A Set Morning Routine

@dorannmwin (36392)
United States
July 5, 2010 1:02pm CST
Do you have a specific routine that you follow in the morning when you wake up? I did for a long time, but because of my sister-in-law's schedule changing and also because of the fact that my daughter is on the summer swim team my routine has changed a lot. I now wake up and go to the bathroom and get dressed, then I will check my email and drink a little bit of Pepsi (my caffeine fix for the morning) and then we will go to swim practice. How about you, would you care to share your morning routine?
18 responses
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
6 Jul 10
Since i have Muscular Dystrophy i am totally dependent on my helpers. I have 2 of them, one with day duty and another with night duty.There is nobody at home with me since i am single. The day man comes at 8 am and the night man who spends the night sleeping in my room leaves for his house. The day man helps me out of my bed since i can`t stand or walk and puts me on a special toilet chair which has a big hole in the center.He then wheels me to the wash basin where i brush my teeth sitting on the chair.Then i have a cup of tea and then go to the loo.After doing my thing he wheels me to the bathroom which is seperate. I have my bath sitting on the chair.After finishing my bath he wheels me out and into the bedroom. He helps me on to my bed and then helps in dressing me.then he helps me on to my regular wheelchair and then goes to prepare the breakfast for me. After having my breakfast which consists of bread-butter and eggs along with coffee, he then wheels me to my desk top pc.This is my regular morning routine which i have been doing since almost 8 years.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
7 Jul 10
My mother used to take care of me till the age of 82 but after that she could not because of infirmity and Parkinsons disease.After that i employed the men to help me out. My mother passed away 4 years back and now i am alone at home.They come and go as they don`t stay with me but with their families.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Jul 10
My mother used to d theame sot of thing with a single elderly lady. Elma was in her eighties and never quite recovered from breaking her hip. She was like another grandmother to us though and loved having us to come to her house.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
You are lucky that you have people in your home that are able to help you with your routines. I never knew that you had muscular dystrophy until just now. I have a cousin that is disabled and he has his mother that helps take care of him.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
5 Jul 10
That's about my routine too, only coffee instead of soda, and we head to the gym before 9am. Oh, and I squeeze breakfast in there too of course!
• United States
6 Jul 10
That is how I was before I started going to the gym. Trust me I didn't move from this computer chair until lunch time if I didn't have to. But I was so motivated to lose the weight, and it was easier for me to go in the morning (their child watch hours are 8-12 in the morning or 4-8 in the evening only) than in the evening. Now that the kids aren't in school it wouldn't hurt to go in the evening, since dinner and baths and bed don't have to be at specific times, but the few times I've had to do that instead of morning I felt so out of whack! My day just isn't the same if I don't go first thing.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Jul 10
See, when school starts back next month, then I am going to get my membership at the gym and I'll be going when my daughter leaves for school. However, with the swimming and such in the morning, I can't get there until after my nieces arrive and I won't leave four children in child care.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
I wish I was able to get to the gym every morning, but with sissy's swim practice, that isn't a possiblity. Besides that, I don't even think that I'm truly functional before noon (even though I'm up well before then).
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
5 Jul 10
I wake up, let the dogs out, get dressed, get my medicine, let the dogs back in, make sure they have food and water, then head out the door to work...
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
It definitely sounds like you don't have any time at all for gathering yourself together when you first awaken in the morning.
• United States
6 Jul 10
yeah you ain't kidding LOL
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Jul 10
Bathroom, e-mail, wake the kids up, stretch, eat breakfast, dress, get them all ready for school/day care/whatever and then go to work. Weekends, anything goes. Sleep in until whenever, everybody's on their own for breakfast, I may or may not stretch, etc.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jul 10
I truly believe that the bathroom is the first thing on everyone's priority list when they awaken in the morning. And it seems that email is pretty high up there as well, especially considering that there are so many of us that are addicted to the time that we spend online.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
6 Jul 10
I don't really have a fixed routine in the morning. Sometimes, I might have one for a period of time, but it doesn't always happen. I am a student and my schedule keeps changing, which is why I don't have a fixed routine.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Jul 10
I found that my schedule also changed on a regular basis when I was a student. I would be able to maintain the same schedule for the duration of a semester, but then it would change.
@much2say (57292)
• Los Angeles, California
7 Jul 10
For the most part, it's waking up to baby son around 5/6 - nurse him - then get up after he falls asleep. I take a shower, get dressed, put my 2 minute face on, then come out here to get any computer time in. I eat breakfast, then make my daughter's breakfast so she's good to go when she wakes up (she is always starving when she gets up - so I get it all ready in case I need to tend to her brother). We're always off to "somewhere" most mornings . . . so we get in to this sort of rhythm to get ready to leave. Come September, it's going to change big time!!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Jul 10
You are certainly right about it going to change big time in September. I think that is the time in your life that you will find that it will be a completely different reality after your daughter starts school.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
6 Jul 10
my routine has changed a slite but not much since sons gf is visiting, with her kid and dog.. i used to get up late as i wanted, go to bathroom,grab a cup of coffee, down a pill for my stomache and an excedrin for my aches and pains, go outside and have my morning first cig., give coconut her treat bone, then check email, etc. now im usually woken up about 7 or 8am. and do pretty much the same thing. its not bad though. i know its hard to keep an 8yr. old quiet. plus our dogs are still not social and have some confrontation still. it may always be that way until she leaves tho, since coco is still fairly young and very social, but her dog is like 13 yrs old and dont want anything to do with coco. as long as coco stays out of her face, shes fine.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
I certainly hope that the dogs will be able to become social with one another. I think that it is always a little bit difficult to maintain the routine to which you are used to when there are guests at your home.
@bubulizzz (508)
• Latvia
6 Jul 10
I think every routine is terrible, because it's like chain which to throw away is very hard. But I have notice that every human being have some routine or ritual which he perform. Also me have morning routine - I wake up, go to kitchen and drink my morning coffee, than I go to wash and than dress, after this I spend some minutes front of mirror and than go to bus...and this ritual I have every working day. I have tried to break this routine, but after some days I have to admit that my mourning routine is back. I don't like this routine as any other of my routines because of it I feel uncomfortably when something happens differently.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
Until my daughter started her swimming for the summer, I didn't consciously have a morning routine, but there was a way that things typically went and if the day started off terribly differently, then I felt like my entire day was off kilter.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
6 Jul 10
Having a morning routine is important to me. It gets my day stared in a positive way. Out of bed and dressed and breakfast beins my busy day. After that, household chores are on their way as well. After that, i just play it by ear.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
I really like the parts of the day that we are able to play by ear. However, I've also found that I'm a generally happier person while following a set routine in the morning.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
6 Jul 10
When i wake up in the morning, i do have a routine that i follow. I get out of bed, get dressed and feed the animals we have, We have four cats and a dog. After that, it is time for breakfast. I do not always eat the same thing for breakfast everyday, but i do eat breakfast. Then it is of to see what chores around the house need done. After that, it is time to go to mylot. The rest of the day, i play by ear.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
Just like you, after the first couple hours of the morning, I will play the rest of the day by ear. I've been babysitting my nieces, so that is pretty much a set thing, but after they get here, we just play through the day. For example, I'm planning on taking them to the swimming pool in about an hour until either their mother or father picks them up.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
6 Jul 10
A lot of the mornings are pretty much the same for me, at least for the first couple of hours. After that, it splinters out into whatever I have to do during the day. However, I wake up and I go to the bathroom first of all. Never fails that I have to go to the bathroom the moment that I wake up. In fact, more times often than not, that's the reason why I have to get up. Then I fire up the computer, as I am getting dressed. With that, I do my morning check of the e-mail. Eat some breakfast, get something to drink, all that stuff. Then I figure out what needs to be done on this day and then I go right into it. Basically, all mornings pretty much start the same but where I go from there, nothing can really be more different. At least that's the way that I start the day more often than not.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
I don't really think that there is anyone that has the exact same thing going on throughout their days, but I do tend to believe that the beginning of the day is generally the same all the time for most people.
@Gany15k (1673)
• India
6 Jul 10
Yes,I have..I just wake up at 7 A.M..then brush my teeth,take a bath and then will dress up and eat the breakfast and will start to office...I think this will not change as long as I'm going for that job...If I get a new job and if it has a different timings then it may change... Happy mylotting
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
You are probably right about the fact that your morning routine will stay the same as long as you maintain the job that you have right now.
• Philippines
6 Jul 10
i wake up at 5am, open my mini store(home business), prepare coffee and breakfast, set my child and husband's things, open the gate for my husband, bathe my daughter then me and then off we go to her preschool this is basically my morning routine.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
It definitely sounds like you are very busy during the morning hours. I wish that our schedule wasn't so hectic, but then again, I don't think that I'd like to wake up earlier so that it wouldn't seem so rushed.
• United Arab Emirates
6 Jul 10
I have been planning to fix a routine...like excercise. But the idea has been delaying due to work. But may be within the next couple of weeks it should be on place.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
I hope that I will be able to establish a workout routine for the mornings after my daughter goes back to school next month. Right now, however, the morning is really her time.
• United States
5 Jul 10
Mine is similar get into the bathroom,get dressed, check my e-mails ect, toss in a load of wash, get the kids up, make them something to eat, get everyone dressed, then off to summer school & I run errands while 2 of 3 are in class til lunch when school is over.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
I wish that I was able to send at least one of mine to summer school, but that isn't possible for me. And, the kids get up earlier than me during the summer as they awaken at the first sign of light.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Jul 10
hi dorannmwin rain or shine we are called at six am so we can get dressed to be downstairs in t he dining room at 7 to not be served for almost half an hour or more. So I get up a little before six am as I hate that brusque male voice yelling morning ladies when I feel what is good about getting up at 6 a.m. Go to the bathroom do my hair and get dressed. then wake my roomie. then onto my computer for half an hour any way then down to bre akfast. at least I do not have to wash any dishes. lol. I will be so glad when my son now he has at last got a job, puts some aside so we can move into an apartment again.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
Wow, six am are hours that I've only seen a few times in my life. I don't like the morning very much, but I also acknowledge that it is a necessary evil to have to face from time to time. I certainly hope that that your son is able to get the money set aside for you and him quickly.
• Philippines
6 Jul 10
I am a mom of 4 kids. Every day i start it by waking up at 4am, turning on the rice cooker while im in the bathroom to take a shower.After i dress up, i wake the children up for them to take a bath while i prepare the table for breakfast and their food for school. After they have finish dressing up, they would eat breakfast while i dress up ready for work. We all go together in the car dropping the children in school and off i go to the office. What a routine.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
Wow, 4am is very, very early. My daughter doesn't start school during the school year until 8:25 so we will start our morning out at about 7 in the morning during the school year.
• United States
5 Jul 10
My morning routine is quite simple. On week days, I wake up, then sit in the bed for 20 minutes because I'm comfortable and don't want to get up. Finally, I realize I have to get up so I go to the bathroom, get dressed and run out the door (sometimes literally)! On weekends, I don't have a morning routine because I sleep so late. So its more like an afternoon routine. I just get up and eat some cereal while watching the news.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
6 Jul 10
For me the weekend is also different from the weekdays. Oh, I also forgot to mention that I use the snooze button on my alarm clock quite a bit.