rate the topics of discussions at my lot

June 27, 2010 12:38pm CST
I only respond to discussions which gets my interest or discussions in which I feel my opinions would help. I've been scanning the topics started lately, and unfortunately, out of 10 topics... I would able to pick 2 or 3 that I feel are worth responding to. Sometimes, I feel that some discussions are started just for the sake of being able to start a discussion and earn. Though in fairness, I'm just new here and have not seen that much no. of topics. Would want to know then, what some of you thinks. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE TOPICS OR DISCUSSIONS STARTED HERE IN MY LOT? A. I DON'T CARE. Honestly, the quality of the posts does not matter, as long as I get paid. B. IN FAIRNESS, MAJORITY OF THE TOPICS ARE ACTUALLY GOOD. I think most are sensible and worth reading and responding to. C. SAD TO SAY BUT MOST ARE JUNKIES. They stick to the game... they simply post to get paid. D. IT DEPENDS. Some myLot interest may have more good content than the others. Hope to hear from you!
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2 responses
@avani26 (1518)
• India
27 Jun 10
Welcome to mylot. Usually I respond to most of my friends discussions which I really feel that I can respond to. I have responded to around 20 discussions today which I usually do not but I thought let me give a try and am actually picking up discussions from my intersts and have really found discussions worth responding. I would go with your D option as there are discussions of interest but we need to scan it and ususally I check at older discussions because there are many who do not get responses inspite of their discussion being good. Hope you stick around and post good discussions for us to respond to.
• Bulgaria
27 Jun 10
Many discussions are very interesting , and many peoples come here to recive answers to their problems.Some users write here only to earn money but I think that this is not correct. Mylot is great site with many opportunities for users and who know how to use them will be happy not only for earn of money. Sorry for bad english