Do you feel like you are truly talking to God in praying?

July 11, 2010 9:29pm CST
through prayer, God has provided a very special way to relate to Him and share our lives with Him
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8 responses
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
12 Jul 10
I always pray and in a way make my own prayers rather than the traditional ones. I feel a special connection when I pray, but sometimes I feel that God is not listening to my prayers. I guess its normal to feel bad when this happens, but it never keeps me from praying.
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• Philippines
12 Jul 10
yeah continue praying,, it is where you keep talking to God
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
12 Jul 10
There are times I feel like nobody's listening, that I may just be talking to myself, or to the walls. But sometimes in deep prayer, I can really feel that He is really working his way through me. I believe that everyday events, both good and bad, are constant and daily manifestations of God's revelation.
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• Philippines
12 Jul 10
yes... with the beautiful things He offer to us is really a blessings... good day
• Philippines
12 Jul 10
Hello Lien, sometimes i think he's listening. most of time, i just don't give a damn if he's listening or not. i didn't want to look like a fool knowing if he's really there doing some action on my request. that's because am more thank ful on the things that he gave me that i didn't really ask for. but before i did ask for a room,table,bed, and a pc computer, next thing i knew i had it all. all the things i wanted as a kid,i've have it now. other things, maybe it's not that important.
• Philippines
12 Jul 10
powerful words... well its your own perspective viewing this matter... anyway thank you... happy mylotting
@ruzzel016 (241)
• Philippines
12 Jul 10
Every time I pray to God, I always believe that He is listening to me because after I pray to Him I had a great feeling that is not explainable, and there is an answer my every prayer, and I do it everyday.
• Philippines
12 Jul 10
thank you... keep praying... happy mylotting
@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
12 Jul 10
Oh my oh my!! yeahhhH!!! The question is really relevant to my present situation.. I am really happy to share my stories with you guys.. I am a devoted catholic (by faith) but honestly at my present situation other catholic may say I am not. It is because I am not married yet but I am living with my boyfriend treating each other as husband and wife. I feel sad because though we love each other but we haven't had enough money to make our love sacred to the eyes of believers. yet I am happy because God has been so good to me. I am financially worried these days because we are making our small house and God provided me a lot. In His special ways... I could really say God is good to EVERYONE, not just to people who are good and bad to the eyes of humanity0. LOVE LOVE GOD!
• Philippines
12 Jul 10
thank you for sharing your story my mylot friend... to God be the glory
• Philippines
12 Jul 10
Yes, I do feel that I am talking to God when I am praying, there are times when I feel like no one is there to listen to me, but I just concentrate and let that special feeling be in my heart and continue praying. Faith is the key to communicate with God, because without it, we will never feel that special connection.
• Philippines
12 Jul 10
thanks barney... always be Godbless
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
12 Jul 10
I always feel that I am talking to God every time I pray. Prayer is a two way communication between God and man. God answers our prayers. When you're used to praying, you will be able to know how God works in answering your prayers.
• Philippines
12 Jul 10
thank you and be Godbless always and be a blessing to others
@jerikjames (1041)
• Philippines
12 Jul 10
Yes. I can always feel like I'm talking to God whenever I pray. This is why I always pray using my own words, and I converse with him like I do with my friends. I think personal conversations with God is the best way to pray. You'll find this comforting and stress relieving. =)