Why do Women love SHOPPING?

@incus99 (1083)
June 28, 2010 11:27pm CST
It's a general observation that women do like shopping than men... I have observed this from my grandma, mother, sister, my wife and all other females in the family.. there is really something about women and shopping.. I don't really know what it is, that's why I'm asking for your opinion. I read in one of my mails this passage: "Men will pay 200 for something worth 100 when he needs it .. while women will gladly Pay 50 for anything worth 100 for something that she doesn't need."... this is an eye opener, a part of me says this is really true. In a male's perspective.. I would like to describe shopping.. as a Tiring endeavor with no starting point and with no definite end point.. a total waste of time.. imagine discovering something that you want after hours and hours of exploration.. Men really never discover or find anything that they don't know and want in the first place.. the only end point in shopping is spending. The word "Spree" from Shopping Spree is actually a compound word "Setting the Spirit Free".. the word "Splurge" is a slang for a Trance.. as you can see Shopping is really enjoyed in its euphoria of freedom, not as a legitimate activity and tasks than yields something significant... What do you think about shopping and women?
8 responses
• Bulgaria
30 Jun 10
Becaus eit make syou forget about all the bad things that men did to you.Haha.It's just very relaxing and makes you happier.
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
30 Jun 10
i think al women loves to shop i think so,because i am one of them when its payday i really shop clothes and eat in a restaurant i invite my friends to come.if i like the clothes but i cant afford i save money and waited for sale so that it will have to be discounted.
• United States
29 Jun 10
As a female, I am not much of a shopper. I do enjoy a good deal, however, if I must spend money for food, clothing, etc. it is a challenge for me to see how much I can save. If I happen to go shopping it generally is something else to do to get out of the rum dum routine. To me going shopping with the girls really is no different than meeting for lunch or going to the movies. Women have always been through many years the shopper of the family. Men do overspend, but they don't have it in their gene's to take the time to window shop as they don't have the patience as women do. Now I don't want to say all males are that way, I have met a few men that compare prices.
@micaruss (48)
29 Jun 10
I love to shop especially when I want to relax and when im stressed. To be able to relieve stress I shop.
@callmecat (247)
• United States
30 Jun 10
I think that's a big generalization. I like shopping, but I have plenty of girlfriends that don't like shopping. I probably do more window shopping than actual shopping, though. And I think window shopping is fun. I like to check out sales and clearance stuff and if I'm looking for something new or nice to add to my wardrobe I feel really good finding it on sale for a lot cheaper than what it was before originally. I guess when I'm in a bad mood I like to pamper myself, and I pamper myself by shopping/window shopping.
@seanah41 (67)
29 Jun 10
I'm a guy and I also love shopping.. especially if its not my money..
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
29 Jun 10
i can't explain it but i just really like shopping but don't worry cause i'm a wise shopper. i don't buy unnecessary things and i am not into branded stuffs.
@ddaguno (3107)
• Philippines
29 Jun 10
It's hard to explain why, but we feel good when we shop and we don't bring men along when we are in a shopping mood. They ruin the moment bacause they always stand outside of the store, looking so bored, so that women can no longer enjoy shopping