does this sound like your sort of country?

@jb78000 (15139)
July 5, 2010 10:49am CST
imagine living in a country where abortion is banned, gay marriage would never be considered, there are harsh penalties from breaking even minor laws, torture is allowable under certain circumstances, women stay in the kitchen and there is none of that feminist nonsense, a fundamental religion provides moral and legal guidance to the nation, and never ever would a socialist/liberal president be in charge? sound like what you are looking for? if not why not? *This is a promotional discussion on behalf of the middle east tourist board*
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15 responses
• United States
5 Jul 10
That sounds like the perfect country. I would not have to think or make any decisions, because they would all be done for me. I would not have to worry about any consequences for my actions as long as I did exactly as I was told. What is there not to love about that kind of situation? In fact, why don't you just sign me up to emigrate there, and schedule my lobotomy for the day before my departure. By the way, women just have to stay in the kitchen, right, but they don't actually have to cook, do they?
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@jb78000 (15139)
5 Jul 10
judging from what i know about your cooking i think an exception would probably be made for you, even if most women are expected to. you could peel carrots or something
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• United States
5 Jul 10
LOL! Yes, I think that I could probably handle that job. On the other hand, there have been one or two people that mentioned that I am not allowed anywhere near sharp objects, either, although I am sure that I do not know what has prompted their statements. Still, perhaps it would be better to just get me a bunch of plastic cookie cutters, and I could cut out all the cookies for everybody in the country.
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@jb78000 (15139)
5 Jul 10
i think not. i know just how dangerous cookie cutters can be in the wrong hands
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
5 Jul 10
well abortion wont be necessary if she is always in the kitchen, gay marriage, hey the guy has to do something while the wife makes dinner..... now torture, I agree with (I'm here aren't I) the religion is good, takes away those headaches you get from trying to think for yourself. So I think you should be very successful in your tourism campaign. Good luck, I would come, but I'm cooking dinner (somethings never change)
@laglen (19759)
• United States
5 Jul 10
We have taco soup made with turkey. Very yummy, very healthy and very yummy! Thanks for askin! Good point about men. Quite simply, they need us, they just dont like to admit it! We are now getting to the point of reproducing with out them, that was really all we needed them for!
• United States
6 Jul 10
us women have a saying and it goes : men- you can't live with them, can't live with out them and you hate them as much as you love them
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Jul 10
something i have always wondered about chauvinistic men. if you think men are so much better then what on earth are you doing marrying a woman? anyway what small, furry animals you cooking up tonight?
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
6 Jul 10
I have no interest in living somewhere where I can be flogged for being out in public with the wrong person or the wrong clothing...
@jb78000 (15139)
6 Jul 10
exactly. and before anybody mentions plastic spoons it is not that kind of flogging. very painful public humiliation is not fun.
• United States
6 Jul 10
You misunderstand one little thing ...
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
5 Jul 10
WOMEN STAY IN THE KITCHEN???? I think not! Actually, I don't like any of it...I'd be imprisoned and tortured in very short order I suspect.
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Jul 10
i'd watch out then spall. there seems to be LOTS of people in your country who dream about something like this. that nostalgic longing for the middle ages, oh dear.
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Jul 10
yes. chichen. or chicken. not sure. anyway they undoubtably miss EVERYTHING to do with the middle ages. they like big class differences, want a feudal system (course they expect to be at the top, but that won't happen. heh), and don't like scientists and what they do, especially if it involves vaccinations against plagues.
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
5 Jul 10
It's the three k's in German (Kirche, Küche, Kinder = church, kitchen, children). "Two ch's and on k" doesn't have the same ring to it, do you have another word for kitchen? One that starts with ch? As for those nostalgic for the middle ages, do you think they also miss the plague? The stench and bad hygiene? The bad teeth?
@marguicha (225344)
• Chile
5 Jul 10
Now lets´see... My country is partly like that. It´s disgusting. Fortunatly we can talk, shout, say it´s wrong. In my country abortion is banned (and it will always be if the catholic church has the power it has). Gay marriage is not considered for the same reason but they are much more respected than a couple of decades ago. I won´t speak of torture as I´m convinced that in every country of the world there´s hidden torture. We just had a socialist president (woman) and before her we had a socialist president (man). Still, I think that there are people who have more power than presidents (that goes for other countries too). Money is more important. Thinking about this, even if I´m not Christian in the normal sense of the word, I would say thet if there is anyone free of guilt, let him throw the first stone. I have yet to find a land of the free. On the other hand, all the places I´ve gone to have treated me well. Most people in the world are wonderful and caring . Happy posting!
@marguicha (225344)
• Chile
5 Jul 10
You are right. But there are different kinds of torture. Each country and culture accepts some and bans others. But I also know that some tortures are more "in the open" as one would say, while some other countries hide it from the people who live there. I have seen in my travels greats countries with civilians who don´t have the least idea (nor care) about what their governments do. And I have seen people that have to go abroad to see from a different point of view what is happening at home.
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Jul 10
i think you're probably right in that torture, or collusion with torture, occurs in all countries. however how acceptable a practice it is seen as, and so how often it happens, varies. some places it's legal, which is truly appalling.
@marguicha (225344)
• Chile
5 Jul 10
By the way, I can cook. And as I don´t think that any place is better than another, I might book myself on the tour I might learn some new recipes. And I might learn to keep my big mouth shut, something my mother has been trying to teach me without success for the past 65 ears (she´d be VERY happy).
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
5 Jul 10
Nope. Not really the most "serious" reason, but as I get car-sickness just by looking at a car and imaging someone else driving it (with me in it), just the thought of not being allowed to drive is enough. As for how the rest of the world seems to be stuck somewhere in before world war 1 and half of my friends before world war 2 when it comes to equal rights etc, I think they're stupid. I know it's not a very good argument but at the moment it's the best I can think off. Too much sun exposure today, my brain feels a bit fried and my nose is very red.
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Jul 10
i think that is a very good argument. well not really but it is at least 6 times as clever as most of the ones you'll get from that lot. anyway you need to be really careful with your red nose. . in a country where they like venison almost as much as whale meat.
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Jul 10
i think that is a sensible and humane law. also you can take the roadkill home for dinner if you like, or feed it to your huskies.
• India
6 Jul 10
Definitely NO…on the contrary I think India is way too liberal and tolerating and compromising on most issues that affect society and we make noises about all the wrong ones. In any case, I have no idea if abortion is legal or not (makes no difference since there are abortion clinics mushrooming by dozens right under the nose of the lawmakers in many places), the Supreme Court has just declared gay marriage legal (conservatives be damned and dumped into dustbins)…torture is definitely NOT allowed (though permissible wherever applicable), feminists were never on a big high here, being a predominantly patriarchal society, the battle continues at a tempered level, thankfully we don’t have any religious bigots shoving mumbo-jumbos down our throats…its your choice whether you want to sign off at a party from here or leave as a frustrated depraved soul and have a party in your after-life…and I don’t want any lecture from any mothballed relic on medieval society in the name of morals, thank you (my parents are more than enough for that)…BTW, I really don’t know what sort of leaders we’ve had till now…however, judging by the way India is moving on, I think we just manage to tolerate and accommodate each other with all our shortcomings though a lot more could have been achieved with better administration.
@jb78000 (15139)
6 Jul 10
not perfect but could be worse is a pretty good summing up of most places. anyway i am going to include this "and I don’t want any lecture from any mothballed relic on medieval society in the name of morals, thank you" in a book of quotes. nice one.
@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
6 Jul 10
Yes, things like that put things HERE into perspective. I would HATE living somewhere with laws such as those.
@jb78000 (15139)
6 Jul 10
doesn't sound much fun does it?
• United States
5 Jul 10
First of all. i think that rights of all people should be considered. If the men in a country would actually step up to the plate and take control of business and finance and take control of there house they are supposed to do.What I'm saying is for example: A woman has to go out and find two jobs just because her husband won't go out and find one job. A president like what we have now is only doing what he is doing because the men of this country allowed for him to take office. The gay marriage thing is because the men of this country who control most of the government offices around this country are allowing it to happen. Grant it, there might still be those things if the men had taken control, but atleast it would be done in a way that it was supposed to be done to begin with. people let influences from all around the world take control of them instead of them getting in to the places that they control and making there own decisions. i think it's important for all to have there rights heard, but that doesn't mean that there should be a law saying it's okay for them to do something. I say as long as there isn't a law saying they can't do it then go for it. also, you talk about abortion. I believe that you should have a right to choose but also you should know that I raised my child on my own with no help from the father. i lived with my mother and still do and I have a problem with someone who wants to abort her child because they say that they have no other solution when there are more solutions today than just having an abortion.
• United States
6 Jul 10
I some times get long winded, but some things do just have to be said. lol.... I know a family who ultimately ended up in divorce because of money. Partly because he wouldn't get out and work and she was pulling the weight of both of them. I also know a female who has had two abortions and she is with someone now that she wants to have children with and everytime she has tried to she can't. They give her medicine to help it the way its supposed to but she never even makes it to the last couple of months to even make it to term. As of yet I think she has tried at least 3 times after the two abortions. In my eyes what goes around comes around. I'm not saying that God is the one punishing her, but it certainly didn't help with her deciding to kill two that could have been carried to full term at the time. I certainly want to explain that I'm not saying a man should control a woman. I'm just saying that if the man was doing what he should be doing to begin with For example in religion like the christain religion there are many women who are preaching and pastoring in churches. Not that I have a problem with it. But men are stepping back and letting others step in and them not running there own house. some in baptist way of life believe that if you can't run your own household then you can't run or pastor a church. That was what I mean with the "men in control" didn't want people to take me to literally there.
@jb78000 (15139)
6 Jul 10
very long post :). i'll just respond to the last bit, i agree that abortion has to be legal but people should only consider it an absolute last resort. there are plenty of ways to ensure it almost never becomes necessary, starting with contraception.
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
5 Jul 10
Ahhhhh Where is this country at? I want to go there and live. The only thing would be I still would to make my own decisions(well to a point). LOL Cute discussions and Im sure you will get several comments. Have a good day and as always keep smiling.
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Jul 10
not really. maybe a few, like what to serve for dinner or something.
@hexeduser22 (7418)
• Philippines
6 Jul 10
There is just too much freedom in that country so I wouldn't want to live there I want the woman to stay in my bedroom not in the kitchen You forgot to mention about the dessert where you can freely plant crops and tropical trees
@sagar21 (1579)
• India
6 Jul 10
Which country is this.......Utopia????.........Dystopia?????? we need certain things to be allowed and we don't need some.. I mean people have different attitudes..and so their society has norms..which guide them or prohibit them ... some of what you mentioned are acceptable ..but some totally offense meant... thanks for sharing... have a great day/night.........
@jb78000 (15139)
6 Jul 10
it's a mixture of a few theocracies, although i am pretty certain that several real countries have every single thing i listed here, and a few more. i decided not to single out one country as an example because that isn't the point of this discussion.
• United Arab Emirates
5 Jul 10
This is definately not my country....this sounds so odd....religion should never be given an opportunity to make laws for the country. If this actually happening in a country i really pity the citizens there.
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Jul 10
of course there are countries like this edward, several of them in your part of the world. however this discussion is really more aimed at those who live in countries not like this but apparently want a theocracy. if you don't get it have a look at what the regulars in the politics section say...
@bigmex77 (25)
• United States
5 Jul 10
i agree totally and i think we should have no poor people because i get tired people askin for money and also theres alot of less people i hate when it gets crowded
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Jul 10
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
5 Jul 10
hi jb I'm afraid I would get in a lot of trouble, cause I can't keep my mouth shut. I get in enough trouble here in the US without going somewhere else, and I don't follow rules well, either. I'm afraid I will have to pass on this trip. And I don't cook, either.
@jb78000 (15139)
5 Jul 10
what a shame. anyway, i have so far got one tourist so not doing badly. might have got more if i'd put this into politics central - that's what most of them keep saying they want.