Do you think world is becoming better or is it getting worse?

June 29, 2010 2:40am CST
I observe that the humankind today is somehow essentially different from the people of the yore. We see there is a greater refinement of societal structure. Humans today are much more mentally evolved. There is greater advancement in technology. We react to the environment differently than those ancient people. Despite greater problem solving ability, we are beset with greater problems than the ones our ancestors were facing in their times. Do you think world is becoming better or is it getting worse?
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12 responses
@allknowing (134096)
• India
29 Jun 10
This so called refinement and development is plagued with problems of a different kind which our ancestors did not face and these problems are difficult to contain specially those that have affected our environment which is the result of development. The area close to mine which was a forest has now become a concrete jungle. That was a haven for peacocks and these peacocks are now seen everywhere. There were 6 of them at my place! The world is getting worse and it cannot be reversed.
• India
30 Jun 10
Christianity taught us there is still a hope for the world. Jesus said He would come again. He promised us Kingdom of Heaven. Let us live in hopes and we should not die in despair.
@allknowing (134096)
• India
30 Jun 10
Did Jesus expect all what is going on in the world today? Christianity taught us that there is hope and this was taught to us 2000 odd years ago.'Much water has flowed under the bridge' since then. Perhaps a new world is what would be there but not this one!!
• India
30 Jun 10
Let us not under estimate Jesus. He had already envisaged what the new world would be like. In his Sermon on the Mount he stated: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. 5Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. 6Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 7Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. 8Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. 9Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. 10Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:1-11) He spoke about Kingdom of Heaven means He already knew what this world would be like. Then further, he had already spelled out the conditions of gloom when He comes again.
• Malaysia
29 Jun 10
well, what do you think ! Example there is a very old and big building, for many many years, this building under the hot sun ,rain and storm and other destruction. We try to repair and maintain the building. But latter some other parts get ruined and leaking and wall breaking. The beauty of this building had gone. What we should do then, keep on repairing the building....would it worth repairing ! We see every where the world now have problems, from natural destructions and human self destroy. Which part of the world haven't problems, like an old building everywhere is leaking when rain comes. The best where of it is totally remove the building and build a new one. Better will come after worst, day will come after night. So the world is getting not good. The bettermen of the world will be accomplished........after many suffering like this old building. The Promise day will come. This is just my view.
• Philippines
30 Jun 10
well,,,the world is getting worse...just as how the holy book describes it... "a time critical and hard to deal with" - 2timothy 3:1-5 and that the "wicked people are faring from bad to worse" yet, God actually promises a time to remove all these wicked things... and a paradise soon to come. =)
• China
30 Jun 10
in the aspect of living standard and scientific technological advance, certainly, it has very big enhancement, but human also is social, there is a complex relationship between the person and person, people's pressure is bigger than before, we should regard the question objectively
@5h1n164m1 (111)
• Indonesia
30 Jun 10
i think becoming worse. lot of technology advancement is making people become lazy and being use for something negative. Besides that, have you aware that today, disease are getting more and more. Before, there was no virus H5N1 or etc. However, i am optimistic that the world will get better, hopefully.
• Malaysia
30 Jun 10
It's definitely getting worse in nowadays. As we can observe that the new generations are getting lazy and lazy all over the time because of the occurence of greater technology/advancement. Maybe I can conclude that people nowadys are lazy use their brain to think, and always depend on the technology.
• Philippines
30 Jun 10
I think it's getting worse. Yea, we do have the so-called technology.. But our environment is at the same time suffering. We really don't need that high technology.. it will just makes us lazy. I mean, what we don't need is the thing robot, super fast cars, flying cars.. like that. They should work on how to revive our environment, forest. :D
@smartjack (520)
• India
29 Jun 10
yes you are right, though there is a greater advancement in technology there is still greater problem in our thinking and decision making. There is no trust in each other. Everyone approaches one another with some profitable intention. People only want to do things for other only if there is some monetary or materialistic benefit involved. There is no feeling for one another. There is always selfish motive involved in every action.
@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
29 Jun 10
i thin our planet is getting worse and because of increasing population of people many are belongs into poor country and thus includes recession,terrorism,and other man-made mass destruction etc.because human nowadays are more intelligent inventing new technology later on we will having problem of these technology,machines.we are facing global warming and different natural disaster which all countries have severely affected.the increasing population leads to survival thing and many are hungry for peace and harmony to save these planet earth.
• United States
30 Jun 10
It seems that time flies by these days. I wonder if in the past the days were longer, and more wholesome. Like, spending more time outdoors getting in touch with nature without all the contraptions that are around these days. So based on that I think that we are worse off.
@Andyvil (793)
• Philippines
29 Jun 10
I think technologically speaking we are getting better. advancement in technology has exponentially grown since the last century. The only thing for me that I think hasn't improve is the violence. Humanity is still struggling with our animal instincts. It would be truly a great leap if humanity will eventually overcome his desire to commit violence. That would be the time where in humans will achieve more great things than we can ever imagine.
@qianyun6 (2067)
• China
29 Jun 10
I think the world is getting worse. The resources are nealy exhausted, the ecology is broken... All of these can't be easily recovered. Even more sadly, they are being exhausted and broken now.
• United States
29 Jun 10
The world did start getting worse, and the repercussions were felt by everyone. This has made people rethink their priorities, and the world has actually started becoming a better place now. That's what I feel..