Kris Aquino and James Yap

@labea17 (443)
July 13, 2010 7:52am CST
Do you think that as the first sister of the new president of the Philippines, should Kris Aquino nullify her wedding with James Yap? I think that she should not do it. She should stop adding more drama and instead focus more on rebuilding their family. I have watched in the television that james is trying to get back to her, but she does not want to do it. I think that for the sake of their child, baby James, Kris should do what is right and that is to gwet back with her husband. And also, does she have any plans to get married again? I heard her lawyer said that when their marriage is nullified, they can get married again with other people. Cmon, Kris. You've had too many men in your life already. What do you guys think?
3 responses
• Philippines
13 Jul 10
Kris Aquino is the kind of person who is not contended with simple things, I guess. She makes things more complicated. With her attitude, she will never find true happiness in her marriage and in her future marriage/s.
@labea17 (443)
• Philippines
13 Jul 10
I think that based on what kris is doing, she will never be happy and her children will suffer from what she is doing. Look at Josh, I think that he has found a father figure in James and Kris will just take that away from him. It seems like she doesn't want herself and her children to be happy..
• Philippines
16 Jul 10
i think if she feels that the marriage is not working anymore, then quit. i mean why do you have to stay on a relationship without trust anymore? keeping a relationship for the sake of the children, c'mon guys., that is sooo old tradition.. would you like to grow up in a family where parents doesnt have respect for each other? you may want to see them separated but in good vibes than together but fighting.
• Philippines
13 Jul 10
It's true that James Yap don't want the marriage to end and that he would do anything to save their relationship for their son. But we can't really impose unto Kris of getting rid of her plans to nullify their marriage. I don't like the person really, but she has her own life and is accountable for it. I just hope she's making the right decision and she'll not regret it later. If she truly has grown up and if she values the preachings her mother has taught her then she should really think about this matter and put a lot of things into consideration.