showing a bully what it feels like to get beaten up

June 30, 2010 2:26pm CST
Hello, just got home from a night out almost ended up in jail though an unfortunate thing happened to me tonight i got into a fight and i'm still quaking from all the adrenaline rush i got out of it ok so here goes, my bassist and i were in libis drinking coffee at krispy kreme, yeah the one at cyber mall and this guy who was obviously drunk as a skunk came up to us and started yelling at us stating that my friend stole his girl. first of all, we didn't and we are quite loyal to our girls even though we're in a band and we get tempted a lot so we stood up and ignored the guy and started walking to the parking place which was 2 flights up big guy followed us, shuffling along, red in the face and kept calling us back we continued to ignore him, people were staring but we kept our heads up even though he was calling us cowards. the security guard tried to intervene but big guy just pushed him away and started bragging about who he was connected to we continued walking until we reached the parking space and the car. as soon as the car was open he grabbed my bassist's arm and that's when i stood up to him. i told him dude i don't know you and we didn't steal anyone's girl. seeing that i was just about as tall as he is and just slightly smaller he told me to back off that i wasn't supposed to be part of his problem i told him no dude you called us both cowards so i'm gonna see if you can back up those brave words i think his ego took a hit when i said that cause he started huffing and puffing and rolled up his sleeve. he must've been a good 10 to 15 pounds bigger than i was. my advantage was i don't drink and i still practice judo, karate and aikido everyday he took a swing, i held his fist, pushed him down. bam! hit the ground hard he got up tried a futile kick, i grabbed his leg and turned around bringing his entire body crashing to the ground again. bam! guy doesn't learn his lesson from two hits so he charges at me with his whole body and grabs my waist area, this time i don't do practice pacifism. I held his body and gave him 2 hits using my elbow to his head. blood pours. i bring up my knee and hit him in the face 3 times, ruined my khakis. i hit him in the ribs with my hand balled up with the knuckle of my thumb sticking out maybe twice he finally let go after that when he loosened up his hold i pushed him down to the ground and kicked him in the stomach 3 times oh it felt so good but i knew i had to stop by then the guard had called 2 others and he told me we had to accompany them to the police i said ok and i told him you know what happened here guard told me yeah, that guy's already been in 3 other fights here with smaller guys and i was the only one who stood up to him *** we went to the police and i ended up telling the whole story to the police man and he said they've already received complaints about this guy before. i was scolded by the attending officer for engaging in a fight but he let me go saying what did was self defense. guy's still sitting in the holding cell though... sporting a bruised face, bandaged head and clutching his stomach *** never mess with my friends, especially if they're smaller than you are.
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7 responses
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
30 Jun 10
Hi, chipesterkhan. Wow! You are a brave guy! You fight as if I have seen you on a movie somewhere! You have got some great moves there! I bet this guy won't mess with anyone else. I am glad that the police took this as a self defense attack. You are others hero! I bet this dude will think twice about messing with someone else again! Hooray to you for kicking his behind! Size does not matter, and you have proven that!
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
30 Jun 10
We need more heroes like you! You would be a great asset to the police department if only they knew how strong and brave that you are. You are a hero to other victims and you are my personal hero! I like seeing people like you, stand up to the bad guys! Martial Arts rocks!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
30 Jun 10
ahm i don't think the police will ever accept me into their ranks i've done pretty stupid things in the past which'd automatically expel me haha can't sleep... the adrenaline rush hasn't worn off yet i don't like fighting... in fact i hate arguments much less fisticuffs
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@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
30 Jun 10
I can agree with the size not mattering, look at Bruce Lee for instance :D
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@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
30 Jun 10
Good job. Maybe now he will be more careful with who he picks fights with.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
30 Jun 10
i just hope he'll get a restraining order in libis or maybe get a stiff fine stupid gorilla he actually told me he didn't want to fight me but instead wanted to fight my bud who ( no offense) probably wouldn't last a few seconds with this drunk dude
@wiggles18 (2506)
• Canada
30 Jun 10
That is the way these people work, they single out people they know they can pummel with ease; just shows you how much of a man he really is ;).
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
1 Jul 10
hi chipestrkhan wow you stood up to the bully and really whomped him good. Maybe next time he will think twice before starting a fracas of course being a drinker he will probably do it again but hopefully not with you and your bassist. A few days in the clink might cure him of getting himself in trouble for a few days.Although I am an elderly woman I do know that feeling you got when he was on the ground. I am glad it all ended up in your favor too. good luck and God bless.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
1 Jul 10
my right fist hurts... from where i hit him with the side of my palm and i think i over stretched my ham strings sheeshh... i think i'm getting too old for brawling...
@hexeduser22 (7419)
• Philippines
1 Jul 10
Now that's good. I think that's better than Karate kid Anyway that's good, standing up for your friends, if I were in your place I would do the same but I guess I can't do those judo/aikido thing like you did. I will be just responding smartly to his attacks, maybe
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@slovenc1 (2089)
• Slovenia
30 Jun 10
You're my hero Joke aside i am really happy you have beaten that bully i hate it when guys go pick on people for no reason. Sadly in my case i was always outnumbered so i have no heroic stories to share. You shouldn't use your knowledge and fighting skills outside gym you know that but if it was self defense ok, i'm happy you didn't end up accidentally killing or seriously injuring that guy or you'd be worse off. The worse thing is when kids go practice karate or something similar and than they pick on others just to test their skills and some poor guys get it for no reason. I was thought by parents not to fight so one time i had this school mate jumping over me while i was on floor and i was just shaking in anger but didn't fight back. I admit adrenaline stops me when there's a chance to fight. Don't get me wrong if i was attacked i'd fight back now and even tho i'm not into karate or anything(i did train boxing a few months tho) i wouldn't be easy target. But the last time i had a fight was like 4 years ago when someone stole something from me so that i could see him and didn't want to return it. I got so angry i grabbed him and threw him to the ground and than he wanted to attack but two teachers came to hold us. He ruined teacher's shirt and the other teacher jumped and grabbed me like i'll attack but i was already calm and i just stood there. Later this guy's friends came to like "beat" me and i didn't try to run away i actually went to them and seems they didn't really have big interest in hitting me so nothing happened. That's as close as i can come to your heroic story. Good job man!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
30 Jun 10
i hate fighting the adrenaline rush is keeping me up stronger than black coffee and i have work at 6am argh
@digidogo (444)
• Philippines
1 Jul 10
Nice work man, i was really impressed by what you did. Neither do i like trouble but sometimes we just got to teach basterds not to mess with EVERYONE and i mean EVERYONE cause they do not know who theyre messing with especially if theyr drunk. Now thats what i call, martial arts training, useful. Lets hope that teaches him a big lesson in life, LOL!
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@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
1 Jul 10
Congratulations Im so happy for you. Im 30 now and when I was 13 I got bullyied in school. In the beginning 3 girls didnt like me, the group grow to 25 when I decided to take action about 4 months later. I pushed the leader down stairs and the news spread, they were all afraid to bully me, but in the volley ball club, maybe they didnt know about that or because they were in a bigger number they continue the bullying. I stood up again against 11 girls at once and I could see them terrified. The popular girls were willing to be my friend but I hated them, they wanted to bully eveyone and I want to kill people that does that. After school I was lucky enough to find 3 bullies and scarried them a little, one girl actually jumped the bus when she find out I was there. I know that wasnt her stop. What I learned is that with bullies you always have to reach the leader, they are always coward and when the leader stops all the other idiots havent the courage to continue. Bullies are cowards, always. They choose their targets, its not that they have a real reason to stalk someone, they just do with the person because the person seems easy to bully, quiet and wont fight back (just seems to be). And the best lesson was that God made me pass through that so I would find the courage in me, cause I was always a coward before that. When I was 21 I stopped a bullying, 8 girls against 1 and they wanted to kill me. Of course they didnt do anything as they saw me alone wasnt afraid of 8 girls, they found that weird I presume. We always have courage inside us. We are just too afraid to find it without any challenge. Dont wait to life to show you that you have to be brave. Courage must be used to protect the weaker, the cowards, not to take advantage from it. Courage doesnt yell, its peacefull and quiet. I mean the real courage.