Life and death - All a great mystery.

@Pose123 (21635)
June 30, 2010 7:34pm CST
Can anyone truthfully say that life and death are not all a great mystery? Most of us at least,remember nothing about our life before we came here, nether do we remember much from our first two years. We watch as lifelong friends die and only memories remain.No one comes back to tell us of a life beyond. We are energy and science tells us that energy never dies but just changes form. The great majority of people believe in some form of life after physical death and while many claim to know exactly what happens, do they really? Is it possible for anyone to truly know? Certainly there are those who appear to have had near death experiences - and many of those people claim to have no more fear of death, indeed some say they look forward to it but can anyone prove that such experiences are real? What are your thoughts?
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1 response
@Joshuael (109)
• China
1 Jul 10
If life is merely a form of energy,hat is the essence of energy then?Perhaps the ultimate force mastering the universe is invisible.Energy maybe merely its ostensible appearance or name. Truth is not accessible by simple logic thoughts.Just like that a capable computer cannot calculate and figure out who it is. We can approach the truth by instinct experience.We can only say what we see in heart.Assumption is useless. The instinct has huge potential.And different people can experience a different sensible world under the superficial visible world.To experience that world in person by heart instead of merely judging by logic thoughts.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 Jul 10
Hi Joshuael, Thank you for sharing your thoughts and I feel that we may agree, yet there is nothing visible. I suppose energy may appear in any form and could be another name for the soul. I think that we all have within us something that I like to call a 'knowing' or a 'remembering' but there is no way for us to convey this to another. We must all seek and find it for ourselves. Blessings.