Ever had a tragic experience with your pets?

July 4, 2010 9:23pm CST
Being a pet lover, Me and my family have tried to take good care of some domesticated animals.We have 2 dogs in our house, diff. kinds of fishes, and love birds. We used to have a black cat when I was younger but it stowed away. As far as I remember, my father beaten it to death when it was caught stealing food in the kitchen (poor kitten!). The most unforgettable pet that we had is our domesticated rat. They are 2, a male and female. A family friend gave it to us as a present.Unlike the usual domesticated rats,it doesn't grow big that makes it cute. We named them Ericka and Richard, following the names of the protagonist in Daimos (anime). After several months, Ericka got pregnant. Of course, we're so excited about it. But a shocking event happened when Ericka gave birth. As a 1st time owner, we're not aware about the do's and dont's in taking care of rats. One morning, me and my siblings hurried to their cage to see their babies but to our shock, all 6 baby rats were gone. We caught Richard in the act of eating 1 of them!!! OMG! I really don't know what I felt at that time. That was so gross and depressing at the same time!! Months past by and Ericka got pregnant for the 2nd time. At least now, we already know what to do. Few days before Ericka gave birth, we put them in diff cage. However, another tragic thing happened. Both Ericka and Richard were gone. We are still thinking how they managed to scape from their cage. (Maybe they went somewhere to have a date or something...lol!). Kidding aside, 4 baby rats were abandoned in an instance. After few hours, all of them died. (Sigh!) That was quite a sad experience.
4 responses
• United States
6 Jul 10
When I was a child my mother smashed our pet goldfish with a rock on the back porch. We came home from school and she was drunk and crying. She told us about it and said that it just looked so depressed being caged in that bowl that she had to put it out of its misery.
• Philippines
6 Jul 10
That is sort of "mercy killing". I'm not condemning your mother but I still disagree with her action. If she really cares about that fish, she should've thrown it somewhere that contains water.
@rawisace (17)
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
I was on my way to work when i heard that my dog went out of the house and got hit by a Bus... She was my first dog and really spent a lot of time with her. I ended up crying while staring at her pictures the whole ride...
• Philippines
6 Jul 10
Like you, we also have 1 of our dogs hit by a car. She was sleeping under it but due to her old age, she did not managed to get out before it crushed her. That was not that painful though it still hurts.
@picjim (3002)
• India
5 Jul 10
I never beat my pet.Once i was maintaining an aquarium with fishes.There was a small house in the aquarium where the small fish could go.For some reason an Angel fish went int the house and couldn't come out despite our best effort.This was the only tragic experience i had while keeping pets.
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
Oh! the angel fish might have got frightened.
• Philippines
5 Jul 10
I love my fur babies so much that when any of the get sick I kinda panic lol. I do not panic when someone in our family gets sick that is because I know what to do and they can talk but with my fur babies none of them can tell me that they are sick or is in pain. My Jack Russell terrier mix Louise about 2 weeks ago had a swollen mouth and it happened on a weekend when the vets are closed. Of all the unfortunate things to happen I did not have cash with me as paypal was still holding the payment. I was very worried because her mouth was so swollen and reddish and she would not eat. I did not know what caused it because I feed her the same dog food everyday. My grandma put on her "wonder oil" as she calls it and after a few hours the swelling subsided and I was so relieved.