You trink the internet is uniting or separating people?

July 12, 2010 3:40pm CST
Nowadays, people come in and socias network can make hundreda of friends. But not even respond to your scrapbook. Only add to increase their network of friends. What do you think about this?
5 responses
@mitply83 (68)
29 Jul 10
I think the internet is uniting and separating people. Let me explain, the internet unites because it allows you to meet and interact with people from all over the globe and lets you share information really easily. However, it can separate because it is very easy to stop physically meeting people if you can chat to hem more easily online
• Philippines
19 Jul 10
communication via the internet is a double-edged sword. there is no doubt that the internet has helped in reconnecting old friends from all over the world and has connected total strangers as well. it is oftentimes awesome to see people whom you do not know respond to your blog posts (when you have little idea how they came across your blog in the first place). social networks fast-track all these "unification" process. at times, however, we do tend to take this relative ease in communication a tad lightly. i certainly have heard of people who are regularly in touch by writing each other old-school way (written letters via snail much and such), but lost contact when they finally got connected by email and the internet. it is probably the thought that the friend is around in cyber and easy to contact that makes communication less frequent. i do not know what other people's thoughts are regarding this matter though.
@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
12 Jul 10
Iternet can unite people in some ways but technology in general is separating them. When I was young, children went out to play in the streets. They were social plays, such as football and other ball or marbles games. Now children stay at home and they meet people with their computers. They don´t look at each other´s eyes. The webcam is not the same. It is so different that some young girls dare show themselves naked in front of the camera because they feel safe. But it is not safe as it is not safe to change a street game for another where you do virtual things. In this site I have many "friends" with whom I trade sites to earn more money online. But I have 4 or 5 real friends. I know how they live, what are their problems. They can´t be a hundred. Noone can have a millon of friends as Roberto Carlos wanted in his beautiful song. Take care and happy posting!
@jerikjames (1041)
• Philippines
13 Jul 10
I think the internet is uniting the people more than separating them. You might say that the internet is separating them because of the loss of personal touch and face-to-face interaction. True, but nonetheless, they're communicating online right? I mean, personal touch aside, people are interacting more and more in the internet because it provides them more fun and engaging ways for them to do and enjoy together. Not to mention, people can communicate with distant friends, relatives, and loved ones. Another thing to note is that how can we say that it separates people when Internet transcends space? One person on one side of the globe can meet another person from a different side of the globe, who could meet another in another side, and so on. =)
@T_Diamond (965)
• New Zealand
12 Jul 10
The internet is uniting people, but you gotta be careful who you call your "friends"