Is text messaging keeping kids from learning communication skills

United States
July 7, 2010 9:24am CST
I have just learned that my daughter can text faster than I can type, and her friend can't spell a thing the way it is supposed to be spelled. I have also learned that it is getting so bad with the texting that moms are starting to be mad about the fact that kids are spending a lot less time study and a lot more time texting, in some cases they can text all day but cant have a conversation with these same friends, what do you think of texting.
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16 responses
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
7 Jul 10
i think so. but texting has become a necessity these days well, at least cellphones are, and it costs less to text than to call. texting, undeniably, is a good technology. but like other technology, it comes with a price. there are, of course, cons as there are pros.
• United States
7 Jul 10
Absolutely, it does have some good points but it is killing the level of communication people actually have with each other.
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
7 Jul 10
kids should be thought that text language is different from actual writing. i think on some level, parents are partly to be blamed for this. i'm not saying all parents are but some are. sometimes kids here int he philippines have cellphones even before they can even read. so when they learn how to, text language is what they would know first. i think parents should be responsible as well when they give their kids cellphones, especially the little ones. i mean, do a 6-year-old (sometimes even younger) really need a cellphone?
• Philippines
7 Jul 10
i believe people should start implementing seminars on how to differentiate from texting to messaging in the keyboard, or writing.otherwise, the teacher might consider banning the use of mobile phones in school
@mturacom (632)
• India
7 Jul 10
I am not sure if it have any bad effect but I am sure that it will not have anything beneficial. But it may help in learning new spellings and memorizing them if she uses t9 dictionary and t9 dictionary also helps in typing faster. I have done it and like typing with it. But if she is devoting more time to typing rather than on studies and other things than it will definitely have negative impact.
• United States
8 Jul 10
Oh no my daughter is an excellent typists, we are talking about texting. But thanks for your response.
• Philippines
7 Jul 10
Text messaging is a way to communicate to other people so i'm suprised how it's another reason why kids bloking out learning.
• United States
7 Jul 10
Here is a good reason, my friend who is a school teacher asked the kids to answer some questions, one of her students wrote on a question IDK, ROL,Ask my BFF Jenny she NOs the Answer. The girl is in the 8th grade and this is what she said and she is seeing this more often and wrote an article about it in our local paper, that is why.
• United States
7 Jul 10
The texting often drives me nuts around my house. My children (19 & 17) will be sitting across the room from each other and sending each other text messages. But I can't say much about them doing it because my husband will join in sometimes also. And thank goodness for unlimited texting plans. Our family texting per month is somewhere around 5,000 messages. Of which 20 are mine. And they are usually to the kids so I can get a response to something.
• United States
7 Jul 10
Isnt that the truth, I think my daughter can text 75 words a minute which is more than I can type.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
8 Jul 10
Text messaging is just one of those things that just makes me shake my head over and over again. I think that children are learning to text things and thus they are not being able to formulate complete sentences. Considering that it is done so quickly, it may not seem much, but people can text back and forth for hours and hours. Therefore that has to burn up a lot of time. It is rather sad how texting has taken over. It is good enough in a pinch but some people just do it way too much. I think it is eroding the communication skills of this generation. The generation after mine will be a lot worse off for this reason then my generation. It is rather horrifying to an extent how far texting has gone. Of course, technology cannot be stopped but still I think that parents should moderate how much their children text.
@magtibaygom (4856)
• Philippines
7 Jul 10
It was recently featured in a TV news cast here in the Philippines that the Department of Education is now worried about the emergence of a new generation of young texters who call themselves "Jejemon". Their texting style is based on the theory of homonyms and rhymes. Out of the sound of words, they invented new words, not same spelling but sounds the same. The end results are, it creates confusion and Jejemons are no longer texting on proper spelling of words. It's texting at its worst!
• United States
8 Jul 10
That is even scarier than actual texting, thank you for sharing this, but now it is one more thing as a parent we have to look out for, before I could check my childs text usage to ensure that she is not talking with some strange people or that the conversations she is having is appropriate, with this new thing I would not understand her.
• Philippines
8 Jul 10
I personally believe that text messaging detrimentally affects the learning process of children in general. I have countless first hand experiences regarding this matter since I have a computer rental shop business. One of the services we offer at the shop is typing/encoding and when I was just starting the business, I personally do all the typing jobs myself. I certainly can't forget how disgusted I was the first time I received a handwritten draft of what supposed to be a formal Cover Letter for job application composed by a university student. According to her, it was a requirement in her English subject. Well, I tried my very best not to offend the girl -- but I had to let her know that should I simply type everything according to her handwritten draft, she'll definitely get a failing grade in her English subject. Can you imagine reading a cover letter for job application using text speak? 1. Proper capitalization was not observed. 2. Most words were spelled as in text message. Example: i wud lyk instead of I would like 3. Almost no proper punctuation. I could have then easily typed the document properly but I thought she's the one who must be graded and not me. This is just one concrete example of the negative effects text messaging has on today's children.
• Philippines
8 Jul 10
I guess parents should refrain young kids from having a cellular phone. They are alreasy too occuped with all the game consoles in the market, so why add another gadget that will distract them from their studies and other activities.We should teach or kids to enjoy other activities besides texting and computer games.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
8 Jul 10
Yes and no. I know people that do text speak talking to their close friends but can also spell correctly when needed to. Parents should not give their kids the ability to text in the first place until after that child has been through enough school and learned how to read, write and all that jazz. If their grades start slipping, texting fun says "bye bye".
@tap0991 (2766)
• United States
7 Jul 10
It really depends on the person. I know a lot of serious texters and they are some of the most talkative people I know. On the other hand I know some text crazy people who just dont talk that much. For these two examples i say it depends on the person texting. Texting does have a different language but thats because people are trying to fit a lot of words into a set limit of characters available and they do not want to waste time texting more than one page. I use to be like that but then my mom got unlimited texts and then I started using whole words and grammar like I should.
• Philippines
8 Jul 10
i thunk textibg is not a good exercise for the children to use as a medium of communcation because it will only give bad effect to childrens because they are starting to forget the right spelling of some particular words..
• Philippines
7 Jul 10
Yeah by just doin shortcuts on the way they input words decreases their grammar skills at the same time makes them weak when it comes to verbal communication.
• Philippines
8 Jul 10
yup, and the fact that most kids are more fond of using shortcut words(eg. work-wrk, good morning-gdmrning...) that their language skills when it comes to grammar are deteriorating...
• Vietnam
8 Jul 10
Hizz. i think texting or communication skills is both very important. Maybe texting for some children is easier than others. texting is faster and more interested, I think. So we must teach them, show the attractive point of communication. Be patient, I think everthing will be good
• Philippines
7 Jul 10
i just received a text message from some one.i think she texted the wrong person but i can see her messages a bit of a jejemon since i couldn't spell it right or just the spelling is wrong but for sure, this jejemon thing is really disturbing. people should be taught of the right words to text, or simply encourage the youth not to imitate in school what they do in the text messaging
@aguas_aj (498)
• Philippines
7 Jul 10
well, i agree with you. Kids seems to spend more time in chatting with their friend than reading or researching. They seem not lose any topic being discussed in their celphone. I believe that celphone should be kept by parents after school, especially if they are just 2 yr highschool to lower years. it lowers their spelling skills as well as their social skills. pkus they lose to meet the person in real hand rather than texting only