How far will you go in the name of love?

June 29, 2010 6:39am CST
I just want to know your thoughts about this For me no matter how far and hard it is i will surely fight for the person i love.
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7 responses
29 Jun 10
Maybe as far as going beyond logic and even principle. As it is, in love, there's no right or wrong. With this, there would also be no boundaries. Such that one would not have second thoughts to lose ones life for the sake of a loved one.
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• Mexico
30 Jun 10
Hi pinik juse: I agree with you. Sometimes, not all of the things we feel are the right things. I won't kill a man just because my girlfriend was cheating on me with this other guy, this won't be logic and it's not a display of love, that would be crazy. Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day. ALVARO
• Philippines
30 Jun 10
I've been through a lot of painful experiences just to fight my love for someone. I was once rejected by the family of my boyfriend because they thought I am not the perfect girl for me. They thought I am too bad for him. And they thought I could never love and take care of him. But then I had proven them wrong. I fought even until my boyfriend almost gave up on me and on our relationship because he was brainwashed by his entire family and relatives. It was so hard and painful on my part but I remained to be strong for the sake of my love. I knew that it will always be me and him. I never gave up on that vision and so now, I can say that everything I fought for before was paid back now. We are still together for almost seven years now (and still counting). I will always do anything in the name of love. It may sound corny for some but this is what I always feel and what I always want to say.
@saihai (128)
• India
2 Jul 10
Hay Pentagon I really appreciate you a lot! Its hard to find out someone like you now a days! They all talk about eternal love, divine love but when it comes to make it a point they just give up! I must say that your partner is extremely lucky to have you in his life because i was almost in the same situation but the result was different! I did everything what i could do at that time. I went against my family including my mom (I always knew whom i love more then anyone else in this world), I left my job, changed my city, had to fight against all most all of my friends but still everything went in vain! We could not make it!I do not blame her! I know she tried her level best( but she failed to raise the bar)and i can not blame our fate as well! I really do not know exactly what went wrong!(and it will be the biggest question for rest of my life!) Anyways , you just keep counting, after reaching 50 years( of your marriage anniversary) give us a treat! LOL:) May God bless you both! Love from Mon :)
• Portugal
11 Jul 10
im very happy that after so many fight you had your love pentagon^^ we must always fight^^ and i wish you be happy with him forever^^
• Portugal
11 Jul 10
saihai im sorry for what happend with your gf but cant you talk anymore with her and try things again? maybe now things are different. i dont know but it seems you still love her and wanted things to work out^^ why dont you try again? i wish that if you try again she does everything for you like you did for her^^ you seem a sweet guy and deserve to be loved back^^
• Mexico
30 Jun 10
Hi lesfery: I would fight for the person I love if I think this is real love and that is good for me. I would never do this if I think I'm being used or if this person don't appreciate me as much as I do for her because my dignity is important. I have to love myself to love other persons. Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day. ALVARO
• Philippines
2 Jul 10
thanks for your comment..youre right love first yourself in able for you to share it to others..good day
@saihai (128)
• India
2 Jul 10
Well said Alvaro . Yap its true if you do not love yourself you really cant love any other person in the world. I do believe the same way! But i think when you love some one from the core of your heart then two of you guys become one! Then you do not think about "you" or "me" it's all about "us" then!In that moment you are ready to travel any distance ready to cross any barriers ready to go against the whole world. Some one who was in love once said " i am ready to fight against the whole world just by one hand if you are holding the other" - this is what called love if it really means! but you have ask yourself first whether it really worthy's or not.
@llbo1981 (1236)
• China
2 Jul 10
Yes,you are right.We should fight for the person who we love no matter how far and hard it is.If you really love a person,you should fight for it with no reason.It is an action that real person should do.
@saihai (128)
• India
2 Jul 10
If i found my soul mate i can travel the farthest part of the world! PS It may sound bit weird but from my practical experience i can say now a days love has become materialistic! Its hard to find out couples ( i quote) "couples" who are ready to do anything for the sake of their love! Its my personal view! Anyone differs?
• Portugal
11 Jul 10
me too i will fight for the guy i love. doesnt matter if i get humiliated, doesnt matter what i have to do i will do any to have him and be happy with him. that person is the right for us so why not fighting? for him to go and find other girl? we must always do something if we really love someone. i dont think that people that give up really love unless that person doesnt love you back if that is the case you can fight for awhile but if the person doesnt love you back you can give up but just in that case bcs that means the guy is not the right for you but if he loves you for sure we must do all all for him^^ and be happy forever
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
29 Jun 10
s far as love is involved, I can go beyond what I can possibly can. As long as the love is worth fighting for like the person you love would be likely fight for me, then I will be sacrificially take all the risks no matter what. However, if the person you love does not fight for me and leaves me behind fighting for us, then I think that will push me to cease going beyond what is not worth fighting for. I think right now, am with that state where I am fighting for this guy. Others may be telling me to let go because I do not deserve to be in the situation, still am fighting for him. I took the risk despite the sacrifices. I chose him despite losing someone else whom people think is best for me.