2012 Craze
By LaLa Leo
@mrscallands22 (2851)
United States
July 5, 2010 11:09pm CST
Remember how the world was in such a frenzy in preparation for the coming of the year 2000?? People sold their property, went out and bought out shelves worth of bottled water. The night before the new year, many people boarded their windows... just did crazy things because it had been "predicted" that the world was going to end.. If you have seen the movie 2012, you know that that world ended HORRIBLY, almost scary to think something like that would happen. Do you think that people will freak out for 2012 like they did for the y2k??
8 responses
@satanail1313 (82)
• Bulgaria
7 Jul 10
Okey guys first of all the mayan callendar ends in 2012 but according to thei believes they don't excpect some kind of Armagedon.They believe that one day their god's will come back to them and they gonna live along with them once more.I think the key word here is who are these god's i can tell u more about it if u want,but i rlly feel sad when some one expect tha some one will come and save them like Jesus or Allah.Acting like this i will steal and lie and i will talk trash for my friends and i will be like 2face with them but when the sayvor come i will ask him for forgivnes and I will be fine.Instead of that why don't we try to be nice to each other.
Stop the thinks like-I'm Christian i hate Muslims or Hindus or the color of they skin just be nice or don't expect any savyor when all hell brake on you're head and asking :'Why god this happen to me' don't ask him ask you're self cuz u know WHY.
No offence to anyone just be you're self and don't try to prevent anyone of being them self-Let them Be what they are,and if some one come to Slap you're chik don't turn the other Just slap him twice.

@lacieice (2060)
• United States
14 Jul 10
Just search 2012, and you will find all the information you can ingest.
Oh, by the way, the Mayan calendar does end in 2012, but it does not predict the end of the world, but THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT. Some say it means a rebirth and tranquility.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
14 Jul 10
I agree with you on the religion aspect to a certain extent. Every religion does just seem like a remake of another, yet it is still wrong to try and bash another's religion based on your own, like that guy tried to do. If I'm trying to convert someone, the best way is to say good things about my own religion and leave the other person's religion completely out of it unless it is a comparison that the person has asked for.
Anywho... concerning 2012... you listed some interesting facts that I will research later. I want to know a bit more about what MAY happen. Yes, the U.S. will be in more trouble than we already are... if computer systems were to go do... say in the Pentagon, Stock Market and major corporations that are already in financial trouble. I don't even know what they would do from that point... but I hope that the government is fully aware and making plans JUST IN CASE. They tend to overlook the important things and embrace things of little value to us as citizens. I just wish they'd stop ignoring the warnings....

@lacieice (2060)
• United States
6 Jul 10
Hello mrscallands
To be honest, I really don't remember any of the craziness you mentioned. I remember that people were concerned that computers weren't set up for the year change, and it was feared that banks and travel and anything else that was computerized would lose the information, which would mess everything up. Bank accounts, airplane schedules, computer checks, and the rest would be totally gone.
2012 will come and go. Anyone who thinks they can prepare for it, if it would happen to be the end of the world as we know it, would be wasting their time. I'm not saying I believe it, but if it were true, there is nothing anyone could do to prepare for it or stop it. What will be will be.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
6 Jul 10
I remember. In my area things were getting very suspect lol.
But, I agree. I didn't believe it then and don't believe it now. I think that the world will end when and only when God is ready for it, too. More importantly, it wouldn't be that predictable.
Thanks for your comment!!
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
14 Jul 10
Perhaps... yet even with all the damage going on... it still won't happen by 2012. The changes that are happening have been going on for quite some time, true enough, (minus the oil spill).. but I don't think it would cause the end of the world that soon. I think that there are hundreds of more years to go... and God would never make the end of the world so predictable by man. I just suggest that everyone get it right with Him before they leave here because He is the only renewable resource and HE is the only one that will be our Savior in the end.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Jul 10
I hate to see people act in that way too... but if it were to happen we'd be as helpless as ants in a flood. I would just accept the inevitable and try my best to get things right with God.
Thanks for your comment!!
@carpediem17 (1315)
• Singapore
7 Jul 10
The 2012 doomsday prediction had arose in accordance with the Mayan calendar and its structure. It seems that an astronomer Philip Plait has stated that the Mayan calendar does not end in 2012 and that like a car's odometer, the last number will switch to the next number. Maybe should check out if there is a new Mayan calendar coming out soon.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Jul 10
Wow, I knew nothing about the Mayan calendar, so I definitely will look more into that. I'm not in fear of the world ending in 2012. I doubt very seriously that that will happen.
Thanks for your comment!!
@satanail1313 (82)
• Bulgaria
6 Jul 10
Okey guys i see all of u are sceptic about that year,and ye i remember about year 2k and specially it was the end of 1999 the number of beast and blah blah blah.But i was not fully understand who was that Nostradamus that has to predict it,back ther i was thinking that he is so great medium that he predicts so many thinks before that i was thinking too that this is going to be the end.But after that i learn who really was he and so many thinks....Anyway first of all we should understand the nature of some think before we can make an opinion righ?First of all from where that predict about 2012 come,who were they and what profit they gonna make from it?I can agree with u that some people will make a lot of money with the coming from the results of action that some people gonna make with the coming of it.Some people gonna take huge credits that can't afford with the thinking that they won't need to return it.Some people gonna sell they profits just to have a nice last moments,and some other's gonna make burgluary and other crimes from which the prison's will be more full of them.And if u think the prisoners only cost a lot of money to the tax payers think again,they make a lot more to the prison holders and the goverment who actualy don't spend that kind of money for the prison that they say.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Jul 10
Yes, I agree. The predictions of a medium, psychic or whoever is quite questionable especially when they are saying things of that caliber such as "The world is ending". Tangible proof, logic, stats and even something a little supernatural has to be shown to me in order for me to believe it!
Thanks for your comment!!
@christiandude1993 (20)
• United States
7 Jul 10
I believe that the world will end when Jesus returns to Earth to take all believers in Him to Heaven. In the movie 2012, the world ends violently and horribly. I do believe that the case will be worse in the coming future but not on December 21, 2012 (12-21-12) o.O People will be a little freaked I believe, but the world will not end on Summer Solstice 2012.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
6 Jul 10
I agree. I don't think that the ending of the world is that predictable.
Thanks for your comment!!
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
6 Jul 10
I remember some of the things people did to prepare for Y2k, but the world was also going to end then for a different reason. Nostradamus, who'd never been wrong about his predictions before, predicted, according to his followers / interpreters, that the world would end in 2000. It actually came very close to doing so. We've had many near misses in the last century. Instead of being complacent, we should be try & learn all we can about what is set to happen in 2012, how to delay it or avoid it & do our bit to make sure it doesn't happen again.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
6 Jul 10
Very interesting. I never knew that. I think that people aren't going to be all hyped this go-round because it didn't happen in 2000, so now they are not expecting it. But, you can never be too sure and must always remain prepared.
With the government's focus being on other things currently, I think that 2012 is the furthest thing from their minds.
Thanks for your comment!!