Have internet affected your life.

@1anurag1 (3576)
July 12, 2010 2:36pm CST
Have internet affected your life. I did not mean the bad effects only. I meant for the good things also you have got from internet. If I talk about me. Yes I have learned many new things online. And I know if there is an information needed I could found here. But these things make us lazy. We don’t try to explore new physical way to get information. What about you.
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15 responses
• United States
13 Jul 10
yeah internet have good affect into my life..it's where I found my husband and we got one baby now. I did make extra money doing it on my free time and connecting with friends from different countries and with my previous employers too! Sending emails is more convenient than mail on the box. I can save stamps which is very expensive now! I learned a lot of things too like these my lot where you can express yourself.! make friends too!
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@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
13 Jul 10
thanks for the response.
• Philippines
13 Jul 10
Of course it has. I easily learn online and make my work faster through it. It also made mo lots of friends through social sites. However, there are also bad sides like I can't get to get some work done because of playing online games.
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@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
13 Jul 10
thanks for the response.
• India
12 Jul 10
Yes i have been able to get in contact with all my old friends and slowly i believe that i can make a good income online by working hard. this is my first time because i used to just socialize myself in internet chats and having fun with friends. I always stay and chat and listen music and download stuff off the net and i am online for a lot of time. The Internet has played a vital role in my Life and i don't think i can stay any day without it.
@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
13 Jul 10
thanks for the response.
@jerikjames (1041)
• Philippines
13 Jul 10
Yes, internet HAS affected my life. In both good and bad ways of course. Because of the Internet, I could efficiently and effectively do research and complete my assignments, but of it made me lazy to go to the library since books are more reliable, authoritative and offer richer information than the materials in the internet. Another thing is that, I could communicate more with my friends online. I chat with them, email them, and play games with them. However, it again made me lazy to physically be with them. The Internet has a affected my life in many other ways. =)
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@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
13 Jul 10
thanks for the response.
@PTCDude (96)
• India
12 Jul 10
Yes, every thing have ups and downs, internet is not an exception to it. As ups, I can contact anyone who is online, but downs of it are now I chat to friend who live at next door to me. Before internet we used to seat together and have some fun and sometimes someone just say,"Hey Buddy, I think I am hungry, let's go at Blablah hotel", but this is rare now.. I have learned all photoshop and unix through internet only so it proved to be good for me..
@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
13 Jul 10
thanks for the response. good what ever you learned. but there is a need of getting what is right.
@VanGog06 (84)
• Bulgaria
12 Jul 10
Internet has pros and cons.The pros the Internet are:the information you can get from wikipedia or some other sites,you can contact with people that do not live in your city or town,you can earn some money in mylot or some other sites and many more pros.The cons of this product affects the members who spend much time infron of their computers or laptops.That makes us very lazy and fat.Spending much time surfing in Internet also affects our eyes and we can even wear glasses.
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@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
13 Jul 10
thanks for the response.
• Philippines
13 Jul 10
Hello 1anurag1, Yes, internet has affected my life for it has made possible for me to enjoy working from home. Life has become much easier with the help of the internet. It's now so easy to communicate, do research, do bill payments and a lot more -- hey, not just easier but cheaper as well! No more sky-rocketing cellphone bills for overseas calls to keep in touch with families abroad. No more trips to the libraries when need to research about something. No more trips to business/payment centers to pay for utility bills. However, just like what you said, we can say that these things make us lazy in a way. Yes, it has also affected our physical activities as things have gotten easier.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
15 Jul 10
I believe that it would be really rare to encounter a person in a developed country whose life hasn't been impacted by the internet in some way. That said, there are several ways in which my life has been impacted through the internet. The biggest impact that the internet has had on my life is that it was through the internet that I met my husband. In addition to that, I've met many friends whose friendship I will maintain for the remainder of my life. Also, most recently I've been able to increase my income a little bit thanks to the internet.
@Simon1223 (903)
• China
13 Jul 10
The answer is definitely yes. Just as you said, I could collect a lot of useful information through internet, which could enrich my knowledge. It's true that we could get such information through other ways, but it would take us much more time. For we live in a information-explosion era, we'd better not waste any time. In addition, I could do a lot of things by means of internet. For instance, I could buy a lot of things and pay my bills online, which makes my life more convenient.
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
13 Jul 10
Yeah, as far as I am concerned, I think the Internet has affected me a lot about my daily life. Before I have connected with the Internet, I just know little about the Internet. After I have known a lot about the Internet, I think I can not leave the Internet any more. I need the help of Internet a lot in my life. You see, I am making friends and making money here!
@Dezzaan (80)
• Sweden
13 Jul 10
Yes, Internet have affected my life in a huge way. I met my fiance on the internet and we've been together for several years now and I would say that its the best thing internet done for me! :)
• Bangladesh
13 Jul 10
we all learn...everyday we learn new things frm it if the intention is good...recently i found a new professional networking site www.paracalls.com which is really good...u may check it...not famous as linkedin or zing...but helpful as both for social and professional activities...many useful things in it
• India
13 Jul 10
What a question u have asked. Yes definitely it has changed my entire life and i will be grateful to it forever as i got my love my boy friend from here through chatting. And that was the turning point of my life. And beside of it i have learnt many thing from here and still i am learning. But the most precious thing in my life i have got from here.
• United Arab Emirates
12 Jul 10
yes it has effected my life...specially mylot...before i discovered mylot i used to sleep at 10.30 and wake up at six and had a daily routine of exercising. But now i sleep only after 12.00 and wake up at 7. My exercise has gone for a toss. I nearly spend 14-16 hours in front of my laptop.
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@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
13 Jul 10
thanks for the response. that is really a huge time. you are almost doing a job.
• Philippines
13 Jul 10
internet indeed is a source of life, knowledge and competent sharing. internet is life-saving.