What to do on bad days?

June 29, 2010 1:15am CST
There are days that things are just a bit crazy. Everything you do seems wrong or is it that everything around you seems wrong. When days like this happens, what do you do? Me, I just take a deep breath relax and just call it a day. Nothing I can do about it, so I'll just let the day pass and hope that tomorrow will be a good day. Cheers!
8 responses
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
24 Jul 10
Well true, all days are not same,,so bad days gives us a experience and hope that tommorrow will a good one!
@jugsjugs (12967)
6 Jul 10
On a bad day i try to do something to cheer myself up,that way it makes me feel better.The other day it seemed that the day had started off really bad and it was getting alot worse.Thankfully in the evening things started looking up aswell as i was feeling alot happier.
@derek_a (10874)
29 Jun 10
Yes, it is a bit strange how we get crazy days from time to time. I experience them quite a lot myself. Some of these days, as you say just have one bad thing happen after another - like you I just take a breath and let go. Sometimes though, I notice that I have accomplished more than I thought I had, and the things that were going wrong, weren't going wrong at all, but just in my mind. As a Zen practitioner, I believe that there is something to learn about our true Self from bad experiences. _Derek
@fornalina (156)
• Poland
29 Jun 10
If I have a bad day I lock myslef in my room and listen to the music. Sometimes I just sleep it over.
• Singapore
29 Jun 10
I would just play safe and lie low, I will not attempt to do anything new or do something out of the ordinary. Then I will cross my fingers and wish for the day to pass, fast.
• India
29 Jun 10
Yes, there are some days that goes a bit crazy, the atmosphere I work is very demanding and sometimes lot of things go wrong, I try to not get worry much about it and let it go since it is beyond our control. I look at the positive side and not get distracted. We need to filter out negative thought that come in our mind.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
29 Jun 10
When its a bad day for me and thankfully there are not that many. I usually just go to my bedroom and either watch a little TV or read a good book. I will also pray before I go to sleep that tomorrow will be a better day for me.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
29 Jun 10
if I face the situation a day like that, better do not do any activities. Sleep may be better to pass such conditions