Is it okay is to lie, if you think it is better than telling the truth?

July 10, 2010 7:29am CST
I think sometimes it is Okay, I never lie to my parents and my best friends, but sometime you may find yourself in a situation, you think it is better to lie than telling truth.But the majority of the time, it's always best to tell the truth, especially when it comes to facing the truth about ourselves.Personally I prefer not to lie, because I wouldn't want someone to lie to me.
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28 responses
• India
10 Jul 10
yes its good to lie to cover the horrible truth but it must be in such a way that they must not get too hurt when they get to know the truth.
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• Mexico
11 Jul 10
Hi frozen phoenix: I think that's very difficult but I agree. I would also add that is ok to tell a lie when it's not a big lie but at the same time you know that the person would feel sad if he/ she knows the truth, for example sometimes we lie with questions like: do you like my gift? Do you like this dress? How do I look like? Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day. ALVARO
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
12 Jul 10
So what happens if someone gives you a gift and you lie and say you like it when you really do not. Then the next time a special occasion requiring a gift that person gives you the same kind of gift that you really didn't like the first time they gave it to you? Do you "LIE" again?
• Philippines
10 Jul 10
for me, telling a lie is never okay (even if you think that it is better than telling the truth). we can never really keep secrets for long so that just means that no matter how you conceal the truth today, there is no guarantee that it will forever be kept as a secret. i don't want to be a hypocrite though by saying that i haven't lied myself, it's just that i know that when i keep something from someone, it makes me feel bad inside and as much as possible i want to save myself from the guilt-trip. personally, i'd rather be told the brutal truth than to hear a sugar-coating lie. i'd rather be hurt by the awful truth than be temporarily happy with a lie. sure, the truth hurts but i believe it will only hurt for a awhile compared to a lie which would hurt for a long time. why risk losing other people's trust in you? and besides, i prefer that people trust me with the truth. also, there's no such thing as half-truths.. half truths are whole lies.
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@vandana7 (101260)
• India
10 Jul 10
I am ok with that! I think everytime there is a painful vibration we create it is going to hit us in someway. So if it can be avoided, why not. :)
@vandana7 (101260)
• India
10 Jul 10
Mel darling I love you! :) And this is true!!! Not the lesbian kind, but you've promised me something on birthday and I am looking forward to it!!!!
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
11 Jul 10
Come on people where is your integrity? That's what's wrong with the world now. Politicians lie to us, we lie to our parents, we lie to our employers, we lie to our loved ones etc. Where and when will it end?
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
11 Jul 10
I think it is okay to lie to people sometimes too. Its important for me that the lie doesn't come back to hurt them or me later on. Because you don't want to be caught up in a little lie that turns into bigger problems in the future. But a little lie doesn't hurt anyone and can make people feel better.
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• Mexico
11 Jul 10
Hi nijolechu: I think it's sometimes difficult to measure when a lie it's just a "little lie". I think lying is wrong but sometimes they prevent something worst and in this case I think it's better to lie. Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day. ALVARO
@dfhonline (130)
• Philippines
10 Jul 10
Lying because you think it's better than telling the truth is a broad subject. There are matters you need to consider. Like, when do you think it is better? in what situation is it better to lie? better for you or better for the other person? And how can you tell if it is better for him? Basically , it is always better to tell the truth. But there are just some cases where you need to tell a white lie. As they said its a case to case basis. You cant jsut say its ok or its not. Every situation is unique and have to be approach differently. But to be honest, I dont know anybody who havent tell a lie in their whole life.
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• Mexico
11 Jul 10
Hi dfhonline: I can't deny that lying means a big ethical discussion, you have to consider what you really want to do when you are lying and if it's really necesdsary to do this. When I say yes as my answer, I always think about extremely situations where if yo0u tell the truth this will bring you a negative consequence but the general rule is: tell the truth. Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day. ALVARO
• United States
10 Jul 10
sometimes we have to lie but prefer telling the truth if it has minimum consequence. what if your dad is at stake and someone ask if your dad there and you knew that they will kill him would you still prefer to tell the truth?
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• Mexico
11 Jul 10
Hi kim deal: I think you understand my point of view. When the truth is used as a weapon against someone and their consequences are just disgusting it's better to chose another option. I think that intention is very important when we are thinking about this moral subjects. If your intention is good and you have no option, sometimes it's better not to tell the truth. Thanks for your answer. Have a nice day. ALVARO
• India
10 Jul 10
No according to me you should never tell a lie to any person about any sought of matter. Suppose when you decide to tell a lie then you go on thinking about what is the next thing that you should tell when the question arises. Hence you start bundling the answers, in my view we should not lie to people who are really very close, with you. Sometimes we do like but the case here will be a very simple case like, if your friend calls you and asks what are you doing? will you come out with me as i had work. Then sometimes if we are not interested we reply that no i cannot i have work, mom will shout and other related reason you start giving to your friend.
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
12 Jul 10
The problem with lying is that if you tell one lie and get caught in that lie you have to tell another lie to cover the first lie. No, I feel it is never justified telling lies under any circumstances.
• Mexico
11 Jul 10
Hi Crazy Poster: I think I won't lie just because I think it would be beter. I only would lie if this lie would fit to the following conditions: a. That the person really don't need to know the truth b. I know that if I tell the truth to this person I could hurt his/ her feelings and he/ she won't obtain any good about this. Thanks for starting this discussion. Have a nice day. ALVARO
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
11 Jul 10
those two things you mentioned were not lying or not to be considered as lying any more. we are trying to protect other people from being hurt. of course we should not say things if that will destroy other people, that will make a bad person if we do that. if suppose if you know how to create something to destroy life on earth and some bad people will ask you if you the formula, and if you are good person of course you won't admin you know how to destroy the world. even in the bible there are some example some good people hid the the servants of GOd from those pursuing them and when they were asked if they were hiding those servants of God they said no. it is not a lying. since God does not want any one to lie.
• Indonesia
10 Jul 10
better to say the truth...soon or later they will know....
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
12 Jul 10
You are "ABSOLUTLEY" correct! I like the way you think. Once a person gets known as a liar nobody will believe them wether it is a "little white lie" or not. They will not be trusted.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
11 Jul 10
Lying is never okay. Be it the actual lying, or white lies. It has no degree and once it is a lie, it will always be a lie. Its not okay to tell a lie of course but its normal for people to do that. Maybe its all of people's weakness that we need to do something about it.
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• United States
10 Jul 10
I despise liars, I out right will not waste time with anyone I knowingly know they are just going to lie. Once a person says a lie they have to add at least five more into it as the web gets tangled.
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
12 Jul 10
At last an honest person in this conversation! I completely agree 100%! You can never trust them after they lied.
@jabezdnl (22)
• India
10 Jul 10
This question is quite awkward to ask. But anyway i feel that it is fine to say a lie if it seems to be better than the truth. But in general we are advised to speak only truth and restrict lie as much as possible.
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
11 Jul 10
In the long run the "TRUTH" is "ALWAYS" better!
@pursky (12)
• China
10 Jul 10
I was taught not to lie when I was young because a good child would never lie to others. However, I found it was hard to tell the truth all the time when I grew up. There were so many reasons, generally speaking, our conscious or unconscious behaviors resulted from the sincere hope that everyone could be happy. For example, we might tell our parents that we were right even if we had a bad day because we wished parents happy. Besides, we might praise our friends for their beauty in the special day even if they were normal because we hoped they were confident. It is hard to judge, because we wil come up against different people or situations. Maybe we should give different actions according to different circumstances.
• Philippines
11 Jul 10
I always hear that 'kids dont lie'. Well, I know for a fact they can lie and they do lie. Its just its easier to catch a kid that is lying, and when they feel they are busted then they have no choice but to tell the truth.
• Malaysia
10 Jul 10
Through a research, they often encountered people struggling in their relationship sbout whether or not to tell their truth to someone important to them. Deciding whether or not we choose to speak our truth needs to come from our own honestly with ourselves about why we are speaking the truth, Sometimes, truth enchance a relationship. But, it also can destroy a relationship, depending upon the intent.
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@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
12 Jul 10
If "TRUTH" destroys a relationship the relationship probably wasn't meant to be in the first place. You can't build a relationship on lies. Eventually the relationship will fail due to the "LIES" told which leads to lack of "TRUST".
• Philippines
19 Jul 10
Maybe lying in white lies is what we consider. Sometimes I am just lying if I have a friend who is sensitive. It is a pain in a butt to have a friend being sensitive as they are very selfish, they want the attention only on them. When they ask me how is their beautiful dress I will say lovely even it is look plain. To avoid discussion and to avoid her being in pain or hurt is what I want to happen. Anyway a plain dress can be beautiful if the people who wear it wears a beautiful smile on her face. But on deeper things like life is at stake, I should tell the truth.
• India
13 Jul 10
Yup, we choose not to lie, coz we do not want to be lied to either. I try my level best not to lie and infact have it as a basic principle in my life, so I hope i walk accordingly
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
12 Jul 10
i know it is better to tell the truth. but sometimes i have to lie to protects some privacy of someone or something. so sometime i just tell lie if i feel it is better to lie.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
12 Jul 10
The truth is a very delicate thing to be honest. However, there are very few circumstances where it is acceptable to lie. I don't want to say its never acceptable, because there are exceptions to every rule, even if they are extremely rare. However, lying is something that really should not be done. There is really too much work and if you get caught in a lie, then there will be trouble. I would not lie to anyone. Of course, there are times where we might need to only tell a portion of the truth. Just enough of the truth where you are technically not lying, but not the entire truth. Let's face it, the truth can hurt. Therefore, there are times where a condensed version of the truth must be told. It is a very tricky thing to be sure a lot of the time.
@Wabuge (45)
• Kenya
10 Jul 10
Hi There, we all have to lie at one point or anther and no single has ever escaped this trick to get away with something or to have things done. what matters is if it did help and dint cause troubles! i remember when i was young, i took my twin brothers and friends to a place that we did go and play. the place had so many sponges and mattresses awaiting to be recycled surrounded by huge perimeter walls. we were climbing up the walls and jumping below landing to the cozy materials. the walls were like 9 meters long covered about halfway by the spongy materials. it reached a time when one of the twins drooped on the floor hard and he broke his nose when his feet bounced off the sponges an his knee hit him hard on his face. i took him home and knowing that our dad was tough on such carelessness, we hid him and he went to sleep. the next day his face was swollen up with blood clots around his eyes. he looked terrible. i had to lie to our dad that he had had headaches the night before and he slip from the bed knocking himself hard on the bed's side. our dad took him to hospital and he had a minor surgery. had i said the truth, our dad would have punished us for it. i told our dad the truth 12 years later and he laughed about it. at times we have to lie and it helps as long as no one will get hurt..! Nice Time!
@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
12 Jul 10
You were lucky you did not get caught in your lie. What would your father have done if he had caught you in that lie?
@bigal3 (1231)
• Thailand
11 Jul 10
"IT'S NEVER OK TO LIE"! In every situation I have ever encountered it is "ALWAYS " better to tell the truth! A lie always has a way of coming back on the person telling the lie. I believe it is true when it is said that a lie always has a way of coming to the surface. A person may get away with it for awhile but in the end they will get caught in that lie. Once a person is caught in a lie they can never be trusted again. Their integrity is ruined for life after that. It is ALWAYS better to tell the truth and the consequences of whatever action calls for the truth regardless of the end result will end better than if a lie was told. What do you think.