Are you introvert or extrovert?

@leo2050 (348)
July 7, 2010 5:38am CST
an Introvert is the one who is a bit shy and doesn't talk much to strangers, while an extrovert is just its opposite. So guys what you are, introvert or extrovert? I am both. Sometimes i behaves that i am a bit shy and sometimes, just its opposite.
9 responses
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
7 Jul 10
I think that I am becoming more extrovert as time goes on. I was quite introvert back to my school days, but as I am growing older, I am not that introvert any more. I think that I am both and sometimes it depends on the situation where I am.
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@elleb0418 (1107)
• Philippines
7 Jul 10
It depends on the environment I am into.Whenever I am with friends I am more with extrovert type but when I am with strangers I am an introvert type.But I love talking and exchanging topics with friends and I am also frank when telling people what I don't like.
@meemingNEW (2226)
• Philippines
7 Jul 10
It depends on who I'm with really. If I'm in a room full of strangers, I don't blab a lot. I'm timid and shy and don't talk too much. But if I'm with my friends or people I know, then I'm the exact opposite because of the level of comfort that I already have with them.
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@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
7 Jul 10
I guess I am a bit of both introvert and extrovert. I don't really like to hang out and spend most of my time at home, reading or just watching television. But since I am a bit talkative (okay, maybe a lot) I make friends easily. I usually talk more when I am nervous.
@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
7 Jul 10
Maybe I'm both. ^.^ I don't like talking to people especially when I don't know them. Commonly I am being referred to as a snob. But most of the time I'm loud and upfront whenever I'm with my friends and family. I guess, it all depends on the mood. ^.^
21 Aug 10
I am an introvert, definitely. I can make friends easily, but it's harder to find something to have a conversation with people, because a lot of the time I feel awkward--so I don't always say something. I open up to people who are closer to me and have a connection (but it's still hard to). And it definitely takes some time to get to know people and feel comfortable around them.
@common_man (1799)
• India
7 Jul 10
Hi I am an introvert. I do not talk too much with strangers, but I talk only with people known to me. And open up with people close to me.
@cip116 (1011)
• Romania
7 Jul 10
definitely extrovert I know it is not good but I tried have few days when "thinking" and everyone asked me... "are you sick?"
@jha907 (114)
• India
7 Jul 10
I m also bit shy takes some time to mix with the people.but i would like to mix more with the new helps in the long run.It develops the personality of a person.