I need a new keyboard!

United States
June 28, 2010 7:35pm CST
Saturday I spilled water,by accident, on my pc's keyboard! I let it dry out but then I had problems with some of the keys not working! It did not take long before none of my keyboard keys were working! I was am not thrilled and until I get a another keyboard I'll be only able to use the computers at work! Hopefully my brother or a friend of mine has a spare I can have! has this ever happen to you?
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6 responses
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
29 Jun 10
Hi Blue, It has happened enough to me that I have a little stand next to my computer desk to set my drink on just so I won't accidently knock it over. There is nothing more irritating than not being able to get on the computer because the keyboard won't work! More than not, it would be one of my daughters that did it while I was at work. I'd get home from work at nearly midnight and this is how I unwind. I'll tell you what...the cheap keyboards at walmart that are like 10.00 work just fine. the one I'm using right now I actually paid for with MYlot earnings and that was months and months ago. The stands on either side of my computer were like 5.00 each....little wooden folding stands. No food or drink on the computer desk anymore!
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
29 Jun 10
Hey there richnai, You are just too funny! I do like the idea of a back up keyboard. It seems that these kind of things always happen in the middle of the night when all the stores are closed.....very exasperating!
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
3 Jul 10
That's awesome! I don't have a back up yet but I am going to just as soon as I have a few extra $ to spend.
• United States
2 Jul 10
I have learnt my lesson! I now set my drinks and any food on some vhs storage boxes which are next to my computer! If I would by chance forget my lesson and spill something on my keyboard, I have extra keyboards! One I got from a friend and two my older brother sent! I wasn't expecting all this!
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@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
3 Jul 10
Spilling stuff on a keyboard is a fact of life if you allow fluids of any kind near the computer..(As You Do!) most of the time those would be of the hot brown variety in my case! Coincidentally,I just bought another keyboard today..I'd tried my first wireless one last time that came as a set with a wireless mouse..the mouse is still working fine,but the keyboard seems to be on strike,despite me giving it a fresh battery..so until it stops huffing,I've gone back to a (Cheap!) wired one for now..I gave up on the wired one I had before the wireless one as the shift key kept sticking down,and I had to prise it up again each time..good luck getting another one!
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
4 Jul 10
It's good to hear that you managed to get a replacement keyboard so quickly,but not so good that you have a virus to contend with now...is your current antivirus setup not up to the Job,or don't you use one? good luck with the bug hunt!
• United States
4 Jul 10
I have a new keyboard! I am using one of the two my older brother sent! A friend gave one also! I plan to keep the other 2 around just in case! Now I have to figure out how to rid of the viruses that have attacked my computer the other day! Then I'll be doing great!
@ElicBxn (63411)
• United States
29 Jun 10
WATER? That's not what the roomie gets in HER keyboards! We had to sew a monitor/keyboard cover to keep the cats from ruining ANOTHER keyboard! They got 3 in 3 weeks!
• United States
2 Jul 10
Cats! Oh my God! I wonder if my sister-in-law has that problem! Her and my brother have 5 cats! Three in 3 weeks! That isn't good! glad to hear you fixed the problem!
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@ElicBxn (63411)
• United States
3 Jul 10
5 cats, rank amateur... needs over 5 times that number....
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
2 Jul 10
Hi, blue65packer. I am sorry about your keyboard. My daughter sprinkled milk onto this keyboard a couple of weeks ago. I am glad that it did not do any permanent damage to the keys. I know that some of the keys was not working properly on the keyboard before, but they have started to loosen up some. I hope that, you can get you a new keyboard that works better for you. I am sorry about the water accident.
• United States
4 Jul 10
I do have a new keyboard I am happy to say! A friend gave me one and my older brother sent me two! I am using one of the ones my brother sent. I'll keep the other two around just in case! Now if I can figure out how to get rid of the viruses that have attacked my computer I'll be doing really good!
@knicnax (2233)
• Philippines
29 Jun 10
You probably haven't dried it properly. Did you open the key board and wipe the circuitry dry? Keyboard circuitry is really could if you see it. It's not your regular PCB :) anyway, I had a friend who spilled coffee on his laptop while he was doing his thesis. We were all glad that it was just his keyboard not his hard disk! There are silicone protectors that you can buy for your keyboard. Try them, so wouldn't have to worry about damaging your keyboard. :)
• United States
2 Jul 10
I knew thought of that! I didn't know you can open the key board and wipe the circuitry dry! I can still try it. At least I now have 3 keyboards to use! Thanks to a friend who gave me one and my older brother who sent me 2!
@laratri (253)
• India
30 Jun 10
hi blue... You try it this solution. Hi Knicna i also try it this method already. So my keyboard working. So try it blue. Good luck... Thanks Laratri
• Brazil
29 Jun 10
I already spilled somethings on my keyboard, fortunately not to point it stops working. But certainly I already worried about it many times.
• United States
2 Jul 10
I have spilled things on my keyboard before but the water I spilled on it was to much for this keyboard! I am being more careful now that I have a new one!