facebook is waste

@monalily (380)
July 9, 2010 3:38am CST
for facebook is nothing but waste of time. you spend time only for msging friends or having your personal info exposed to every1 including criminals. instead of taking precaution you let invite facebook viruses come and damage your pc just for entertaining yourself. i would rather use my pc for work purposes instead .
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9 responses
• Canada
12 Jul 10
My information is not exposed to criminals, or anyone not on my friends list for that matter. I have my privacy settings so that only my friends can see my personal information. I do not add anyone that I do not know to my facebook friends list. I am careful with what information I put on my facebook and in my status and make sure that is is nothing that people can track me down with. I have never recieved a virus from using facebook.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
11 Jul 10
Ah, but you can say the exact same thing about MyLot and other Web sites. Don't put all the blame on Facebook when there are other sites with the same problem. I'm just saying it like it is.
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
9 Jul 10
Oh, is this a Facebook bashing post? I want in...LOL But this has nothing to do with viruses..I have had Myspace for years and had gotten a Facebook about a couple years ago, but never got active there until the last few months and now I regret I ever went there. On Myspace I can post bulletins and blogs without having someone attack me for my beliefs, but on Facebook, not only do I get attacked, but they have friends..I haven't been on Facebook all week, but will either tonight or tomorrow to delete the trolls comments and or block the trolls.. I probably will still not go there as often, I mean what's the use? I'll go to visit my "real" friends, and spend my other time on Myspace.After all, Myspace has the option to have your own playlist on your profile, so I am loving it there anyways..
@allamgirl (2140)
• Philippines
9 Jul 10
i don't think it's a total waste. yes, it's true that everyone can see the information that you put up in there, but you can opt to have your account in private. it just depends on your security settings. i actually like facebook because it brings me closer to my friends who are far away from home. i still stay connected with them even if we are miles and miles apart. i also find long-lost friends and rebuild my friendship with them.
@o0jopak0o (6394)
• Philippines
9 Jul 10
well maybe not a waste but not something that you would be addicted to. i find some users who are online all day and just in that site.
• Sri Lanka
9 Jul 10
well to waste your time or not, it's up to you. even on facebook, you might be able to connect with your friends easily and keep in touch with them and since we're human and you're socialized and seek friendship, i don't think it's a time waste.. the important thing we should know is that some of us, or maybe even most of us, waste our time doing literally nothing at all at times.. maybe in the afternoon, you kind of fell asleep and ruin the whole day.. or watch some unwanted tv program, or go somewhere you never wanted to go lol.. it's just all about time, punctuality and nothing else :) if you could gossip around with your friend face to face, why not do it online on FACEBOOK? come on, there's no harm and if you get addicted, it means this way is even more effective.. and if you don't like it, it's your problem lol :P
@grayxenon (1313)
• Philippines
9 Jul 10
For those who value communications and uses the facilities of facebook there is no such thing as a waste of time. I for some reason finds facebook useful in locating long lost friends, updating lost ties and finding connections to our dearly love ones that are miles away, a free social networking such facebook provides comfort, it saves lots of phone bills. It becomes a waste when you use it to flaunt everything you have, add friends you don't know and carelessly exposing yourself. In the end proper usage will not defeat its purpose.
• United Arab Emirates
9 Jul 10
I used to like it a lot...but now a days i feel its a waste of time spending on facebook. Mylot has been so exciting that i spend most of my time on this...
• Spain
9 Jul 10
either u prefer myspace or u dont have any friends