Is there reason for this??

United States
July 6, 2010 7:15pm CST
Every time I post something on here people have attitude with my discussions. For example I posted an ad up about my husband joking around with strangers and them possibly getting mad so it's a little embarrassing sometimes. So, the person said if you love him you wouldn't get embarrassed so just drop it! Am I doing something wrong? Or are there just some mean people on MyLot? I'm really confused and a little upset about it... Could someone let me know?
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9 responses
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
7 Jul 10
Responses on line often seem to come across with attitude. I understand about love and embarrassment, I have a similar hubby. I would also say that if you are running in to a lot of people with attitude, it is time to expand your friend list to some people who are more consistently understanding and kind. Other people need to look at your perspective as well. I am sure you love your husband, and sometimes, you would just love for him to control himself. I do not think love means never having a criticism. You might help him be more successful if he manages this trait better.
• India
7 Jul 10
haha garden gerty i liked your quote " you might help him be more successful if he manages this trait better" ...its a sign of positivness that girls give for flirty boys huh?
• United States
7 Jul 10
Thank you GardenGerty! Your right that sometimes it might come across the wrong way but nothing was meant by it. Hehe, I would love for him to control himself sometimes but I do love him just the same =) I just thought it would be nice to see what other people's spouses do that embarrass them, kind of to know I am not the only one I guess =) =)
• Philippines
7 Jul 10
hi there lilangelspreschool.. obviously,you are aware that there are really people who are somewhat mean. on the other hand there are those who are good to us. if your upset about what happened to you, you better start giving thoughts that you really can't please other people. mean or not mean, these people will come to the point that they will eventually criticize if not ridicule you. and if they aren't the people mentioned earlier, then they are just playing toy with you. i hope you get my point. God Bless!
• United States
7 Jul 10
Thanks for the response. I do get what your saying =) I know I am a pretty easy target for mean people. They will have a field day with me! I am way to sensitive, nice and tormented easily. I have always been that way, needless to say I was loved by the bullies at school when I was younger... =( I am trying to toughen up a little, I hope I can do so soon! I ALWAYS try to please EVERYONE, I am starting to FINALLY realize I can't. No matter how hard I try it never works. Why do I try so hard??? =)
• Philippines
8 Jul 10
you see.. people are indeed diverse. but i can really see myself in i guess i can share to you what i did to surpass that stage. i was once targeted by some people but the catch is i had some help. so this is where friends come into our lives. there are those who are true and the others, well you already. and i really suggest that you make some acquaintances with other people. who knows, they might have the same problems like yours.:) and lastly, pray to your God. it really helps the process. trust me. God bless!
@laglen (19759)
• United States
7 Jul 10
Keep in mind dear that in writing you cant hear inflection. So sometimes we read something that was not meant that way. That being said, I saw the response (you know I had to look). I would ignore it and move on. There are a large majority of people that caught the spirit of your discussion. I get this at times too where people assume what they want and get it wrong. oh well!
• United States
7 Jul 10
Thank you laglen =) I'm glad you saw the discussion and get where I was coming from. I wasn't saying I don't love my husband because of it or anything. I was just wondering what other people's spouses do that embarrass them sometimes. We all know it happens whether we admit it or not! Thanks for the encouraging words =)
• United States
8 Jul 10
People are just rude. It's not your fault honey.
• United States
8 Jul 10
Thank you for the nice response! I need all of the nice people I can find in this world...=)
• India
7 Jul 10
Don't get upset...everywhere such people are there to pull our legs. Everything will be alright....Best of luck...think positive, hope for the best.
• United States
7 Jul 10
Thank you for the response and the encouraging words! I will try not to get upset but that's kind of hard for me. =( I'll try though =)
• United States
7 Jul 10
I think some people get really bored with their lives and enjoy stirring up drama. It's pretty sad but the best thing we can do about it is let it roll off our backs on focus on positive people who uplift us. I know it can be easier said than done but I'd like to believe there are more positive than negative people around.
• United States
7 Jul 10
Thank you :) I know people do it just because they have nothing better to do. I just think that is so stupid and immature. I HATE upsetting people or having someone angry with me so I do everything in my power to not make anyone upset or angry. I guess some people don't care, that's just hard for me to understand! =)
@ellie333 (21016)
7 Jul 10
Hi Lilangelspreschool, I would't takeit personally as we have people from all over the world here and sometimes words come accross wrong, I am sure they didn't mean anything by it. Ifthey did though, like in life you will come accross the odd person with attitude but I have been here a fewyears now and only ever once experienced anyone being really nasty. Huggles. Ellie :D
• United States
7 Jul 10
Thank you Ellie =) Yeah, maybe it is just that people aren't sure how to put things... I wasn't really thinking of that. =)
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
2 Mar 11
Hi. lilangelpreschool. People are mean everywhere that you go. You will just have to ignore them. They are not worth your time at all. People just are mean because they want to hurt your feelings. Most of the time, they enjoy hurting your feelings too. But, don't let them. Never give them the satisfaction of seeing you squirm. It is a mind game to them. Ignore their comment. Some people are also impatient when it comes to the sad emotions of others. I call this bitterness, and I don't have time for this. And you should not either too.
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
7 Jul 10
That's the one thing about typing online even with emoticons you still can't really tell a persons emotion. Some people don't word things right and they do come off short or rude and some people are just being mean. There's a mean one in every bunch you know. Some people use mylot as a place to put people down or criticize to make themselves feel better. Don't let it get to you. There are also a lot of really nice and interesting people on mylot too. You just gotta fish around.
• United States
7 Jul 10
Thank You =) I am a pretty sensitive person as some people on here already know. I think it's terrible that people use Mylot to put other people down, that's sad to me =( Yeah, it is hard to tell if people are being mean or if they just didn't say it in the right context... =)