Do you think that the small acts like

June 27, 2010 7:34am CST
a smile, a gentle touch, a genuine word of praise, a listening ear, a warm hug, saying sorry when you are wrong, an act of forgiving and caring can make your life bright and beautiful?
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18 responses
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
27 Jun 10
Hello vijayanths ,your discussion have some strength in them and are expressing very good things - congrats for that. The above mentioned details are very helpful for every human being to have a positive look of life and is very useful too to lead a happy life. These are the qualities needed by everyone.
• India
27 Jun 10
Thank you very much busybee, I will try my best to post quality discussions in future.
• India
27 Jun 10
hello, busybee, I am very happy that you find my discussions useful, thanks for the compliment and for the response.
@busybee10 (3186)
• India
27 Jun 10
Hope,you have become very active these days - congrats and GOOD LUCK -
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
27 Jun 10
Of course. There is no doubt about this.This does make life beautiful . A smile is the best adornment a person can wear.And all the others that you have mentioned are much more worthy than the costliest of gifts one can give me.I would treasure these above anything else.
• India
27 Jun 10
hi, Kala a smile costs you nothing but can do wonders, but we often avoid smiling, may be ego comes in and stops the smile. yes, i will definitely treasure them more than the materialistic wealth.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
27 Jun 10
True Vijayanths! my husband also speaks well of people who have a ready smile on their faces.He hates grouches.
• India
27 Jun 10
oh, it's so nice to hear that kala,
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
27 Jun 10
Hi vijayanths, Yes I think these acts can help make life beautiful but only if they come naturally. If I didn't want to do it but started because I felt it would help me, I don't thing I'd get much out of it. Attitude is everything. Blessings.
• India
27 Jun 10
yes Pose, attitude and genuine act play big role in this and thanks for your nice response.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
27 Jun 10
hi vijayanths, you are right,when ever we done mistake we have to say sorry for the mistake,if i am will will tell the same ,i am the first person to accept my mistake,that is good in life,but most people will not accept for their mistakes that is wrong,if it is mistake we have to accept the same that is good and better,have a nice day
• India
27 Jun 10
wow that's a great habit yugasini to say sorry when we are wrong.people will love you for it.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
27 Jun 10
hello dear anna, Those were simple acts and gesture but means a lot. It is not easy to say sorry,for it is our pride that keep us from holding those words. But,once we say it,it give us relief and we can proudly say,you have done one of the hardest yet,easiest act to do. A warm embrace with any word is worth than "i love you". A gentle touch means a lot of meaning,words unspoken,yet,it gives comfort and feeling of security. I am one of those kind,as what they call,sentimental fool. I easily moved my simple gesture and simple acts of showing love and care. I can easily forgive a person without a word,just smiling at me and saying "hello" means sorry to me. Have a great Monday dear anna
• India
27 Jun 10
oh, you are too good dear jai, it may sometimes bring you disappointments and problems.Anyways you are very good.
@Genericbe (1376)
• Philippines
27 Jun 10
hi vijay, I definitely agree with what you have shared with us. It makes life worth living in terms of existence. Being affectionate and caring for others makes a person feel treasured even in little ways of acts, the thought a person can freely express his thoughts in his own way is rewarding. The act to share love for others will make himself improve more as a person and able realize many things about life because of real life experiences in which we learn from it..That will serve as an inspirational tool in helping and making others lives brighter and beautiful. An act though simple for others, may seem big of others who was touched by his life. Very priceless and the true essence being a naturally human at all.. Happy mylotting..
• India
27 Jun 10
Hi, genericbe, I like your words "Being affectionate and caring for others makes a person feel treasured even in little ways of acts, the thought a person can freely express his thoughts in his own way is rewarding".
@narayan2006 (2954)
• India
27 Jun 10
These behavioral traits do create lots of positive impact in every situations.Most of us like to receive words of best compliments and wishes on special occasions. It is always important to share with others whatever the best possible we possess. In the matter of inter personal relationship,we need to be honest,natural and cooperative. Thanks.
• India
27 Jun 10
yes, narayanan, simple things can do wonders in life, if only we know the importance of them and use them in our lives.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
27 Jun 10
of course. i would tell my son, sometime and some people when you do the smallest thing for them its super big to them. and just by doing thing like these makes people very happy and it shows what kind of person you are a good person.
• India
27 Jun 10
Hi,syankee525 nice you tell your the power of these small acts.thanks for the response.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
28 Jun 10
In my opinion it is those small acts of kindness that remind us how beautiful life is and what it is all about. Like a lot of people I’ve experienced very sad times in my life and I found that as I was grieving for a lost friend or relationship a kind smile even from a stranger changed the experience for me even if only briefly. A smile is so easy to do and does not cost a cent but it is so valuable!
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
30 Jun 10
hi vijayanths! yes, definitely yes. i believe and proven in my life that great happiness comes from these simple things. and these simple things and acts can actually brighten up not only our day but most specially other people's day! its a good feeling to make people happy and be a blessing to them.
• United States
30 Jun 10
Absolutely!!! I always try to remember and remind people that smiles are contagious and at time one simple smile can make and maybe even change someones day. I was told a story when I was a young girl about a person that was having a terrible day and was thinking about ending their life and as they were walking down the street someone flashed them as smile and asked how they were and that changed their whole day and saved them from taking their own of course there was more to that story but that is the bases of it and I always try to remember that story because no matter how hard you are having it someone else is or can be having it even harder and if you can just take that time to flash a simple smile it can possibly save someones life....
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
27 Jun 10
It will make your life bright and beautiful, if it was meant form the heart and with honesty. TATA.
• India
27 Jun 10
sweetie, don't doubt my acts? they are from the bottom of my heart and with honesty.
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Sure does. When a person smiles chances are you smile back; likewise when you have somebody to lean on or a shoulder to cry on, you feel secured and love. In a scientific theory, when one forgives, her/his heart feel light and as if you're taking those thorns that pierced your body. There's lightness of feeling as if you were exorcised.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
1 Jul 10
yes,vija! those small acts makes our life a little lighter and better and may lead us to positive outlooks in life.some would be down at times but when you share those little acts to them,they would seem comfort in a way.their world would be lighter than they can't imagine.people would be a blessing to anyone,just by doing their little own ways,it would seem wonderful life ahead.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
27 Jun 10
hi vijayanths, you are right,when ever we done mistake we have to say sorry for the mistake,if i am will will tell the same ,i am the first person to accept my mistake,that is good in life,but most people will not accept for their mistakes that is wrong,if it is mistake we have to accept the same that is good and better,have a nice day
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
28 Jun 10
Yes anna, i strongly believe all these can make a beautiful and bright life but it should be genuine. Some people only act there is no truth. Any thing should be honest. I think you must have read the life of the people.
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
Definitely yes,it makes you happy knowing that you`re making other people happy.Praising other people is also a good habit because you`re seeing the good things about other people and thus you`re going to do it to yourself as well in a sense that you`re not going to be hard on yourself if you fail or made a mistake,your going to be positive about your own life too.Listening and comforting a friend also uplifts us more than the friend we have comforted. It`s also a great feeling knowing that you didn`t hurt someone else`s feelings and if we did it`s not a weakness to ask for forgiveness or if somebody has hurt your feelings it is also nice to forgive them.Forgiveness helps you heal yourself as well,not forgiving someone who hurt you can make your life miserable more than the person who did wrong to you,because that person might have already forgotten about the things that he or she did, but you you`re still thinking about it and that`s painful.
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
I am a sportsman, a leader, a christian, a husband and a father, and if I have learned something in my life, it is these: "Simple things matter BIG time." Even I craved to be touched, to be thanked and to be praised. Let's be real, who doesn't? But sometimes even I have a hard time of expressing those things. I am a quiet person but deep inside I always wanna touch others trough small acts like those mentioned above. But I do have a fight inside me against my "Awww, it's too corny!!" mentality. But please, to those people out there, reach out in a simple way, but affect lives greatly. God bless.