God and Money
By dreamertink
@dfollin (25544)
United States
June 26, 2010 4:53pm CST
This has always confused me.The churches that I have attended in my life all say that having money,homes,cars,tv's and so on is being materialistic.Yet the churches are always going on about how you are supposed to give them 10% of your income plus give to their other funds as well before you pay your rent or mortgage.These people saying this have nice homes and cars.They wear nice clothes,go out to dinner,get to go on vacations at least once a year.
They say that if you do give 10% before you pay your bills that God will make sure that you get the funds to pay those bills.I know people that did that and they did not get the money to pay a utility bill and it got cut off and they had to come up with the amount that they owed,a reconnect fee and a late fee.They were also told that if it happens again they will need to provide a deposit equal to 2 months of their average bill.
If I give the funds that they expect I will be displaced from where we have to live.Then my child will be placed in foster care and I will be charged with being an unfit parent!As it is the last two weeks of the month we are low on food and being able to wash clothes to even go to church.
What do you think?

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18 responses
@Ezra710 (135)
• United States
27 Jun 10
Happy Saturday dfollin!! I will try to shed some more light on this matter, but I will not tell you what to do. It is up to you to decide how to act on this and in what way God moves you. Pray for wisdom and know that I will pray for you as well. Look in the New Testament, 2 Corinthians, Chapters 8 & 9. The apostle Paul addresses the church at Corinth. Though the believers of Corinth were very poor they still gave much more than anyone ever expected. Now do not begin to think, "Oh no, here we go again." Paul provides several principles that should put this to rest. In Chapter 8:10-15 he adresses your concerns. Giving cheerfully is more important than the amount you give. Strive to meet your financial resposibilities. Give as a response to Christ, not in hopes of receiving something. Each giver should follow through on any previous promise made as to the giving. Give as much as you are able. Make up your own mind how much to give. Give in proportion to what God has given to you. God gives to us so that we can give to others. Give of what you have, not what you don't have. Be responsible in your sacrificial giving. Give generously, but not to the point that those who depend on the giver must go without having basic needs met. Give until it hurts, but not so that it hurts your family who need your support.
I always give to God first, as first fruits are meant for God, I do not leave Him the scraps, He provided everything I have. If I was having trouble meeting the 10%. I would still pay God first I would just work out what I could afford to pay before paying anything else, and that is what my tithe would be. Gods knows your situation and your heart. The Scriptures will always show you the way to doing Gods will. I hope this has been beneficial and I offer prayers for you. God bless you!
I will also include this story of a friend of mine who thought that he would withhold his tithe because of a disagreement he had with the pastor of a church. For 3 months he held back his tithe, out of spite. Then, he found himself at the repair shop with his mini van needing the transmission replaced. The cost of the bill?? The dollar amount that he held back as an tithe offering! He was not being a cheerful giver and he had an agenda of his own. My friend laughs about it now, but as always God eventually shows us who is the final authority! Needless to say he has been a cheerful giver ever since. Praise God in all his glory.
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
27 Jun 10
Thank you for the information and your blessings.I am not holding anything back in spite like your friend.That is pretty funny,God showed him,huh?But,because I cannot give the whole 10% to the church then even one of the pastors said that we have to give 10% to that church and if we want to give to any other church,person or foundation it is beyond the 10%.Plus back in the day of the New Testament things were a lot different.Laws and to get a home and what be considered being a good parent is a lot different then it was then.But,even with my little income I still have to pay for my daughter at most of the youth events.I share food with family members and friends and then the last week of the month we are usually in a situation where we don't have a lot to eat.Believe me when I do get to give to the church I definitley do not mind at all.
God bless you and thank you for your input.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 Jun 10
hi dfollin I will probably be tarred and feathered for saying this,
'but I think that God helps those who first attempt to help
themselves. Also I feel tithing is a man made thing, not from
God at all.When you are really down and out why not tithe just
'what you think you can. Also feel that I must pay my utilities before donating anything
to the church.

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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
27 Jun 10
Well Hatley,I guess I am going to be tared and feather too
because I feel the same way.However at the past churches I have gone to they say that it says in the Bible that God says we should 10% of our income.I feel that I need to pay rent for my child to live and have food for us before I give to the church.But, one pastor says every Sunday that you need to give 10% before you pay your mortgage(like I really have enough to buy a house,I can't even afford to rent a house or apartment).And at another church I was at the pastor did not press as hard about tithing,but a member there told me that I am do give 10% before taxes.One of the pastors at the church I go to now says that the bible says that we need to give 10% to our home church and if you want to give to other churches or organizations it is beyond the 10%.Another pastor said that if we give the 10% and don't have enough money for their bills to pray and God will see to it that we get it.I am confused because my mom and another relative whole heartily believed that and then they did not get the money to pay their bills and ended up having to pay late fees.And they weren't bills for fun.They cannot afford to have fun.They were bills to pay for utilities.

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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
26 Jun 10
Mathew 19:24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Seems to me there is a lot of big churches that soak people dry and do little to help the community or people back out. There is a lot of pastors/preachers who are very rich, guess they plan on squeezing through the eye of the needle. No where in the new testament does it say to give till it hurts or say that you must tithe. Jesus told his disciple to eat and drink and take only what was given to them. Paul said he worked and paid his own way that there would be no question on his deeds.
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
26 Jun 10
Yes,at the big church that I am going to presently,the pastor does not have a huge house,but a house.Which,I do not have.We are living and have been living in a cheap room for over a year with most of our stuff in storage.We own no furniture.The pastor and his wife each have cars just big enough for their family,where I have no car.The last one that I had broke beyond repair that was affordable almost 3 years ago.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
26 Jun 10
I think, that people have been giving 10% of their increase to the various churches for many years. If I remember right, longer then Abraham. Which is neither here nor there.
Paying an Honest Tithe, is NOT a commandment. I would keep this in the front of my mind, it will provide you with blessings yes, but it is not necessary, if you have nothing to give. It is the act of giving in and of itself that provides the blessing, whether it is 15%, or 0.5%.
What does your Church do with its Tithe, and various other funds? Are they something you feel you should support?
More importantly, do you BELIEVE that God will help you if you pay and honest Tithe? He will, if you believe he will. I meet many people that have a hard time believing a lot of things, and it is with believe that our realities come to be.
Just remember the old widow who gave her last two coins and was praised by Jesus as better then everyone who gave their 10%, because, she gave of a desire to give, not as a way of showing of wealth. Perhaps those people in your Church with the fancy cars can get you a better job?
The tithe should go to the building and maintaining of Church Buildings and Activities and nothing else, in my personal opinion, not even to the Minister, Priest or President, and I spent a good deal of time, finding a Church that did NOT pay its leaders.
Sincerely and With Appreciation.
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@theabordario (62)
• Philippines
27 Jun 10
It is not for us to decide whether we give the 10% back. It is a must since it is God's property, it is not ours. And yes, the Lord will truly provide.
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@chanyounancy (57)
• United States
27 Jun 10
I once heard a word: God helps those who help themselves.
So, instead of depending on God give you a miracle or money,we should work hard.
I personally don't believe in anything(no offence,I'm not an American and I wasn't educated anything about god),I only believe if I try hard and work hard ,miracle may happen and I probably will get rid of poverty.If I sit down giving god 10% of my bill and wait, noting will happen.
Well,I think you should give youself enough credit.You can make a difference of your life by yourself.Perhaps that's the reason I come to US.
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
27 Jun 10
You know I have heard that too and look at it that way too.But my mother and other people,especially the pastors say yes you are supposed to work and help yourself,but if you give your 10% what you are short of will come to you,that God will make sure of it.Well my mom found out that that isn't always so.Yes you should depend on Gods word and his love.But,I do not see in the bible where it says that God is a financial source.
If I apply for an apartment and am told that I do not make enough money(which I don't),they will not give me the apartment if I say that my other source of guaranteed income is God will provide.In this society it doesn't work like that.
@rsa101 (38226)
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Well I guess those churches that does that is not really after your well being I guess for their own. I think the Bible says only to avoid getting attached to material things as this will not help you to become closer to God. But I do believe that if you know how to handle your money and you can make it grow by not being too greedy to your fellow human beings then I guess that is not bad at all. Being materialistic is not being diligent I guess in handling money. It is correct to reserve some funds for the church but obliging you to contribute something that is not reasonable for you is not also very Christian I guess. I still believe that you contribute the amount you are comfortable with and not a certain percentage imposed on you like they are acting like the IRS.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
15 Jul 10
churches should take what alms they get and be content with them.
there is no good reason a person should go into debt for their tithe.
i do not believe that is god's will.
yes,perhaps having a lot of stuff over what you actually need is materialistic,
(sports cars,multiple houses,etc),but day to day items is not.
considering my mom's pastor drives a beemer...

• United States
27 Jun 10
I think you, your child & your home comes first. I have always herad charity begins at home. I REALLY DON'T BELIEVE GOD WOULD WANT U TO LOSE YOUR HOME, NOT HAVE ENOUGH FOOD ETC. tHEY run churches like buisnesses anymore. I really don't like that. If u don't look after yourself & your child there is noone else that will do it. Been there done that. Happy sunday to u.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
30 Jun 10
I could be wrong in my thinking but I believe that under the old dispensation, you were suppose to bring the first and best 10% of your harvest to the Lord. After the earthly time of Christ, I think you're still suppose to bring your first and best to the Lord, but I think it's as you've been blessed. I know Jesus said, "Give and it will be given unto you..." Scripture also says we reap what we sow. If we sow sparingly, we will reap sparingly.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
30 Jun 10
I should have added, we are to give joyfully and not grudgingly. So, if anyone is giving when they'd rather not, I have a hard time seeing that gift being blessed.
@xotri4th (34)
• Indonesia
2 Jul 10
My opinion is, it doesn't matter to have lots of money, homes, cars, TV, and many other things as long as we obey the commandment. Tithing is a commandment, if we obey this commandment we will be blessed, but blessings is not only about money or materialistic stuffs. We can be blessed with good health, peaceful mind, knowledge, nice people around us, faithful wife, nice children and many more things that can make great spirit to work hard so we can provide everything to our wife and children. That's what my church taught me and all of their members.
@apresto (127)
• Bulgaria
28 Jun 10
It shouldn't be that confusing. I think the people that got cut off had to be more attentive for their actions, because otherwise it's blind faith you're talking about there. I think not any church aprooves that and would need any money of the needing ones. Sometimes I've thought it's all about greed and scrooges but when the middle level is on, you should never worry for money but for what you do with it. Have it your way, not the churches way if you don't want to be under anyone's spell.
@archanapatel (2)
• India
27 Jun 10
according to me god will be given first preference becaues he is the one who will gives us money and solve our probelms,when any temple or church construction is going on,we are the one who r donating some money for the construction of temple or church,from where we are getting these money,these is all due to gods grace,without money we can live but without gods blessings nothing can be happened,money was not created first,god is the one who was born before these money,when u worship the god regulsrly and ask him what ever u want u will surely get it even it is money,we should not think that life is money,money did not create world,god created world.so first importance should be given to god then money
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@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
27 Jun 10
A lot of the churches are big business plain and simple. Most of the smaller churches are doing their best to get to be big business. It is all about money. If the money should stop so would the church. The churches we see today are not even close to the church Jesus set up. Jesus put His true church in the homes of the people that believed in Him and they had no need of money to function exactly the way Jesus intended for them to. Read the New Testament and see where Jesus sent His Apostles to build His chuirch. He sent them to homes not to some building down the street we call a church. Man and his money has built the churches we see today and I doubt if God had anything to do with it. Do you think God is foolish enough to base anything He would do on anything as uncertain as money? I don't.
@allyoftherain (7208)
• United States
27 Jun 10
First of all, Tithing is a Biblical practice as old as Abraham and Moses. The way you say that the church is the one telling you this worries me. Don't just take it on the word of the church, read the Bible and learn it for yourself! Yes, the Bible teaches tithe, or giving a tenth of your income back to God. After you go through your Bible, I'd recommend reading Dave Ramsey's books. They could answer a lot of your questions about what the Bible says to do about money and tithing, and help you to achieve some financial peace.
Second of all... not everyone who tithes is rich and drives a nice car and lives in a nice house. Remember the story of the widow who gave two mites to the temple? Yeah... that would be me and all the tithers at my church. But we're okay. God's taken care of us and he's shown us how to use money properly. You don't have to be rich to part with ten percent, and you don't have to get behind on your bills either. It's not about how much you have, but all about how you use what you have.
@boomakavya (32)
• India
27 Jun 10
god is very very partial to world people many persons are very very rich,many more persons are very very poor.they are bavarty persons in the world.