What role Facebook, Orkut, Twitter play in Online Earning? Do you use them?

@wahsher (175)
July 9, 2010 11:23am CST
I have been searching for online money making since years now. But I can't understand the importance of Facebook, Orkut, Twitter on the internet and how it helps to earn more money. Do you people use these website? What purpose you use them for? I have one extra question about Facebook. Can facebook only used to connect with people you already know? or can you make anyone a friend on facebook. Please give me some guidance, I have never used this sites. And I don't how to use them to earn more.
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5 responses
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
9 Jul 10
We used them as the tool to make money.Cause they provide unlimited tool and markets.
@ehsanji (503)
• Pakistan
9 Jul 10
Would you like to explain how you make money using those websites? I would like to know. Plus, the display picture you have right now is super hot! Thanks for being so cute!
• Bulgaria
10 Jul 10
I use only Facebook. It's easy to share your blog,site,link etc.If you have 200-300+ friends,there is a result everytime.The big groups are good way too.
@sheen13 (567)
• India
10 Jul 10
Hey...these sites are not the sites which pay. All these saites are just some of the famous social networking sites. I have my account in all of these, but mostly I prefer facebook because I find it very interesting and dun to do site. You can do many things in facebook. There are hundreds of applications which include quizzes, games, and much more. You will come to know when you start using facebook. And not only you can find people whom you know but also other people whom you don't know. It's actually easy finding your old mates and others through facebook.
@JohnJeff (720)
• Malaysia
10 Jul 10
More friends to get more money - thats the simple rule.How? - when you get more friends you can promote your blogs,affiliates links and something to promote to your friends.Imagine when you promote something that pay your 10 cents for one referral and 50% from your 10,000 friends from all over the world join you. Just figure out when you get commission one dollar when someone buy from you.easy money huh!.
• Spain
9 Jul 10
nothing at all