My way

@deemple (191)
July 3, 2010 12:46am CST
Have you experienced something when you were young and live with it?When it rains,i freshly reminisce my childhood.Before,washing machine and a dryer isn't a trend here.We used to have clothes line.My mom used to be with friends a lot of times.I am the eldest daughter,so i always am left in the house to take care of a lot of things.There was a time that it rained so hard and clothes dried up got wet.i can't get them since clothes line is to high for a 6 years old girl which was me.When Mom went home i was beaten black & blue as that.Yelling at me for not using my initiative.One time it rained,I went outside the house jumping up & down to reach hanged clothes or they'd get wet again,crying at the same time.I wasn't able to get it all because the rain came so fast.When Mom came home she saw me crying and i got slapped left & right telling me i seem like stupid.Poor me.When i grew up,i always have it in mind when it rains.When i don't have any laundries to keep safe from the rain,and my neighbors have theirs but they're away,funny to think but i do jump off from there fence and have it safe so not to get wet in the rain.Then i will hand it to them when they're home.I feel extremely happy when they said thanks you to me because i saved their laundry from the rainfall.Believe me,I'm old now yet i still have that attitude.The concern of laundries when it rains.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jul 10
oh yes but I was not treated as badly as you were by your mom. that was expecting too much of a small child to be able to reach all those clothes. what was she thinking? so of course you grew up thinking about that whenever it rains. When ever I see a large body of water I think of the time when I was five that my feet slipped on the bank of this damn where we all were fishing, and my rod and I went plop into the deep deep water. I was so scared but my daddy yelled, Float Patsie, grandpas on his way to you so I laid back in that cold water and I did float then my grandpa said paddle your arms this direction, okay now grab hold of my pole and I did that he pulled me to the edge where there was a concrete place to stand then carried me up the bank to safety my mom was in hysterics till they brought me to her and she could see I was not hurt just wet and scared. So whenever I see a dam I think of the day as a a little kid when I fell ten feet into very deep water.My ability to float and my granddad was what saved me from being swept under by swift moving water.
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