Obama's Internet Kill Switch Approved
By wiggles18
@wiggles18 (2506)
June 28, 2010 2:03pm CST
So the US senate approved a bill that allows Barack Hussein Obama, the president of the US, to basically control the internet whenever he feels there is a crisis in cyberspace.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this matter.
Personally, I think it is an excuse to remove more of people's rights and freedoms, and is going to be used to censor areas of the internet that reveal political corruption and etc. Basically, I think they want to control what we see even more now, branching off into the internet now. First, it was our philosophical groups, then our newspapers, then our tv and radio, and now they want to control what is said on the internet. I am very disgusted by this to say the very least.
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9 responses
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
28 Jun 10
What bill? What control? (come on ... the President is a Dictator???? get REAL!)
Before you start a 'discussion', it is a good thing to get your facts in order. There are NO facts nor is there any evidence here. You are rubbished by your own lack of evidence!
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
28 Jun 10
Oh, OK. You just wrote yourself off as another weirdo.
I am very far from being "one of those people who see something on the mainstream media and believe it right away, without questioning it at all."
Yes, I am familiar with most of the conspiracy theories. There isn't anything more I can say to you, if you subscribe to any of them, except to go and ask for sanctuary at your nearest psychiatric centre.
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@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
28 Jun 10
Uhm, this bill just passed today there ol' Chuck. The president isn't a dictator, but the people behind him are , the global elite. You, as well as many others, need to "wake up" and see what this world is really like. You are probably one of those people who see something on the mainstream media and believe it right away, without questioning it at all.
As for facts, where are the facts that they "aren't" doing this.
False flags exist all over this world, important ones that the government actually even admits were true, like the Gulf of Tonkin false flag, that lead to the US in Vietnam, but everyone prefers to live in their dull sheepish state, instead of accepting the truth for what it is.
How will you react when you find out that 9-11 was an inside job, oh, but I guess it did serve people well in the long run though, making us more secure and safe (more like jailed and restricted though), we got a tonne of oil, and now we are going to be able to get a trillion dollars worth of lithium. Yep, thousands of innocent lives are definitely worth making the elitists of this earth just a little bit more powerful and richer.
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@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
29 Jun 10
Yep, I don't know why people think it will be any different from the other countries who have tried it. Whoa, I just noticed my star points dropped 2 levels over night! I guess that is what you have to sacrifice when you debate with people.
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@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
29 Jun 10
Don't believe what the government tells you, they have lied to you before, they will lie to you again.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
29 Jun 10
lamb - I dont recall saying it is what China has, I said
They say because it worked so well in China.
I have NOT read Chinas law, I was simply stating one of the reasons for bring it up here.
Wiggles - I am very sorry about your star. That is an abuse if they rate you negative because they dont agree with your views.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Jun 10
Sounds like what is happening in Communist China and what happened in the Soviet Union, as well as other dictatorships like in Nazi Germany, Imperialist Japan in the 1930s and 40s. Freedom is being taken away and the whole trouble is that those who elected Obama probably suspected he was going to do it anyway.
I would not be surprised that even here on MyLot where we can say what we like will be in trouble. I hope something is done and people realize that anyone who disagrees with Obama will have their writing censored.
Oh and it will be the conservatives and Christians who will be first silenced.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
28 Jun 10
Ya, they are even planning to make conspiracy sites illegal. There is also talk that they want to put a box on your internet to monitor it, which is what people are saying is being done in Australia right now, that and make it that you have to sign into the internet before using it. It is exactly like those places, the only difference is that they have tricked people into believing that it is not.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
28 Jun 10
I am more worried about sites such as World News who have news given through a Christian and Conservative ideal. Also anyone who says anything against Obama or the democrats will be squashed. it is not just about a simple box you have to sign to get on the internet. it is about what you are allowed to say once you get on the net and i hate to be silenced.
@Buckabee (15)
• United States
29 Jun 10
If you hate to be silenced then get the word out before they get to you.
For the more people know about what is going on the better chances are we keep our freedom. Because thats what all this is leading tooooo.
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@manilatop10 (371)
• Philippines
28 Jun 10
I think that the term "crisis" has taken on a new significance recently.
My friend wiggles 18 times a night and then requires that we must act now because it is a crisis to respond to this discussion ;)
keep learning my friend!
Best wishes :)
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
28 Jun 10
Just trying to get the word out there; a stone thrown into a pond will make ripples at first, then the ripples will turn to waves, and the waves later into a tsunami.
I am acting right now, only just on a personal level, preparing myself and my surroundings locally.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
28 Jun 10
I would suggest you to look beyond what you are told, and seek the real truth. Look to an independent source, not from the mainstream media, they only tell you lies.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
28 Jun 10
I am not spreading lies, I am trying to make people think for themselves, which is becoming a lost art in this day in age. ;)

@Jstewart (167)
• United States
28 Jun 10
I have not seen or heard anything about this, but I am sure the idea behind it is to keep from hacker or overseas issues. I agree with you, Big brother and all. getting silly how little we have as freedoms. they just continue to add addendems takeing just enough so the american public doesn'nt freak out. then after some time they come up with one more little thing. It does get under my skin.
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@Buckabee (15)
• United States
29 Jun 10
Untill the people of the USA get mad enough to take control of our so called government and tell all the politicians that we have had enough of this disfunctional government, then expect to have more of our freedom taken away.
Because I do believe that the president works for the people meaning he is employed by all us citizens so we us citizens need to get a grip on what is going on and stop letting the politictians,governors,mayors,senitors,just do as they want. So I say wake up america and stop letting greedy politicians run your life.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
29 Jun 10
What were the Senators thinking when they passed this? Are they trying to make the USA a dictatorship?! I think they are putting way too much trust in the character of Barrack Obama. However, 2010 and and 2012 are soon coming, then we'll get to hear the dems in office badmouth the reps (who will be in control) for exercising their power under these new laws. When the shoe is on the other foot, they'll be sorry they placed so much power into the executive office.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
29 Jun 10
In addition, the bill passing from a Senate committee and submitted for approval is a travesty in itself. Look at all the other trash the dems in power have passed. They are trying to get as much of their junk passed as possible before the mid term elections. Everyone should be concerned about this issue.
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
29 Jun 10
Who do you think is going to disagree with the president of a whole country? Everyone will undoubtedly shut down their servers even when he hints at requesting to shut them down. The fines, they are a way of manipulation. They sure love to use their manipulation to get what they want.
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@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
29 Jun 10
I didn't say he has absolute authority, he can't just push a button and say bye to the internet, that is not what I am saying. I am saying he, as well as the people behind them, manipulate people into doing things, using fear and authority.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
14 Aug 10
I think it is wrong. The internet has always beena free means of speach. Obviously if someone is threatening something or what ever they should step in and remove that person, however, shutting off the whole internet to keep us from communicating in times of disaster or any other time is keeping us from getting and exchanging information we may need is wrong. It makes me sick that he keeps trying to shut down our lines and communications and rights.
@minx267 (15526)
• Hartford, Connecticut
12 Aug 10
After reading all of the above.. I have to say.. I Agree with you.
All the things that you mentioned this bill, IRS, Flouride etc.. is all true..
I normally don't pay a lot of attention to the masses as most people.
But I have a roommate that informs of everything you have said here and more.
How about the bill they are trying to pass to make it illegal to grow, eat, share or sell your own food.
Anyone who has a vegetable garden can find themselves arrested and subject to raids. In fact the raids have already started.
The government really is not on our side.

@minx267 (15526)
• Hartford, Connecticut
12 Aug 10
Yea some are to what end..
I told my roommate to come over here and comment on your post... unfortunately
him being paranoid and pessimistic.. and sometimes who can blame him?... he didn't want to.. instead I got this on the link i posted on facebook. I thought I share LOL
"Kind of a waste talking about it because even when conspiracy theories DO come to pass in actual life we are still told to put our tin foil hats back on...sit back and go with the flow...let the people who are smarter than us take care of everything...I've got mine so don't worry about the next guy because the government will take care of it. I have lost all hope for humanity...it's too late for us all. What are you gonna do...complain? Vote a new a$$hole into office to replace the old a$$hole? Choose Coke over Pepsi? How about armed insurrection just like our forefathers have always done? Just try it...you will be squashed like bugs in a couple of hours and the mainstream media will label you a bunch of racist right-wing nutjob terrorist militia, and the rest of the world will mindlessly agree and put their blinders back on and rejoin the herd on the way to the slaughterhouse...
End rant. Where's the tin foil?
Hatakah Enkimdu
Had to have a little chuckle at the end there..