why do people hate obama so much?
By o0jopak0o
@o0jopak0o (6390)
17 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
9 Jul 10
I don't hate Obama. I am not happy with his job performance...or that of congress.
I don't think either of them have been doing their job properly. More debt instead of less..more government spending instead of less...more government instead of less. Not really solving any problems but creating more of them.
To be honest...I was not happy with the job Bush did or that of his congress either. They spent like no tomorrow. Got us in two wars. created more problems instead of fixing them.
I am fustrated and fed up with them.
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
9 Jul 10
I don't hate him I just think he hasn't come through like he promised. He renewed the patriot act, enforced NAFTA more than it was before, put wall street people in his cabinet (who were part of the problem of the current financial crisis). He hasn't done anything to bring the troops home yet (unless you call putting Patraeus in charge a step in the right direction). All in all he got a lot of people all worked up about change and we haven't seen much yet. From my opinion it looks like he is following in Bush's footsteps. Most people are fed up with politics as usual and politicians who have sold their souls to big business and were hoping for something better.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
9 Jul 10
It's politics. I think it would be a very interesting case study to see if someone like an Oprah ran for president. Just to see if she would be bashed like everyone else. It has more to do with politics, and the fact that we have two very similar parties, and want to act like they are complete opposites because it makes them money, and gives them power. The problem is that we are to STUPID to realize that we are all being played by these fools.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
8 Jul 10
I usually rant on for hundreds of words and don't usually answer a question with a question. But since I'm confused here, I would like to know what you mean specifically by "hate."
Are you saying that not agreeing he's a good President is hateful?
Other than a few moron radio talk hosts, I haven't really seen anything thrown Obama's way that could be called "hate."
I'm sure it's out there. I'm sure some hate him. But the "too many people are hating him" line confuses me.
From what I can tell, President Obama gets off tremendously easy in the media and the public at large, with very few criticisms of his presidency so far when you look at the whole.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
8 Jul 10
True enough. But in all honesty, I only know of 2 posters here who habitually pick at Obama, and only 1 of them you could make the "hate" case for.
I see a lot of folks who do manage to make anti-Obama admin posts. But they're usually very specific, with substance, and don't simply flame the guy without cause.
I do see a lot of folks on the "he's a Muslim" and "he's not a citizen" bandwagon. But I'm not sure I'd classify this as hating someone either. Bush definitely had more conspiracies floating around him - 911 plot, war for oil, blew up the levee, intentionally withheld help to kill black people, illuminati Cheney puppet, one-worlder, etc.
I wouldn't necessarilly call people holding those opinions hateful in all cases. Ridiculous and not invited to my imaginary beach mansion? Yes. Hateful? Ahh...
But I do know there's a lot of "hate" elsewhere. People on the Internet tend to act a lot more ignorant than people I've met in real life. YouTube comments are a prime example of the basement dwellers you'll probably never see outside.
So if oOjopakOo is basing that off of net comments, then it does make a little more sense. 

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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Jul 10
i have come across some utterly vile sites online. they are written by, i fervantly hope, solely people with internet access in their padded cells. mylot is full of people with very strong, and sometimes very silly, opinions but not quite in the same league. mostly. there's a couple of exceptions. and they tend to be the loudest and what a newbie would most likely see.
so you have upgraded your imaginary beach hutch to an imaginary beach mansion have you? congratulations.
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@o0jopak0o (6390)
• Philippines
9 Jul 10
well from the pro-obama things i see in the net i see more than twice the number of anti stuff.
well as you can see i dont live in the us so the one thing i can know is thru the tv or the net which is sometimes biased. that is why i posted this discussion.
@o0jopak0o (6390)
• Philippines
9 Jul 10
yes i also feel the same too. but ive seen people blaming him for no reason at all or reasons that you cant connect to him.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
9 Jul 10
What about when he is doing the EXACT same things as Bush? He promised to fight the Patriot Act that Bush put into place and instead he's extended and expanded it. He promised to have all troops out of Iraq within 16 months and it has now been 18 months and he's now decided to keep troops in Iraq. That was McCain's plan and Obama criticized him heavily for it. He's continued Bush's inaction on the border and much like Bush he hasn't hesitated to violate the constitution whenever possible.

@laglen (19759)
• United States
9 Jul 10
I cant speak for everybody else, but I dont hate him, I hate what he is doing to my country. I do not agree with 99% of his policies. I hate his arrogance, his narcissism, and his disregard for what the majority of Americans want.
I do not wish anything bad to happen to him other than losing his seat as President. He is entitled to his views and opinions. I just wish he wasnt in a position to inflict them on an unwilling population.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
9 Jul 10
If people hate him, it's because he made certain promises that it's clear he never intended to keep. He's a liar. He seems to care more about any other country than the USA. He's trying to turn us into complete socialist. His czars are nothing more than thugs. Being honorable and just are not in his vocabulary. He was and remains unprepared for the job. The only thing he has going for him is he has a beautiful speaking voice.
@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
9 Jul 10
I don't think "hate" is the right word. I voted for him and I don't hate him at all. He is doing the best that he can under the circumstances. We had the worse 8 years in my lifetime under Bush, and trying to clean up that mess will take another 12 years at least if not more. I believe people thought he was a miracle worker and everything was going to be fixed within months of him taking office. These people who thought this way did not have a clue what it means to take over this job when it just finish having the worse President ever in office for so long.
@sonofmercury (407)
• United States
12 Jul 10
you can't blame Bush because obama has done nothing useful in office. If the last 8 years have been so bad then why hasn't obama done something to change it? all he has done for the last year is 8itch about health care and now he has forced that down are gullet what has he done?
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
25 Jul 10
Hi o0jopak0o,
I am not sure that people hate Prisident Obama. I think they are disappointed that what they expected from an new and different (African American), president is slow to take form. He has not been in office but a "hot minute." He needs time to try to clean house, and but in new and improve orders in place. We are so impatient.
He has three more years, and if the people would give him space to make mistakes, just like all the other presidents did, I think he will prove to be just as wise and competent, if not more so, as the rest of the past presidents
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
25 Jul 10
Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, aka Steve Dunham is a man of seared conscience and no character who has usurped a presidency to which he is not legally entitled. This is a crime called treason. Heaped upon that (as if that's not enough to reasonably deem him "evil" in intent and actions), he is deliberately trying to destroy the very freedoms and life of a country and its citizens by commiting jihad and leaving its borders unprotected.
Every day, in every way he does something else unconstitutional and abhorrant.
While we hate the evil he does, I'm wondering what there is about him to like or deem worthy of praise.
@BLD367 (142)
• United States
8 Jul 10
Well all the hype he had in the beginning is naturally turning against him.
People want immediate solution to their problems. Unfortunately, the International Economic crisis is not something that can be resolved overnight. Most though though don't under stand this or simple don't care. They only want a solution that fixes their problems.
I don't want to say the other obvious reason.
Okay I will, its because he's a Democrat.
The USA is a center right nation. A traditional big spending liberal Democrat just does not play well. Unfortunately, Obama has done nothing to prove that he is different.
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@o0jopak0o (6390)
• Philippines
9 Jul 10
yes i have seen this hype also seen some people cried when he was elected and such. im also one of the hyped ones before.
@kolsti87 (521)
• United States
14 Jul 10
For a number of reasons, most depending on demographic. Many people who dislike the president are relatively uninformed and receive what information they do get from news organizations with reason to slant things towards an anti-Obama viewpoint. Others simply disagree with him on basic things like economic stimulation or more trivial issues like abortion. Others simply are disappointed because he was supposed to be an all-savior that would not only fix the country, but make it better than expected. So much was expected from him that with a still rather uncooperative legislature, these expectations were unrealistic and upon realization that most of these challenges wouldn't be met, many simply dropped their support of Obama.
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
9 Jul 10
I can only say I hate him because he's a left wing, lying, commie, Muslim wolf in sheep's clothing. Is that reason enough?
@sonofmercury (407)
• United States
9 Jul 10
The answer to the question is simple... HE HAS DONE NOTHING, unless you count forcing health care down are throats and doubling are taxes. he is trying to turn America into a socialist utopia where the government is completely responsible for you and by the way it worked out so well for Greece , that's not what the founding fathers had in mind when they created our Constitution. they wanted a weak federal government so there was no chance of having a monarchy