Has Anyone Been Following The Missing Person Case of Kyron?

@snoopyfan (1312)
United States
July 6, 2010 8:37pm CST
Hi gang wanted to know if anyone has been following the case of this cute little 7 year old boy in Portland, Organ? He is the one who went to his science fair with his step mom and never made it to his first class. According to the step mom she walked this little boy to class and never saw him again. His father didn't find out he was missing until they went to the bus stop to pick him up. According to the school there are no rules to alert parents when their children are absent which has now been changed. The step mother has not been named officially but is a suspect. I have been watching this on Nancy Grace and their is a lot of stuff going on. This step mom is not working with the police. She went to gym to work out the same day Kyron went missing. Posts all kinds of comments on her facebook account. And now last week the father moved our of their house with their 19 month daughter as the police told the father he needs to leave and take the daughter no one knows where he is and the court issued a restraining order against the stepmom. Which is sealed pending this investigation. Last night they said the landscapper said the stepmom asked him to kill her husband (Kyron's dad) seven months ago. She said she was unhappy in the marriage. She also took two polygraph tests. It is really sad cause this boy has been missing for 21 days now and I am really hoping for a miracle and this beautiful boy will be found but all of these rumors going around are not looking good. And Kyron has vision trouble so it is very hard for him to see. They have caught this step mom in many lies. It really burns me up to see people harm children. Actually I would love to pull the switch on anyone who kills kids or abuses animals. I don't understand why people want to harm kids. So far we don't know what happened to Kyron yet but if it turns out she did kill him I really hope she gets the death penalty. And I don't care if she just snapped or what. You don't kill kids! Would love to hear your thougts and I will get back to you when I can. Still no internet at my house. One of our roommates had it and he moved out. So we are without again until our stupid landlord who lives in the back puts it in his name I can be back here on My Lot and giving it a lot more attention. Hope everyone is well and again I will get to you when I can. Please don't be upset if it is not right away. The library's here are cutting hours. Peace & God Bless
4 people like this
5 responses
@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
7 Jul 10
Actually I haven't heard all about this but wow thanks for the info. Interesting case here. In my opinion things don't look for the best. If she was willing to kill her husband, or have him killed who knows what she might of ended up being a capable of. I agree anyone who harms a child should die or be harshly punished. Anyone who does feels like they couldn't hurt an adult, they prey on innocence. Some people are just sick that's the real sad truth.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
7 Jul 10
It is getting more national attention I believe. I tried to fill everything in just in case people hadn't heard about it. There is some land nearby this school I forgot what the place is called but it has a lake and they said if she just left him there stranded he would only live for a few days without food or water. People magazine has run a few stories as well. I am sure when this boy is found it will be all over the news. It is very sad and I hope he is alive but am very afraid he is in The Lord's Hands now. Peace
2 people like this
• United States
7 Jul 10
As bad as this sounds if he is gone I hope she didn't just leave him there. It would of been better for her to just kill him so he didn't suffer. I wish it was an eye for an eye. I wish the punishment would be what was done to the child. Like if she did leave him there...leave her on a deserted island to try and survive. But with a blindfold and her hands tied, since he was only a child. That would be justice.
• Philippines
13 Jul 10
i havent heard about this news..but so sad for the family of this boy!I hope he will come back or found in his good health..GOD BLESS
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
14 Jul 10
It will be a blessed miracle if he is found alive. The more that comes out only makes it seem like this precious child is now in Heaven. And yes very sad for the parents. They seem to get along well even though divorced and this stepmother was a good friend of Kyron's mom. I am sure both parents will deal not only with the loss of their son but the fact they thought this evil witch was going to love him and take care of him. God Bless you as well.
@AmbiePam (96508)
• United States
11 Jul 10
It looks like the stepmom is heavily involved. And I almost hope it is her because 1. they would be more likely to find Kyron had she done something to him rather than a random stranger, and 2. she's already been accused so much and looks so guilty, it would be awful if the woman was actually innocent. I don't think anyone believe she IS innocent. And I don't think anyone, if they were really honest, believes that Kyron is okay. The latest thing I read about this case was in yesterday's issue of People magazine. I don't watch the news as much as I used to. It's too depressing.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
14 Jul 10
Yeah People has been doing a great job as they have been having updates every week. Their info is the same as Nancy Grace. And I agree people may not believe Kyron is okay but you have to have some hope he will be. I wish this B would just tell the truth so they can at least bring Kyron home and his parents can either witness a miracle being Kyron is save or be able to bury this beautiful boy. It is a very sad story indeed.
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
9 Jul 10
snoopyfan, I just hate to say this but it is a fact that if this boy is not kidnapped which is highly unlikely since there's no ransom demands, he is most probably killed. I do not think the boy's stepmom, would have enough brains or connections to sell the child away, so I think we will just have to brace ourselves for the worst news to come. It is really sad at how people cannot simply give up and walk away when a relationship does not work out - and take it out on innocent children.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
7 Jul 10
I've been watching bits and pieces of it but it just upsets me to no end. It's another sad sad case of the wicked step mother harming a child over jealousy because his father spent a few moments with his son. I hate anybody who harms a child or animals too and wish we could protect them in some way but being that the children belong to one of the parents or both, we can't do anything. Even reporting them might not do any good because child protective services are so overwhelmed because they're understaffed and underpaid. That's why I say we need to come together as a community and help these lost kids because kids can't defend themselves just as an animal can't unless they bite but lo and behold if an animal bites! They'll be put down which isn't right either. It's a no win situation. It really is. But all in all, I am hoping that Kyron is found and found alive. Bless his heart! The terror he had to face at the hands of this witch! If he's gone, I hope they're able to find his body so they can give him a proper burial. As for the witch, I hope they throw the book at her!