what if???

me,myself and i - it's simply me..
June 27, 2010 4:34am CST
what if?? your love on the past came back? the long wait is over, but you have a present one? what will you do..??
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14 responses
• India
28 Jul 10
considering above lines, I may say past is past, so if you have present ,Why to bring our past in between. Whatever may be the reason I will accept the Present and live for present. Thinking about past will not come back or will be same like before.So i hope may be there will be reason why they separated. Just sacrifice it and live for present.
@swn_chik (266)
• India
23 Jul 10
Past is past..so as 'm happy in present....i 'll stay with my present love only...in love there is no second chance..i guess
@calai618 (1773)
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
it depends upon the reason why you and that past love separated. if its something really heavy of a reason, then definitely there's nothing to worry about. The fact that you have found someone new to love, that should mean that you were already ready to enter a new relationship and forget everyone from the past.
@meirhu (363)
• Israel
20 Jul 10
Do you still like your past love ? If so, then see them BOTH. See if both of them can be comfortable with that. If not, then drop the one that isn't. You don't HAVE to choose between them. Don't let anyone FORCE you to do that.
@hushi22 (4928)
28 Jun 10
it doesn't matter for me because im totally out of his hypnotism. hehe
• United States
12 Jul 10
ill tell him hey i moved on and this guy has alot more respect then you did.... he knows how to treat me better..
@magtibaygom (4858)
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
That happened to me and I am really sorry for my ex-girlfriend. Before she went abroad, we did not have a formal break-up. We lost communication since then, and then many years passed by, I fell in-love with a new girl. I never thought that my ex-girlfriend will come back here in the Philippines with me still in her mind after so many years. Before she return, she got my cellphone number through a relative which is her friend in a social networking site, and then upon arrival at the airport she called on me really excited to see me again! I did not show, because I don't know what to do. I am deeply in-love with my new girlfriend. I was really confused. I was thinking how can I explain to her that a lot of things have already changed/happened since she left. She was really hurt, to the point that she hurriedly married the next immediate guy that she met. Until now, I still feel sorry and guilty...
• Philippines
27 Jun 10
As I have considered the possibility in the past, I will not be bothered so much I guess. There are a lot of things more urgent than a previous loved one that already has another.
@avani26 (1518)
• India
27 Jun 10
First of all welcome to mylot and you discussion does make me think. Past is history, Present is reality and Future is a dream so therefore one should not depend on history or dreams but be realistic.
28 Jun 10
Considering that you have a new relationship now. you should be bothered by that person coming back in you life. you shouldn't care. For the simplest reason that you have moved on with another man or woman. Just enjoy what you have right now and don't think about the past. because past has already happened and the relationship you have in the present is what's happening now. So I suggest you treasure it.
@Jstewart (167)
• United States
27 Jun 10
If I had to ask that question I would be concerned of my feelings of the current love being mislead. I think when you are truly in love that the others fade away. If I were to even ponder a past girlfriend and compare her I would not pursue any further in that relationship. Maybe it is just me but I just don't feel that questions of that nature would be present if you were truly happy with the one you were with? I did think about a past girlfriend while I was single and remember being so in love with her I found her over the internet. She turned out to be a nut case. so glad I stepped over that land mine.
• Philippines
27 Jun 10
what do you mean when you say, "the long wait is over?" were you waiting all this time for that past love? were you still hoping for the past love to come back even if you already have a present love? personally, i think that is unfair to the present love that you say you have. when you took on a new relationship, i would expect that you have already moved on from the past. i think that if a past love shows up in my life again, there is nothing to pick up where the we left off. the only thing i could offer is friendship. i have already moved on and i love another in "that" way.
• Malaysia
27 Jun 10
If my love of the past came back while I have a present one, I would stay and live in the present. Past will always be past. Just carry on with live that is if you are happy with the present one. If not...give it a second thought..
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
that depend on the situation....... for me. if the man in my past is my first love or my first everything i'd rather choose him if he still feel the same way........