Writing articles

@allknowing (132525)
July 1, 2010 9:33pm CST
I enjoy writing articles on subjects that fire my imagination which apart from feeding my brain they also help me earn. But just to compile data surfing the net and getting paid for it is not my cup of tea! What kind of writing do you prefer and on what subjects?
5 responses
• United Arab Emirates
2 Jul 10
Writing is innate but I know of a lot of writers who have learnt to write and write good quality materials with the aid of research and the proper use of England language. Writing specifically for a certain field like web content or programming software reviews and other could depend on the knowledge of the writer. First hand knowledge like I call it comes in handy but the research part of writing is most important because to write a perfect article you will need to be conversant with the subject, and being conversant could be achieved by reading a lot about various subject on the internet, which is what you call surfing the net. Surfing the net, reading and also gleaning other articles about a subject could make a writer provide good quality outputs as required. It's not a huge task but why wait 5 hours to write an article on any subject just because you do not have a lot of points or information about the material. For me, instead of using 5 hours I try to achieve that in 3 hours because it's a subject I know nothing about. This is how I achieve it by using the first two hours to glean and make use of the net to get information about such subjects then the last hour is to write in my own understanding and English before proofreading the article and making corrections. Hope I have been able to share more light on this, this is a first hand article for my blog, where I try to help others write better with my own principles and how to's.
@allknowing (132525)
• India
2 Jul 10
There is no denying surfing does help. I was merely trying to say that I enjoy more when I can use my imagination and depend on my own strengths to churn out an article.
• United Arab Emirates
2 Jul 10
Sorry for the typo in first paragraph, English Language not England Language
• United Arab Emirates
2 Jul 10
Allknowing, true that your imagination could be useful but if I could ask you, can you use your imagination on all subjects, the answer to that I think is NO. Imagination wouldn't perfect a topic but just makes you go all around in circles, but it's still a very good source of inspiration, knowing a little about the topic could be good use to starting an article you have little information about.
@hushi22 (4928)
2 Jul 10
I also enjoy writing and I usually write base on my experiences, and knowledge learn. Most of the time I write about nature, my travel experiences, and anything covered with my profession -NURSING.
@allknowing (132525)
• India
2 Jul 10
It is such a joy when you depend on your own thoughts and creativity and that is called original contribution
• Singapore
2 Jul 10
I like to write articles on topics I'm familiar with, some personal experience and about my writing experiences. These are not the type of articles that will fetch high earnings, but I like to get into the momentum of writing articles on a daily basis. I'm targeting to write at least 2 articles per day. There are only a few times when I may need to research the internet to compile pointers. Once I get the gist of the point I want to make, I elaborate it on my own. Whenever I surf the net for data, I often get lost and spend too much time. That's why I try to keep surfing to the minimum, so that I can concentrate on writing. i guess there has got to be a mixture of both because I can't profess to know everything.
@allknowing (132525)
• India
2 Jul 10
Surfing the net is fine to give some finishing touches to one's thoughts and also may be to ratify factual data but someone wanting you to compile data that is available on the Net and write down in your own words will not satiate the hunger of a good writer. If there is demand for your writings nothing like it as it serves as an incentive. There are many who are looking for articles and may be you could surf for that info!
@bloggeroo (2167)
• Philippines
2 Jul 10
I'm a computer programmer so writing about technical stuff like developing blogs comes easy to me. However, my blogs in their present form materialized only after a series of unconscious decisions most of which were just the result of being online all the time. I now have several blog publications and maybe, half of it are about technical stuff like blogging, social networking, linux training, etc.
@allknowing (132525)
• India
2 Jul 10
You have enough to feed your brain one lucky guy I say. Anyone would hog the kind of stuff you will be writing on.
• United States
2 Jul 10
I write online articles but make little money, because I choose to write about things that I know about, and I don't want to spend a lot of time researching stuff that I'm clueless about! I'm a nurse so I prefer to write about medicine and diseases, which for some reason isn't as interesting to people as it is to me! =)
@allknowing (132525)
• India
2 Jul 10
Perhaps you need someone to promote your writings. There are people who do that may be for a small amount. Go on the net and search for those who would want to be your 'agent'. Vow! That will be great I bet!