What makes a good lawn ornament?

@AmbiePam (96724)
United States
July 12, 2010 9:54am CST
How about a fridge? Sure, why not?! It stops keeping things cold, let's just put it out on the front lawn. Personally, I would prefer a flamingo. See, in the breezeway of my apartment, in full view of anyone who comes near the apartment complex, is a no longer used refrigerator. It has been sitting there for two months. And after a while I asked why it was still there. The apartment manager said they forgot about it. Well, they don't have an excuse now, but it's still there! And it is embarrassing. I've had a few people over in the past couple months, and every single person comments on it. Repeat visitors over that time have expressed their disgust (disgust that the people care so little about maintaining their tenants homes). I mean, would the apartment manager leave that in front of their own home? Nope. Do any of you actually have lawn ornaments? Because if I had a yard, I really would get a pink flamingo. I love a flamingo. The more the merrier. You should see my kitchen.
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17 responses
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
13 Jul 10
I’m not into lawn ornaments unless they are different and original but I do draw the line at an old fridge! It is lazy not to remove it because I’m sure it is an eye sore not to mention dangerous if it still has the door on it and there are children around. I bought my dad ‘George’ he is a white gnome looking thing who is pushing a lawn mower. I normally detest garden gnomes but this one is different and quite cool! I am not so sure about pink flamingos, love pink but flamingos...Not so sure...(LOL)
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@AmbiePam (96724)
• United States
13 Jul 10
I took a closer look yesterday, and the door IS still on. However, they pushed it up against something that makes it hard to open the door if one tried. I still think that is in violation, wouldn't you think? Pink flamingos could be very tacky, I know. At this point, I just want my own yard to see for myself, lol!
2 people like this
• United States
13 Jul 10
we where driving around the mountains one day randomly and found a home that had a very nice old brass bed frame on the front lawn. where the mattress should have been was a garden box full of flowers. yes they had made a flower "bed". It was funny, gaudy and silly all at the same time! We also saw a home with toilets lining the drive way with tomatoes planted in them. Why I have no clue, but I think I would feel funny eating those particular tomatoes..lol
@AmbiePam (96724)
• United States
13 Jul 10
I know a guy who has this huge tree stump in his back yard. I mean, huge. You could fit a love seat on it. It's pretty high and wide. So he put a toilet on top of it. You know, the "throne"? I bust a gut laughing when I saw that. There is this toilet suspended high in the air by a tree stump.
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• Australia
29 Jul 10
If the fridge had been used in a creative or practical way, then it could be quite a postive statement in the garden. We have old electrical appliances (fridge, washer, dryer) that are that beyond saving we haven't even bothered trying. Our plan is to turn them into practical objects that will add some interest to our (unsightly) garden. We have already decided that one or more will be turned into a compost bin (probably the fridge). Another is going to be striped down and turned into an outside table. Done right and with a creative flare, a fridge could certainly become a talking point, for all the right reasons.
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@AmbiePam (96724)
• United States
29 Jul 10
Instead, it just sat old and ugly in the breezeway of my apartments, prompting raised eyebrows every time someone came over. It's gone now though. Thank goodness.
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• Australia
30 Jul 10
Glad its gone. It does sound like it did make for an interesting topic of conversation while it was there, even if it was for the wrong reasons.
• United States
13 Jul 10
Oh i would way prefer a big old dirty mattress to the fridge...lol but seriously besides being an eyesore that you have a right not to have to look at every day those refridgerators are very dangerous...kids and dogs etc can get in them and get trapped and suffocate....they need to remove it before someone gets hurt...call your code enforcement agency asap!!
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
12 Jul 10
Call the board of health in town. There is probably an ordinance against having appliances sitting around, outside, unused. There really isn't an excuse for the manager to leave it there, as there are places that will pick them up free of charge. Used appliances like that are health hazards. Not only can children get injured while playing in them, but they also harbor pests...especially cockroaches and mice. Let me know how you make out, ok?
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@AmbiePam (96724)
• United States
12 Jul 10
Thanks. I think I'm going to do that.
@AmbiePam (96724)
• United States
20 Jul 10
They moved it. It was about two days after this post.
• United States
13 Jul 10
i think you could be watsing your time becuase who really cares about the lawn ornament and the yard you know its all up to the person that want to fix up there grass lets say for emaple that you have know gras at all you ewil look stuiped puting cazy things in your lawn like ornamet dont look right we out grass your lawn becuase it want make know sicne at all you know why would it you know i not going to jude any bod much love to all that want to make there house speacil you know its your grasss just the other day i watch a old lady be on the news and she had to move here lawn ornament becuase the city thought was ugly in the yard
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@AmbiePam (96724)
• United States
13 Jul 10
I was kind of kidding in this discussion. My issue is really that fridge that should not be there. : )
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Jul 10
magichands you really misunderstood Ambie Pam and please do not call people stupid in your responses as it is not nice.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
12 Jul 10
You could always add a few on each side of your door..and might not be a lawn but would look kinda cute..Only thing I want in my lawn right now is flowers and the trees..and maybe a bird feeder and a few of those shiny globes..there is some people that will haul off the fridge for free..just gotta know who to call or put a add out for someone to haul it away that will profit from it by them selling the metal from the fridge...a scrapper.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 Jul 10
A Washing machine and Settee We have a Guy living here in the Block who was given a new settee and Washing Machine so he decided to dump it out the back my Neighbour got fed up with it and called the Council who then removed it I wish People would take more pride in their surroundings but they don't The Guy who lives here in the Block is a dirty Guy his Flat is awful and stinks he has 2 Greyhounds and never cleans up their Mess
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Jul 10
Ihave foxes and bunny rabbits on lawn and in garden also a couple of frogs Got a big yard and have placed them not close to each other. I would like a bird bath but most arehuge and ugly been loking for a nice one. THE birds think our pook is for them to drink out of .
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
12 Jul 10
I love it Ambie and you'd hate my side yard decorations, my husband is like your manager except his excuse is he has no place for his tools and things..(Ever heard of a trash can? Of how about the back porch??) But I don't dare touch it myself, it will only cause him to loss it, so I leave it..Though I am not so much a pink flamingo, it would be better than the junk that is there..I prefer flowers and bird feeders and maybe a fountain or two.. But I do want to ask..Does this fridge still have a door on it? You can complain and get quick action if it does..Because this is dangerous if a child decides to use it...If not, then unfortunately it's an eyesore and only by bringing it up occasionally with maybe some tips on how to will get rid of it..
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
12 Jul 10
The only lawn ornaments I have are the empty wrappers and soda bottles that people like to drop in my yard as they are walking past my house. Those are only short term lawn ornaments, but it seems like as soon as they are picked up more take their place.
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• United States
12 Jul 10
I'd love to see your flamingo collection! I would call the city you live in and report the fridge. I'm sure they can get in trouble for that eyesore being out there seeing most places here fine you for not mowing your lawn so why not a fridge be an eyesore too! And you don't have to leave your name either. I do have some lawn orniments but not too many. Just a bird feeder or two. A sign about gardening, a "moms garden" sign, a frog holding a rain guge, and a couple of duck statues.
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@AmbiePam (96724)
• United States
21 Jul 10
If I ever get a camera, I'll post them. You should see my flamingo lamp with green hair.
• United States
21 Jul 10
A flamingo w/ green hair? Is it a mowhawk?
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
12 Jul 10
My Garden Gnome - This is a photo of the garden gnome I bought. I took a picture of mine standing next to the mushrooms but can't upload it until I've found the cord to connect my camera with my computer.
My husband said that, if I put any pink flamingoes out front, he'd divorce me. He was joking, of course, but I know what he meant. We've both seen enough front yards that had more lawn ornaments than blades of grass. I've wanted a garden gnome out front for decades. Every store that sold garden supplies, I searched in vain, hoping to see a garden gnome. No luck. Then, a moment of brilliance hit me. AMAZON! Yep, they had dozens to choose from and I bought one. Actually, he's now out front, under a huge oak tree, standing beside 3 "magic mushrooms" as I call them. They're ceramic mushroom-shaped chimes that give off a deep "dong" sound when it's windy. So, that's what I'd choose... garden gnome and magic mushrooms. I think I'll stop with that, unless I can find a lady gnome for my little guy, whom I've named 'George'. I saw a toilet sitting in a front yard once. A complete toilet, bowl AND tank. It was in a yard a few blocks away from where I lived once (a really low-class neighborhood). I was completely floored and I'm sure my jaw hit the ground when I saw that the people who lived there had actually put Christmas lights on it around the holidays! This toilet, apparently, was not an "oversight" and no one had forgotten it was there... these people LIKED it being there! Well, it WAS an attention-grabber. I HOPE that refrigerator you're talking about has had the door removed. It's illegal, at least here, to dispose of a refrigerator or freezer without first removing the door. Maybe that's no longer the case since refrigerators no longer have those doors that "lock" (have a latch) but I'm not sure. I wouldn't want to chance having a kid or animal find it's way inside and getting stuck and dying!
@AmbiePam (96724)
• United States
21 Jul 10
They removed it two days after I posted this discussion. I'm really glad, because I was going to report them. And I like a couple people who work here, so I didn't relish making a big deal about it.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
22 Jul 10
I'm so glad to hear that it was removed before anyone was hurt or killed by it. I'm sure it looks a lot nicer out there now!
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
12 Jul 10
The tenants of the apartments should sign a petition to management. No need for this slackness. How awful for you to see a fridge out there day after day what do I have? A pedestal with a bowl of blooming flowers in a pot placed on it. and somewhere in my garden I have an angel that is partially hidden by ferns. Nope! Nothing else. Too much work going on for me to Mylot so I just stopped by to say hello to you. When my hectic life slows down I will mylot more often. Blessings
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@GardenGerty (162761)
• United States
12 Jul 10
Flamingos for you - Minnesota Zoo in May.
I am sure there is a code enforcement agency in your city, but no one has complained to them. I hope the refrigerator either has the door removed or it is padlocked shut. They are a huge risk for children to get suffocated, just playing inside of one and getting shut in. Now that we know you like flamingos it may be time for you to get flocked!
• United States
12 Jul 10
Oh isn't that ridiculous! You would think they would want to keep the complex looking as best as they can. That's pretty lazy on their part, and just shows you what type of people own the complex. I hope the doors are off of it because where I live, it's a law, so no children can get smothered by accident playing in it and the door shutting on them. You might want to check with your city hall about this in case the doors are still on. Then they would HAVE to remove it. Where I live the landlords are super nice (3 guys) but oh boy, do they need some over-hauling in this joint too. I understand it's an old apartment, built in the 1940s, but it could be so much nicer and cuter! It's got that old world charm, but the landscape, halls, walls, etc., really need some work. It's too bad because I love my apartment itself. The only thing they have for ornaments in the front are weeds, haha! Flamings's are well known here and alot of people have them. Take a picture of your kitchen so we can see your Flamingo's!!! That would be fun!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
12 Jul 10
Hi Amber! I hope they at least removed the door for safety purposes or they could be fined too (which would serve them right)! I know that the maintenance guys here are kind of lazy, but even that's something that they wouldn't leave hanging around. Children have gotten hurt, stuck in ones with doors left on them, hence the law that you must take the door off before disposing of it! I also love pink flamingos! When I go to my Mom's I try to find things with them on it, but usually I only find the stuff at the airport and the prices are insane! I think the tee shirts alone were $35 to start! So, last year I came back empty handed and flamingoless and very disappointed! I also love to collect palm trees. My Mother looks at me like I'm buying God knows what if I try to buy little souveniers! She still thinks she can boss me around and I don't know why because she couldn't when I was a kid!lol But, she has something to hold over me now and that really sucks! Hence, my lack of souvs!
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