What is the difference between philosophy and education?

@annierose (21601)
July 1, 2010 7:42am CST
I believe that both fields are interested in knowledge. Both of them help us to understand or to be enlightened with our purpose in life and teaches us to be a better human being. Now, I am thinking what is the difference between the two of them. Any ideas about it?
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5 responses
• India
1 Jul 10
Philosophy is about ideal thinking, good and bad, ethical and unethical etc. Education lands you a job or make money. Education in today world means getting a degree or being qualified for certain work. Don't mix both of them or count them as same.
@annierose (21601)
• Philippines
2 Jul 10
Isn't it we cannot separate education and philosophy at all? Education without philosophy won't exist? What do you think?
26 Jul 10
No,it's not like that, the education must still exist with or without philosophy because, philosophy for me it just only an aide to the teachers for making there decisions or it's just a basis in making there decisions. thak you!
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
2 Jul 10
There is a difference.A philosopher may or may not be educated and an educated man may or may not be a philosopher.Education deals with the worldly aspect whereas philosophy deals with the esoteric part of life.Education does not neccessarily make a man a better human being.An educated man could also become a criminal and today we have hundreds of examples of highly educated persons who despite of good standing in the eyes of the public have besmirched their names and character by indulging in acts of criminality.Yes, education does give a person sophistication and teaches him how to conduct himself in the world. In complete contrast a philosopher may be illiterate and uneducated but have the highest knowledge of God which puts him into the category of a saint.How many saints and philosophers do we know who have attained a high degree of education and also achieved saintliness. Hardly a handful.However when both are combined in a person then that makes for a very potent and powerful combination because he has the best of both worlds.He can advise people on worldly matters and also guide them in their spiritual lives.Such a person can become a world leader and lead people out of strife and user in an era of peace and stability.
@annierose (21601)
• Philippines
2 Jul 10
I have a question, is it possible that a man never ever do philosophizing at all? Isn't it we all become philosophers once in a while?
• India
1 Jul 10
Hi, After completing education students are not supposed to remember every detail of every textbook he has ever read in the course. A student rather, develops a common sense about everything he studied. This understanding simply comes as a result of complete assimilation of text books and references. Philosophy is the culmination of education. It is an integration that you will be able to understand only after finishing the entire course. There is another difference. A man doesn't need to be highly educated to be philosophical. Sometimes a person who is spiritual is also found to possess great understanding of philosophy. Philosophy is not as light weight as the formal education. Like you said, it is a total enlightenment of soul. Its a feeling when everything appears clear and transparent. It essentially brings a sensation of joy and peace. Philosophy is rather abstract, as it becomes evident only in a persons behavior and lifestyle. You can't find this aspect in someone's certificates. A philosophical mind is what we are supposed to achieve at the successful completion of our education. Unfortunately not many people have this outlook towards education, as the concept of education has become quite mechanical nowadays. People educate themselves not to understand the philosophy behind it, but merely to get degrees that may help them get jobs. Thanks. God bless you
@annierose (21601)
• Philippines
2 Jul 10
hi getbiswa, You said that philosophy is abstract because it becomes evident only in a person's behavior and lifestyle. Therefore what can we say on education? If philosophy is abstract, then education is what? I also believe that philosophy is theoretical and speculative while education is practical.
@yresh12 (3212)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
heyooo annie!! Education is something that you learn in books and with your teachers. It's something that you should do to get a good and job and pursue what you want in life. As for philosophy is something beyond on what you learn in books. It's what you believe in life. Your principles and beliefs is what philosophy is. That's how I understand it. I don't know if I'm right though. LOL
@seanah41 (67)
1 Jul 10
Education is the process of acquiring and teaching knowledge while philosophy is the love of knowledge..
@annierose (21601)
• Philippines
2 Jul 10
Can we say that education is a love of knowledge as well?