to his age,health etc.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
26 Jun 10
There are an awful lot of people who abuse the system and get benefits they don't need or deserve. Then there are a lot of people who truly do need help and aren't able to get it. Disability is very hard for some people to get, and some people seem to get it when there is nothing wrong with them. Same with unemployment benefits. I think it would be a great idea to force the lazy people that they need to get a job is great! Aside from having money for people who really need it, having a job makes you feel better about yourself, so it would be a win-win.

@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Jun 10
I know a person who was on disability as they were unable to do anything is why they got it,yet they fell off a ladder getting christmas tree lights down off their house and they were never asked what they were doing up a ladder at the time when they fell.{i call that justice myself}They are at least getting the disability benefit now for a real reason i suppose.My dad had to fight to get his as he was dying in the end with a heart condition.He got his benefit in the end when they told him that he had only 3 months to live so they then gave him the terminal benefit.The system stinks if you ask me.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
27 Jun 10
That is poetic justice. Now he probably needs disability. If he was able to climb ladders he probably didn't need it before. I didn't know that you got a different benefit amount if you were terminal. It is a shame that your father had to fight for his benefits, when he had other things to worry about. I agree there are a lot of flaws in the system.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
27 Jun 10
I am on disability also. I think I get evaluated every 7 years. I have some kind of neurological condition that hasn't been diagnosed yet. I have heard stories about how hard it is to get disability and have known a few people that had to get lawyers etc. I didn't have any problem at all. I have heard it is harder if you aren't diagnosed, so I expected a hard time. I think a lot of it depends on what your doctor has to say.
If you can get turned down for smoking or other activities that make your condition worse, then I guess obesity would be considered something that could make your symptoms worse. It would make it harder to get around (I have difficulty walking, and have to use my arms quite a lot, and it would be harder if I were obese). In a case like yours, it would make your knees even worse.
I know a woman that had mild mini strokes. She had no affects from the strokes and yet she gets disability also. I am sure there are more people out there that really haven't had any symptoms, but get disability.

@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
28 Jun 10
I think there are alot of ple taking advantage of the system, but not working, and refusing to find work.. WHen there's a chance of having money, without having to work for it, why not??
WHy put ourself in the shoe of making ourself miserable, having to put up with bosses or customers?? haha =D That's what most ple will think when they are on claiming of benefits..
Maybe it's time that government start to do something about it, in order to change the mindset, so that those really in need wont be affected..
@ellie333 (21016)
27 Jun 10
Hi Jugs, The bit where you say that a lot of people are better off on benefits than working I totally agree with, I am a working single mum and a friend who doesn't work with her son rang me and said you are going to get really annoyed, her son has just been given £400 to get a laptop as he also gets free school meals, he has also been given £400 in sports activity vouchers too, (my son had no laptop and I can't afforda lot of the sporting activities that he wants to do) my son whose meals I pay for is going on a school trip on Tuesday, those who get school meals free have their packed lunch made up and provided by the school whereas I the day before pay day with no funds have to go out and buy disposable drinks like caprisun and provide his lunch, it makes me so mad at times especailly when they drive a new car, have better furniture, flat screen tv etc. It is not the people who claims fault but I agree the ones that are fit should be encouraged back. Oh and one last thing, I was off sick last week so will receive no money at all for the first three days and then SSP for the rest if I didn't work and was ill I would receive the same pay so I am going to be struggling even more next month as my wage packet will be light grrr. huggles. Ellie :D
@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Jun 10
I know what you are saying about a free laptop for the children whos parents are on a benefit,also they get free school meals,free rent,free council tax etc and still get money that is more than the working people have when all the bills are paid.Me and my husband hate people that sponge off the gov and all i can say is better late than never cutting their benefits.My husband works alot of hours a week to support me and the children aswell as pay for a mortgage, i used to work,but i am unable to work anymore due to ill health as i am unable to work,i do not get nothing from the gov for not going to work so neither should they if they are lazy.They should stop their money not just cut it if you ask me.
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
27 Jun 10
dear jj,
lucky are the people in countries who has this type of benefit coming from the government. we dont. we get pensions but that you have to work for it first.
i say, if the beneficiaries are disabled, how are they gonna work? your government should separate the abled and disabled.
have a nice day.

@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Jun 10
The people that do not work where i live get their rent paid for them aswell as what we call council tax,also they get a benefit they they spend on their other bills aswell as what they want.These people do not have a disability that stops them from working these people are what we call spongers as they are lazy and want everything handed to them on a plate.
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
29 Jun 10
I completely agree with you here and think that this is something that needs to be done. Our family doesn't have a lot money, but we are able to get by. There has only been one time in my life that I have asked for benefits from the state and that is when I was pregnant with my daughter and just after she was born. I wasn't married at the time and though I had a job, it wasn't enough to cover the medical care that I needed so I had medicaid during that time and after she was born I applied for food stamps. However, as soon as I got a decent paying job after Kathryn was born, I immediately called the center for Women and Children and had them drop my benefits.
@xasasa (321)
• United States
27 Jun 10
The only way that I would remotely agree with this would be if they KNEW for sure that there were jobs available for those receiving benefits. It took me over a year to find work and at the moment all it is, is a temporary part-time job. I am still looking for another part-time job and I pray to get hired on with a permanment position. Maybe if anything require so many hours of charity work for families receiving benefit and not employed.
@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Jun 10
Where i live they offer everyone on benefit the chance to go on FREE training aswell as they top up your money with other benefits if all you can find is part time work.People are not even looking for a job, where as others are being made to look for work if they have worked all their life and have been made redundant.I think that doing something in a charity shop will be another way of making them earn their benefit as at least they are then doing something.
@karen1969 (1779)
30 Jun 10
It's a difficult balance, as yes, there are some lazy men out there who are fit and able to work, but just don't want to. However, there are also people who really try hard to get a job and can't, so there needs to be benefits available.
My son quit college when he was 17 and as he wasn't 18, he couldn't claim any benefits. He spent 6-8 months looking for a job and couldn't get anything, because his GCSEs weren't great. He considered going in the Army, but decided it wasn't for him. He was interested in the police, but had to be 18.
In the end, he went back to his old school and asked if he could join their 6th form to do A-levels and retake his GCSE Maths. He has just completed his first year in 6th form and has taken his exams. He's 18 now and in class with kids a year younger than him.
He intends staying on for the next year and wants to go to University. He has become very interested in politics and would like to become an MP. I am very proud of him for realising one thing wasn't working so changing things round.
Sorry if I've strayed off the point there, but he did look for jobs and no-one was interested. So some people are genuinely looking and can't find work for whatever reason.
@qianyun6 (2066)
• China
27 Jun 10
I agree with you about this, there are really some lazy person who don't want to work and only live on benefits, they can be considered as bloodsuckers of the society. It's unfair to feed them using taxes from us. So for those who are able to work but still live on benefits only because of laziness, we should cut their benefits to force them to work. But we should distinguish the persons who really need the benefits from bloodsuckers.
@boomakavya (32)
• India
27 Jun 10
part time jobs are very useful to more persons,because their main work finished then work the part time job
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jun 10
jugs jugsmy son just got a job last Wednesday and how he got it
proves more people should network as old friends sometimes can
steer you to a job even in this horrid economy. He had been without a job
for over a year and almost a half. He met an old friend he had worked with 12 years ago and this friend immediatey gave my son a job when he learned Robbie had been out of work for so long. My son did not get any benefits as the evil boss who laid him off wroted a nasty report to the unemployment insurance people and at that time was refused unemployment insurance then a year ago my son worked taking census and got a goodly sum of unemployment insurance but that was the only help he had, that an my help which was very small.here in California for every parttime or even fultime job there were a thousand p eople wanting that one job so no nobody was cheating here at all. he spent hours each day researching resumes and going forinterviews but the companies that would have hired a com puter programmer were not hiring but laying off people.a lot of stores here have closed, too many unemployed will not be spending money in some shops so they had to give up.

@celticeagle (172754)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Jun 10
I think it is sad that they lose their benefits but I think the program here in this area works well. If people really try it isn't that hard to find work. You have to treat it like a job. I had a great training when I was looking. You have to work with the system sometimes.
@snapdragons (91)
• United States
27 Jun 10
I think the training programs are a good idea and should be required for anyone who's collecting benefits and doesn't have a high school diploma or any special skills. How can you find a job if you don't know how to do anything so train them to be able to do something before they get too used to living off the state. I do think it's pretty hard to find a job right now.
@chanyounancy (57)
• United States
27 Jun 10
Well,probably he just want the right job.You know,maybe the salary is not satisfactory,or maybe he just want that job,so he didn't want to try sth else.
Getting training is a good idea,but that doesn't guarantee you'll get the job...Complicated...